I Never Want You To (Logan Smut!)

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Since today is the THIRD YEAR ANNIVERSARY (that means 3 years of this thing people!) of this book, I decided to throw in an extra update with something special! ;)

Thank you so much for all of the support on this book, I can't believe it's gone this far. Keep up the beautiful comments, requests and votes! Every action brightens my day!

WARNING! THE FOLLOWING CONTENT CONTAINS GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF SEXUAL INTERCOURSE AND NUDITY. I flipping warned you so don't fight me! You're continuing to read this with your own decisions, no one is forcing you to read this if you don't want to.

To those of you that will continue...enjoy lovelies!



"Logan Walker, please report to communications, Logan Walker," the name felt smooth on your tongue, like chocolate leaving a thick coating in your mouth after melting.

You withdrew from the microphone, breathing out a sigh that couldn't be heard from anyone else but yourself. Nearby, another comrade named Kick worked on hacking some systems. He wasn't much however, never talking. You didn't make an effort to make him either.

"It's Friday! That means we get a day off tomorrow!"

You started to the loud voice of Hesh, Logan's older brother, and then glared his direction. "You could keep it down."

"You two are like bats in a cave in this place," Hesh waved his hand dismissively. "You never get out either."

"I'd rather be here having to save your ass every time you fuck up," you snapped back.

Kick glanced at you in sustained amusement. "Why are you here, Hesh?"

"To tell you it's Friday!"

When the word registered in your brain for the second time, you felt your mind grow wings and float upwards. Most Friday's meant time alone...with Logan Walker. Yes, that was why his name was melted chocolate on your tongue. The two of you were, to put it into context, comrades-with-benefits.

In the beginning of joining up, you had hated the man yet as time went on, you found yourself attracted to him. Logan was the first to make a move- a time both of you had been drunker than holy hell- and the next morning the two of you discussed it.

It kinda led to the present- where Logan would enter your quarters randomly and ask you if you wanted to and would then proceed to do the deed, only if you wanted to of course. Without consent, Logan would sit in silence for a moment and then leave the room reluctantly. Though you rarely declined.

Logan was all about himself in those moments. He took barely any time to pleasure you and mostly used your body to fulfill the need for a "good fuck." That was the part of the deal you didn't like. You sometimes got to finish, but mostly not. You'd have to complete yourself after he left- which was either right away or sometimes after you fell asleep and would have to deal with not orgasming.

"Y/N, are you coming or what?"

You glanced up from where your gaze had fallen back onto a computer. "I'll don't feel like joining for dinner tonight."

Hesh frowned and then said nothing as he left the room.

While it was mostly true, you only wanted to settle down and relax. Just in case Logan showed up later. You didn't doubt that he would.

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