Sickie (Reyes)

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It was the worst sickness you'd had in a good year. You know, the kind with the constant runny nose, rubbed raw from blowing so many times, and the kind where your head feels like it's going to explode. Yeah, you felt that way. 

Your week consisted of moving from your bed, to the bathroom, to the couch and the kitchen- on a constant repeat. You ate, though you could barely keep crackers down, and binge watched your favorite shows.

The sound of a doorbell made you groan from where you rested on the couch, in a cocoon of soft blankets. You managed to find your way out of the warm mess and push pause on the show as you fixed your shirt. Your hair was pulled up with a single hair tie in a mess and you wore socks, sweats and a comfy tee. 

"What do you want?" 

You opened the door, the sunlight filtering through the doorway blinding you and making you feel sick; oh how much you loved your cave-like house- dark and quiet. A figure blocked out some of the light, making you cover your eyes with the back of your hand to focus. 

"Damn, you look beautiful." 

"Shut up," you growled. "Just say it, I look like the next hurricane about to hit the east coast." 

Nick Reyes, your boyfriend of a year, let out a small chuckle. "No, you just feel like it. May I come in?" 

"If you want to become infested as well," you motioned for him to join you. 

"I never get sick." 

"Never say never," you gave it your best shot to do a Justin Bieber voice, but only ended up in an ugly coughing fit.

Reyes set his gift to you, a bag with your favorite sick-time remedies. He sighed and looked around the duplex, his blue gaze a gentle breeze on a beach. You picked through the bag, already popping a cough drop into your mouth. 

"Thanks for bringing this." 

"You're welcome," Reyes faced you. "Now, go sit down. I'll make you some of my soup." 

You rolled your eyes. "Yes, sir." 

"There's only one time you can use those words, you know that," Reyes held a small smirk as he disappeared around the corner to the kitchen. 

"Yeah, when you're a bossy asshole!" you teased, moving to sit in your nest on the couch. 

Before five minutes passed, you could smell the chicken and dumplings cooking. Your dry mouth watered and you moved your head to look at Reyes, leaning casually against the doorway. His blue gaze was tilted happily towards you. 

"What? Creep?" 

"Nothing," Reyes crossed the room, sitting at your feet. "Just thinking." 

"About?" you held onto the word. 

Reyes sighed, resting a hand on your knee, propped up against the couch. "You. I just feel so lucky to have you. To be able to make things for you and come home to your smile is just unbelievable sometimes." 

"What do you want? What'd you do?" you snapped playfully, leaning forwards. 

"Nothing," Reyes shrugged. 

Nick Reyes was a noble and honest person. He never lied to you, unless it was Christmas- that was a different story entirely- and he never tried to hurt you. With his dark chocolaty locks, shining blue eyes, perfect jawline, amazingly defined muscles and gentleman-like attitude, Reyes was almost imaginary. But you swore to yourself he was real and that he actually loved you for the stubborn person you sometimes were.  

"I don't believe you," you crossed your arms. 

Reyes' jaw tightened in a seductive smile. His arms suddenly enclosed yours, shoving you gently to the arm of the couch. You could smell his scent now, a sweet masculine scent that sent your emotions over the edge. 

"Easy, don't want you to get sick," you whispered, legitimately trying to not breath on him. 

"I don't care," Reyes murmured back, his voice thick like peanut butter. 

"I do," you playfully pushed him off you. "Now, go get me my soup!" 

Reyes backed off, ruffling your hair as he went into the kitchen. You groaned and quickly tried to fix the messiness of it anyways. 

"This should do the trick," Reyes brought a steaming bowl of soup to you. 

"It always does," you took the bowl and coughed in the crook of your arm. "Why do I have to feel like shit?" 

"It's the time of the year," Reyes found a spot behind you. "You'll be out running in no time." 

You stifled a groan. For the last month, Reyes had been on your ass about eating healthy and exercising. Outwardly, you tried your hardest to fight him, yet inwardly you loved the way it made you feel. You'd already noticed a difference. 

"That actually sounds so much nicer than this," you sighed, feeling Reyes take your hair out. "I'd rather run three marathons." 

Reyes paused and you could feel his smirk rise to the silence. You quickly thought about your words and then recoiled. 

"Speaking metaphorically," you took a bite of a dumpling. "Please don't actually make me do that." 

"I'm not that mean," Reyes still held a smirk as he played with your hair and worked the knots out with his fingers, relaxing you instantly. 

"Uh-huh," you finished the soup within a couple of large bites, 

Reyes was silent, playing with your hair and rubbing your shoulders softly. You couldn't help but set your bowl down and then lean backwards into his welcoming chest. His arms wrapped around you, warming you from the outside in. 

"I'm going to get you sick." 

Reyes kissed your ear. "Then you can take care of me." 

"Oh, is that so?" you tilted your chin, feeling his lips trickle below your ear and onto your jaw. 

"Or we can be sick together," Reyes smiled into his peppered kisses. 

"Or you can avoid being sick," you pushed away from him and stood up with your jumble of blankets. "by tucking me in bed and leaving me alone." 

"Ouch," Reyes gazed at you. 

"Come on, now," you turned off the TV and began tumbling up the stairs. 

"Yes, ma'am." 

You dove into your bed, wrapping the warm blankets all around you with a hum of content. Reyes entered the room a few minutes later, flicking off the lights and stripping off his shirt to join you. 

Your hands found his chest and you cuddled into him tighter. Reyes sighed and wrapped his arms around you. 



"My throat is already starting to be sore." 


I need a gentleman like Nick Reyes to come and take care of me. I've been sick the last few days and I just can't kick it. Ughhhh

Reyes has been requested a couple times and I wanted to write about him, so I just thought that I'd update a casual one to begin with. :) 

So, I have decided to drop the big question on y'all: If I wrote the first smut on here (lemon, sex, whatever you want to call it), who would you want it to be with? Kinda decided it's time because a couple of people have requested it and before it was too early, now I think we're all ready. Let me know either in the comments or in a message. I'll be counting up the votes for who and then write one (maybe two if I decide y'all are greedy). 

I want to thank you all for the amount of support I've been getting for this book recently! It really helps me write more of these little "moments" for you, so thanks so much. OUR new goal is to get 1K VOTES! 

Love you all so much! 


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