Times We've Had (Requested Keegan)

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Will contain smut!!

"We get the file, we get out, as simple as that."

"Except nothing is ever simple when we're involved, is it?" you countered, throwing shade.

His blue eyes were fiercely icy when they met yours. Though he said nothing, you knew there was a storm of anger behind his translucent features. You cocked a daring eyebrow in response, stoking his fire a little hotter.

It had been a rough last two months for you and likely Keegan as well. For about a year beforehand, you'd shared many intimate moments with the Ghost soldier. Your little thing was a well-kept secret and a rather major importance for both of you.

When feelings had started to interfere with the situation and being soldiers, he'd been the one to break things off first. You'd found yourself ignorant at first, then angry, finally upset. Now, it was just dull without him.

Outside of the sex had been meaningful conversations and moments that had made you attach to Keegan that much more. As much as you'd willed yourself not to fall for him, you did, oh hell you did. If it'd been anywhere else in time or place, you both would be together together. So, in a way, the ending of the little thing you had crushed you.

You couldn't help but throw shade.

"Do you have the hacking device?"

You pulled out the small monitor, waving it to show you did. Keegan nodded in approval and then shifted over on the glass of the building. You tucked the monitor safely inside the pocket of your pants, releasing the object.

Then it went tumbling out.

"Shit!" you grumbled, watching the monitor fall stories below.

"Dammit, Y/N!" Keegan hissed, glaring at you from where he worked on getting into the building. "Can you do anything right?"

"Shut the fuck up," you growled, jumping against the window so it broke.

You landed inside, disconnecting your rappelling gear and whipping out your knife. Ahead, a Federation soldier was standing with their back to you. You lunged forwards, stealthily taking out the enemy. A second guard started to pipe up in surprise, but you threw the same knife straight into his head from where you crouched.

Keegan slipped silently through his perfect hole in the glass, looking at the scene. You picked up your knife, wiping it off on the body and then sheathed it, glaring at him; if there was one difference between you two, it was that he always did things "by the book" when you went more rugged.

"You dropped the hacking device!" Keegan faced you with fury.

"It was an accident!" you argued, clenching your fists.

Keegan huffed. "You are unbelievable!"

"Says the one who won't cut me the slightest slack!"

"There's no room for slacking!"

You rolled your eyes. "Okay, then explain the last year!"

"None of that mattered!"

You fell silent, continuing your glare. None of it mattered? Did that mean you didn't matter? What you shared didn't matter?

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