I Don't Forget (David Mason)

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Hey y'all, I'm feeling so unaccomplished. I wrote in my planner a few months back that I was supposed to have three published stories on here by July and I don't. I also thought I would have updated sooner, but I'm a slacker and HAVEN'T!

You all should hate me :(

Anywho, I'm gunna start updating a little more consistently and maybe even post a few stories I've been working on.

I love you all and I hope you can forgive me for going a MONTH without updating. I will get around to updating requests, yet right now my focus is to just UPDATE in general.

Love you and enjoy this unedited piece!



Your breaths came in short, sharp bursts as your legs drifted you across the tile pieces of the floor. With your fists clenched tight around a stolen machine gun, you weaved skillfully through hallways and passageways to escape the cursing men behind you .

They shot, you shot. They cried out, you cursed in hints of defeat.

The heavy weight on your back was the only thing to remind you of your mission. It was almost complete at this point, the virus planted into the enemy base and their experiment strapped securely on your back. Your heart was racing with the drive to complete one of the most important missions you'd ever been assigned.

Your two partners were dead. And why? Because you had killed them. That's right, you weren't exactly the soldier your employer thought you were.

You were on the side of Seal Team Six and had been since you were only twenty. During a mission months before the one you were completing currently, the terrorist named Raul Menendez had manipulated you into doing dangerous errands for him- those included betraying all that you'd ever known.

You had to admit that you enjoyed it. You enjoyed betraying those who'd pushed you for the longest time. Menendez made you feel important and powerful- two things that made a terrorist dangerous.

"I'm on my way to the north," you spoke into the private comms between you and Raul Menendez.

"I will meet you," he spoke, accent heavy.

You breathed out, shooting over your shoulder at the team supporting the Seals. Many of them had been extremely wounded from your accurate shots and you couldn't help but feel proud of the harsh training that was paying off. Yet at the same time, a piece of you twisted in pain knowing some of the soldiers wouldn't live till morning, some leaving families.

Sliding to a stop in front of thick steel doors, you punched in the secret pin to enter and exit. As the doors slid open, you were faced with roaring rain and a dark, cloudy night sky. You ran for the trees, drenched with large droplets of tropical rainwater, and took cover behind a pair as most of the soldiers passed you.


"The edge of the cliff."

You gazed out through the thick groupings of trees and bushes to where a waterfall poured from a taller mountain in the distance. Between the body of water and the island where you stood, there was nothing but a deep, endless trench to bottom of a canyon.

"I'm headed your-" you were cut off as your ankles were bunched and hit together. "OW!"

As you stumbled to the soaking mossy ground, you let out a groan of annoyance. In the short distance, two men ran for you. You lifted your pistol, shooting twice to hit both men squarely in the shoulders. They dropped back and retreated, yowling protests of pain.

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