Skating Rink (Soap)

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"So what are you doing tonight?"

"I'm busy," you responded to your friend. "Boyfriend is taking me out on a date."


"He won't tell me!"

"Well, have a good time with that then. I'll let you know how the movie goes."

You said goodbye to your friend and then hung up the phone. Sighing, you wandered over to the mirror by the door of your apartment. You silently critiqued yourself, pointing out all of the flaws that you were sure Soap frequently thought about too.

No, he's not like that.

Over the three months of dating, you'd found Soap to be quite the gentleman- through arguing over stupid topics and dealing with his shitty attitudes. You had been through a couple of episodes where he was reminded about back when he served in the military. He often made up for those gruesome nights by constantly being sarcastic and throwing jokes, most often sexual, your way. Soap was also so entirely caring and loyal- always making time for you no matter what was going on.

"Knock knock!"

To the arrival of the very man himself, you jumped away from the mirror and helped him open the door. His grin made your heart thump harder and you gave him a smile in return.


"I think so," you nervously picked up your keys.

Soap laughed, linking arms with you as you finished locking up the place. You walked alongside him towards his car and tried to remember Soap was mostly a gentleman. He surely had an idea that would stomp those of average men and, with that, there was no need for you to be scared in the slightest.

"Thank you for not wearing a dress."

"Uh, why?"

"First off, I have to restrain myself from touching you. Second, a dress wouldn't suit what we're doing very well."

You blushed and sat deeper in the seat of the car as Soap began driving. His smirk and sly glance made you want to punch him at the same time. Instead, you looked out the window to attempt to figure out where the vehicle was headed.

"I promise you're going to like it," Soap murmured.

"Holding you to that."

"There's a reason I didn't say love."

You chuckled and looked out the windshield. Soap smiled and a hand came over, clasping your thigh in pure intimacy. You inwardly squealed, yet outwardly refrained yourself to wiggling.

"Wait," you narrowed your eyes. "Is this what I think it is?"

"What do you think it is?"

"Is is the shutdown roller blading rink? It's been closed for over ten years!"

"Exactly why it was easy to set this up," Soap winked as he pulled the car up by the doors of the abandoned building.

"You broke into a building?"


"I feel like I know nothing about your secret skills."

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