The One- Part 2 (Logan)

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Because I really liked the request and the way the last one turned out, I decided to make a part 2 for you all! It was very hard to not post this sooner!

Another, sadder, note. I just wanted to say a few words to readers who may be in the crisis towards the east coast. I live in Oregon where we are dealing with huge fires, but I cannot imagine what you must be going through in the Texas and Florida areas. I'm wishing that everything turns out okay for all families and that this is all over soon! Stay safe! <3

Hope you enjoy this lengthy piece!



Three Weeks Since Logan's Capture

"A better hit, indeed," you spoke with a small smile to the two men you'd been training for two months now.

They shared a smile and then looked back to you on the side of the ring.

"You've had enough today, go rest and eat."

"We've barely done anything, ma'am," the taller one spoke carefully.

That was something you'd made the mistake of multiple days in a row now. Ever since the prisoner, Logan, had been moved into the base as a recruit, you'd been giving your men breaks. You had yet to see Logan and had yet to meet him formally, so perhaps that was what kept you on your toes.

"Y/N," Rorke called by the entrance to the huge training room.

"Dismissed," you muttered to the men and jogged over to Rorke. "Yes?"

"Today is the day that I've allowed Logan out of his cell. I want you to give him a detailed tour and explain to him why he's here, even though he already knows."

"Yes, Rorke," you dipped your head.

"Logan!" Rorke snapped, yanking on a chain.

Immediately, a weak and changed man stumbled out next to Rorke. His face was filthy, eyes wild and driven with natural instinct to defend himself. You couldn't help but mentally flinch and want to feel bad for the man.

"Also, once you're done, please wash him up."

"May I wash him before?" you sniffed. "He's rather distracting with that smell."

Rorke shrugged, handing the chain to you. "Just do what I ask in whatever order you please."

As he spun around, Logan flinched and looked after Rorke. You touched his firearm, bare with the ripped uniform he wore. Logan jumped and pulled back in fear, his eyes looking at you.

"Come with me."

Logan said nothing as you followed Rorke and then turned sharply down a left hallway towards your private showers in your quarters. As you shut the door, you loosened your grip on the chain, Logan watched in silence the entire time, eyes moving to the bed and back to you in fear.

"I won't do anything like that to you, Logan Walker," you whispered, leading him to the bathroom tub. "I'll warm up the water, please take off your shirt and everything else slowly."

Logan didn't say anything as you leaned over, turning the water on to a medium lukewarm heat. When you'd finished getting a towel a minute later and faced Logan, you tilted your head in surprise. He hadn't moved.

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