Not Some Dog (Requested Hesh)

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Hey everyone!

I'm officially signed up for the SAT and a two-day IB math test in May. Yikessss. I'm stressing so hard right now hahaha! We don't even have a single day off in April!!! KMS. FYI junior year is the WORST. For those of you reading and are my age, I'm sure you understand. Those who are younger...beware and be prepped for some serious work.

I hate school.

Anywho, hope your weekend has been fantastic! I also hope you enjoy this! I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to update in the end of April, beginning of May (those are the days I was just feeling sick about above), but I'm going to try!

Thanks for the love and support! :)



"Oh good boy! Now, now, lie down so I can get your belly."

Riley listened to your gentle commands, tongue popping out like a goofball as he balanced directly on his back. His lighter stomach was exposed, allowing you to continue the brushing you were giving him.

"You shouldn't spoil him," your boyfriend called from the kitchen. "He's a worker, a fighter, not a little pet."

"It's not spoiling, it's taking care of his coat, Hesh," you piped back and then smiled at Riley. "All done boy!"

Rolling back to his feet, Riley carefully put his front paws on your shoulders from where you sat on your knees. He proceeded to lick your face in gratitude and you laughed, rubbing his face.

"That's my boy!"

Riley jumped down and went to tackle his bone. You stood up, rubbing your bulging belly in slight discomfort, and then set the brush on the movie shelf. You picked up the trash can where all Riley's hair was going and went into the kitchen.

"This guy can come out any day now," you grumbled in annoyance.

"That uncomfortable?" Hesh wondered from where he stirred some spaghetti noodles.

"Uh-huh," you opened up the package of French bread and set the oven to heat up.

"Riley, out of the kitchen bud," Hesh glanced over his shoulder to his family of war.

Riley dropped his head and then trotted off to his designated downstairs pillow.

"Poor boy," you teased.

"You know I love him."'

You wrapped your arms around Hesh from behind, your stomach sticking out between you, and then pecked his jaw. Hesh was focused on dinner, his expression hard. The moods came randomly. One moment he would be piped up and the next he would go silent and dark.

You seriously wondered how much he was ready for this child. Sure, it had been unexpected and your parents had insisted that Hesh stay with you- that or get an abortion- but you still felt a little more ready. Hesh had never once seemed up to the task, as if he didn't care.

You felt like he was going to ditch after the little boy came.

"I'm going to go start laundry."

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