Death by Rooftop (Requested Soap)

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"These heels are killing my feet," you grumbled.

Soap let out a chuckle. "We're almost to the room and then I'll take them off for you."

You smirked and squeezed his hand tighter as you watched the bellboy stack your heavy suitcases. Not all of them were clothes. Instead, the heaviest of them were carefully packed with weapons and gear for the mission behind the stay. The bellboy struggled with some and you wanted to help, but you forced yourself to keep the image of a snobby rich person for the mission.

Your "husband" was tense next to you, watching past the bellboy to the hotel lobby beyond. He was always watchful and aware of everything around him, especially you. Though his eyes weren't on you now, they usually always were when some part of you wasn't touching him.

"This way to your room," the bellboy led us to the elevator.

"I'll take the stairs," Soap spoke simply, giving you a secretive look.

You were to stay with the luggage to make sure the bellboy didn't go through anything. Soap was going to take the stairs to see if any cameras of the enemy were set up. To his look, you gave a confident nod as the doors slid close.

Upon reaching the top floor, you followed the bellboy down the hall to the suite. Soap came up next to you halfway down, pressing a hand to your lower back. You gave him a smile.

"Thank you," Soap slipped up on the snobby mask and tipped the bellboy upon entering the room.

The bellboy dipped his head and then quickly exited the room, closing the door behind him. You swung your personal suitcase off the luggage cart. You rolled it into the fancy suite room, coming to a stop upon facing the king bed. The bathroom was nearby, dimmed lights glowing out into the dim room. You gazed out the window panels surrounding most of the room.

Arms wrapped around you. "Quite the place."

"Indeed," you spun in Soap's arms, giving him a smile. "This place is so fancy and amazing, I'm forgetting the other part of it."

Soap frowned. "Maybe don't think about that part until tomorrow."

"What am I supposed to think about then?"

Soap's gaze darkened and then he smirked. "How we are going to spend the night."

You gave him a look. "And how's that?"

Soap moved away from you. "I'll start the bath and you can come see."

You smirked as he disappeared into the fancy bathroom. Water started pouring from inside, signaling Soap had had plans the whole time. You shook your head in amusement and then stripped down to nothing.

Walking around the corner, you leaned against the doorway and watched Soap fill the bath with bubbles. He glanced to you and then completely froze, his blue eyes trained on your entirely naked body.

"Come on then," you dipped into the hot-tub-like bath and let out a hum to the warmth of the water.

Soap was soon to join you, his lips curving in a smile as you went over to him. Your legs confidently straddled his thighs underneath the water. You cupped his face, kissing him passionately.

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