Secret Admirer (Requested Ilona)

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This was requested a while ago and it was such a challenge that I had to set it aside to really think about it. I hope ALL of my readers enjoy this one even though I think it sucks!

How many of you have played Infinite Warfare? Seriously love that game! Anyone want a "scenario" with a character? Comment (or message) and let me know!

I have to apologize for not updating, my grandpa passed away the 28th (day after my birthday :( sadly) and it has been crazy around here so that's why I haven't updated as much as I would've liked to. Anyways, I hope all of you had an amazing Christmas and got what you wanted!

Another update coming soon!



She was her own ways. One moment she would be gentle, another she'd be ready to rip an enemy's head off and even after that she would interrogate someone until their brains blew in tiny bits. Yet this woman, she could still sit down and talk until there wasn't anything to talk about.

"Y/N!" Ilona's accent snapped you from your thoughts.

She glared at you with deep chocolaty eyes and you sat up straighter in your chair. "Yes, Ilona?"

"Gideon needs your help."

"Alright," you got up and moved to exit the shooting range.

Ilona moved to go back to practice and you glanced back. Her focused face made your heart pound unconditionally. You quickly left before she caught your wandering gaze.

"Finally you're here," Gideon crossed his arms as he stood in front of a crate packed with medical supplies.

You rolled your eyes. "What did you need help with?"

"I need help moving the heavy stuff over to the shelves," Gideon looked from the crate to the shelf off to the right.

"What, Mr. Hercules can't lift this shit himself?" you taunted as you moved to lift things one at a time.

Gideon huffed. "Something like that."

"Your back is bothering you again isn't it?"

Gideon's lips thinned as he grabbed lighter things.

"Old man," you teased and heaved a container of heavy medical supplies you couldn't see onto the counter. "You should get that checked."

"Then I'm out for three months," Gideon growled. "Not happening."

The two of you worked in silence for a few moments. Your mind wandered back to where Ilona was most likely practicing her skills as a soldier. How she was able to do such for hours on end was something you couldn't comprehend. She was unrealistic sometimes.

"Something on your mind, Y/N?" Gideon asked aloud.

"No, not really."

"Come on, I can see it on your face."

"Alright, but you can't tell anyone else, okay?"

Gideon crossed his heart. "Promise."

"Ilona has me hooked."

Gideon's face was normal for a second and then he broke out into laughter. You awkwardly looked away, feeling an unusual heat move to your cheeks.

"You're telling me," more laughs, "you're after Ilona?"

When you didn't say anything, Gideon stopped short and stared at you. His blue eyes were wide yet teary from laughing so hard.

"Oh, you're serious."

"And I don't know how to go about it," you sighed.

"Just tell her," Gideon shrugged. "She won't rip your head off completely, but maybe just leave a few bruises."

"Not funny."

Gideon smirked. "Look, either tell her or don't. She's going to figure it out eventually because she's good at reading people, you know that."

"Perhaps," you looked downwards.

"Speaking of," Gideon looked through the doors to where Ilona was walking up.

"Are you done with Y/N yet?" Ilona demanded.

"Yes," Gideon nodded.

"Come on," she looked to you and you swallowed.

"What are we doing now?" you asked as the two of you walked away from Gideon.

Ilona was quiet for a while. "Honestly I just missed having your company. this day is just downright boring and you make it fun."

You felt your heartbeat quicken. "Ah, I see. What fun things am I supposed to do now?"

Ilona smirked. "Anything."

"Have you ever loved someone?"

Ilona fell silent and she glanced at you. "Brave question, I like it. Yes I have. You?"

"Yes," you replied and screamed internally as Ilona threw you a smile.


You. "Just some random," you lied. "Their looks were what got me."

"It's always the looks," Ilona rolled her eyes. "Tell me, do I know this person?"

Very well. "Maybe."

Ilona stopped suddenly and faced you. You instinctively backed up and held her judging gaze. She had always been artistic at detecting lies and reading people.

"I know your secret, Y/N," Ilona spoke lowly. "And I'm not ashamed to say I kind of like it."

You gulped as Ilona turned on her heels and left you alone in the hallway. Footsteps sounded behind you and a hand slapped your shoulder.

"Congrats, you actually got Ilona to like you," Gideon smirked. "You seriously might have something."

"Shut up," you growled.

Yet you couldn't help but look to where Ilona was smiling back at you over her shoulder.

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