Shooting for the Baby (Requested Roach)

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"It's Father's Day and I'm no father. Why should we celebrate?"

"Because," you gripped Roach's hands tightly, "it's an excuse to do something fun!" 


You thought a moment and then smiled. "Going shooting!"

"Hmm," Roach traced a tentative finger along your jaw in the bed you both shared. "That sounds rather fun indeed."

You moved your bare body closer to his under the covers, gripping his firm chest. "Do you mind if Ghost and Soap come too? The more, the better of a party."

"I think we had plenty of fun last night..." Roach sighed. "All right."

You smiled and kissed him passionately. "I love you, thank you!" 

Little did Roach know that this Father's Day was special. You had a little surprise for him he wouldn't expect, but one he would be glad to get. 

You got ready, pulling on a baseball cap and simple clothes. Roach was quicker than you, coming up behind you as your hands worked at moving the toothbrush in your mouth. You smiled as he held your lower tummy. 

"What?" you asked as you spit, watching him watch you.

"I just love you," Roach murmured, kissing your jaw. "Can't I watch something which I admire?" 

You turned in his arms, grinning. "Never." 

Roach smirked and then deeply kissed you. His taste was overwhelming to you, a flavor you would never tire over. His muscles easily lifted you as he set you at the edge of the bathroom counter. His hips drew tantalizingly closer. 

Then your doorbell rang. 

"The other two are here," you grinned. 

"Perfect timing, as always," Roach growled and then released you, helping you from the counter. 

You grinned and then left him in the bathroom. You reached the door, double-checked to make sure it was who you thought, and then welcomed the two friends in. Soap immediately hugged you tightly around the shoulders, grinning a silent smile of knowledge. Ghost kissed each of your cheeks, squeezing your shoulders in adoration. 

"Roach! Move your arse!" Soap shouted. 

"That's how you're going to greet me?"

"Of course not," Soap slammed their chests together and hugged his best bud. "You grump ass." 

"I'm not." 

"Ghost?" Soap demanded back-up.

"Debatable," Ghost shrugged. 

"All three of you can stop now," you rolled your eyes as you clutched your bag. "Can we go?" 

"I need to grab a couple of my-"

"Don't worry about it," Soap clasped Roach's shoulder. "I brought a lot of mine." 

Roach nodded. "All right." 

The four of you piled into Soap's truck. Roach sat with you in the backseat, his hand gently holding yours. You always loved to be close to him and him to you. For him, you were a calming aura and for you, he was your security. 

"We already set up some targets," Soap spoke as he drove. 

Roach shot you a look. "You already planned this with them?"

"Of course," you shrugged. "I had to have some type of plan or else you never would've made one."

Roach pouted and you smiled in reply. He was so cute. 

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