Out of It (Reyes)

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You felt unusually dizzy. With the planets in the solar system years away from you, you wouldn't expect to feel motion sickness. On the flip side of things, maybe it wasn't because of the movements of planets but the movements made by your Captain controlling the Jackal.

Captain Nick Reyes was a skilled pilot, dodging bullets and rockets, sending out flares and keeping up with orders all at once. His skilled movements, however breathtaking, were making your stomach clench into thousands of knots ready to release with the morning's breakfast.

"Comms are down!" Reyes was still fighting for a chance against the outnumbering Skelters and SDF forces. "Y/L/N, get us back online."

You sent out pings, flicking buttons on and off in an attempt fulfill the Captain's wishes. The Jackal wasn't on your side as it dropped a few feet down in space. Well, you couldn't really tell if it was down or up or to either side- all you knew was that your stomach was up to your throat at this point.

"Sir, we're losing power!"

"I know!" Reyes snapped, pulling up and switching to manual. "Dammit!"

"Mars is pulling us closer," you stated, feeling the heat of the atmosphere through the material of the Jackal. "What do we do Sir?"

Reyes said nothing for a while, licking his lips inside his helmet. You continued to send out flares and rockets, hoping to put any little dent you could in the SDF forces.

"Prepare for a crash landing."

You would've glanced worriedly at him if he'd been able to see you, yet since he was facing away you only widened your eyes. Reyes continued to hold onto the Jackal, attempting to steer for a smooth landing.

The ship just wasn't having it.

"Ten seconds till impact!"

"Brace!" you told yourself aloud.

Then a hard hit to the nose of the Jackal shoved you into a dark sleep.


"Reyes to command, Y/L/N and I have crash landed on Mars. I repeat, we've crashed on Mars!"

You coughed, shifting painfully in the abdomen as you opened your eyes. Your head and upper body were resting up against a stack of plastic pallets. As you dizzily gazed around, you realized the flaming Jackal ship was off to the right. Debris was scattered around nearby surely from the crash.

"Y/N!" Reyes was in front of you, kneeling down to make sure you were alright.

"Captain?" you blinked, shaking your head even though it hurt.

"We need to find somewhere to take cover. Your oxygen tank has a hole in it."

"No," you reached up, touching his cracked helmet. "Your helmet."

"Don't worry about me," Reyes commanded, grabbing your fingers and pulling you up.

He slung an arm around your back, guiding yours over his taller shoulders. You limped, pain shooting up your right leg, yet stayed close with him as the two of you took cover in a structure that looked like a base.

"Oxygen level is low in this room as well," Reyes grumbled, leaving you standing as he tried to increase the levels with a power board on the wall.

"W-We need to call for evac," you coughed, walking for a desk.

"I already tried, there's no connection."

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