Window Cleaner (Mason)

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I'm SO sorry for not updating recently. Honestly, my heart just hasn't been into any sort of writing and I don't know why. Some of it is because of writer's block, I'm sure. Ideas are starting to form in my head and I've written them down, so this girl is getting back into the writer's world.

I'm also sorry this is another proposal-type update that's short. I'll try to get around to requests (PLEASE send me MORE!) and get caught up on those. Btw, if I haven't made YOUR request into a "moment" and it's been a month, please re-request! I am putting YOU first! :)

Love you all so much, thank you even more so for the amount of reads and activity on this book! I know I haven't deserved it the past month. Anyways, ENJOY! :)

(Don't judge the company name, I JUST came with it :P)



"Hello, this is Steel's Metal company, how can I help you?" you answered the hundredth phone call of the day, no exaggeration.

"Yes, I'd like to reiterate my request for a refund. I've been waiting two months," the man's voice was snappy.

"We are very busy here in the office," you kept calm. "I will put you down and the manager will get back to you."

The man groaned. "Fine."

The phone clicked off and you sighed in defeat. You hadn't even gotten the man's name or other information. There went another unhappy customer.

You'd worked for this metal company for over three years. Though you had never loved the job, you continued working to pay for your apartment in downtown Seattle, Washington. It wouldn't be long until you would hopefully move closer to your boyfriend.

"The phone's for you, Y/N!" your desk partner called you from your depressing thoughts.

"Hello, this is Steel's Metal Company," you tried not to sound bored, but you knew your past thoughts had put a damper on your mood.

"Why hello, I'm looking to talk to a beautiful woman named Y/N," the voice held a small smirk. "You don't sound like her, though."

"David," you breathed. "Quit bugging me at work, you weirdo!"

"Sorry, I just love you too much to not talk to you," Mason's grin could be felt through the phone. "Having a bad day?"

"Just long and boring," you admitted. "Anyways, I seriously need to go."

Your boss had appeared from his office, waving you over. You held up a finger and looked down at your watch, blinding checking the time. Mason let out a worried sigh, the background sounding rather loud and jumbled.

"Where are you?"

"High," Mason admitted.

You groaned. "Seriously?"


"You better not be when I stop by later!"

"Yeah yeah," Mason chuckled. "I'll see you later."

You quickly hung up the phone and stood up from your wheeled chair. Your heels clicked as you made your way to the boss's office. He invited you in a little too quickly.

"You needed me."

"Yes," he gathered two cups of tea from his pot near the front of the room.

Your back was to the large windows overlooking the city. As much as you wanted to look out in amazement, you kept yourself facing your boss; it would be rude to not give him your attention.

"Your work has slowed down rather significantly, Y/N."

"I'd like to apologize, sir-"

He held up a hand after giving you some tea. "Sometimes in life we all break down. We need something to pick us back up, whether it be hobbies or friends or vacations or whatever."

A window cleaner had rappelled down to his office window and was cleaning the outside of it skillfully. You glanced towards the cleaner warily and then returned to your boss. He had barely spared a glance to the windows.

"My way of lifting you back up is to help you, Y/N," your boss sipped his tea.

"How's that, sir?"

"I'm letting you go."

His words stung your heart more than you thought any could. You wanted to drop the cup of tea right where you stood, yet instead your hand started shaking uncontrollably. Tears threatened the backs of your eyes.

"You need a 'pick-up' and I don't think you're happy here anymore," your boss was only starting to piss you off. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," you managed, setting your tea down.

You turned to go back to your desk; you needed to be out before the day was over.

"Before you go," you boss made you stop, "please take one last look at the window. I know you've always loved the scenery."

You swallowed, bit your bottom lip, and then turned. From where you stood at the center of the room, you saw the entire window. The cleaner was just finishing a question that made you gasp aloud. His wiper finished the period part of the question mark and he grinned in towards you.

When you look to your boss, he was looking past you to the office. You turned once more to see everyone in the office holding up their phones towards you. Your gaze finally fell onto the man kneeling romantically in front of all of them.

Your heart legitimately skipped a beat.

You found yourself walking out of your boss's office to the crowd just outside. Everyone was silent, tears forming in the toughest of eyes. You felt your shaky hands cover your mouth.

"I would've given you my speech, but I dropped the note cards off the roof," his voice was shaking. "So," he paused, saying the two words on the window, "marry me?"

You didn't have a doubt. "Yes, Mason, absolutely!"

His smile was that of something unexplained. If the sun could smile, no, if puppies could smile to their new toys, that wouldn't even touch Mason's excitement. You knew, though, that you were no toy to him. You were his sunshine, the light he woke up to everyday to determine his mood. You were his cherry on top.

Mason's muscular hug was tighter than that of a bear's and his hand was nervously clammy as he gently took up your left hand and slipped the perfect engagement ring onto your finger. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed him deeply.

Cheers erupted throughout the office as cameras clicked. You felt awkward to be kissing in front of so many of your co-workers, yet you continued until Mason stopped, which felt like a long time.


"I'm so happy!"

"That's so cute!"

All of the women and men were awing over you two and it gave you the best feeling in the world. Mason held your waist close as he never stopped smiling brightly at you, as if you were a dream he never wanted to let go of.

In that moment, you didn't care that you'd just gotten fired solely because your boss wanted you to have time with Mason. You didn't care that co-workers had experienced your tears of joy or that the male customer who'd called wouldn't return to do business with the company.

You just wanted to spend the rest of your life with your man.

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