Civil War (Logan & Hesh Requested)

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You were twelve when you first met the Walker brothers. Sweet, gentle, and kind, the boys looked to you as a sister and homework key. Now, it seemed they looked at you differently at eighteen.

"I'm older," Hesh was arguing.

"So what? She likes me more!" Logan argued back.

"You don't have proof!" Hesh challenged.

From behind the door, you listened to their rants and bickering. Part of you wanted to go and stop it even though you knew it was inevitable. The boys had been fighting like this for months.

"Elias?" you entered the living room downstairs.

"Y/N," the father of the boys answered, turning to face you.

"I don't know what to do," you sighed. "They both seem to like me, but I can't choose one. If I like Logan then Hesh gets hurt and if I like Hesh then Logan gets hurt."

Elias thought a moment. "They both like you. They talk about you together in the same room, surprisingly."

"I don't know what to do," you sighed.

Elias put a hand on your shoulder. "Let them both go."

It was the only way none of you would get hurt. Though you hated the thought of not having gaming nights with junk food and calling them up when you felt uncomfortable, you knew Elias was right. You didn't want to hurt them.

"Hey Y/N!" Logan appeared in front of Hesh with a smile.

You didn't reply, but only looked down. Hesh was the type to notice small things of negative moods. He caught on to your gloomy mood immediately.

"What's wrong?" Hesh asked.

"We need to talk," you swallowed.

The brothers glanced at each other. You took a deep breath and glanced to Elias before speaking.

"I know you two have been fighting," the boys looked at each other in guilt. "I think it's time we part ways and start to live our own lives with distance between us," you added slowly, letting it sink in.

"That doesn't have to happen, I'll change. I'll find somebody else to try and-"

You held up a hand and shook your head. "It's inevitable that you both will love me. I need to go."

Quicker than light, you went out the front door to your car, tears falling down your face. You couldn't handle this, but you knew it had to happen. There wasn't one you could choose.

"Y/N!" Hesh ran out of the house after you, ignoring the rain.

You shut the car door, locking the door. Most of your focus was aimed at the key and starting the car. Hesh tapped on the window, yelling things you couldn't hear.

"No!" you yelled back, not meeting his gaze.

Your heart broke as you backed away, swiping the water off your windshield. Logan had come to stand next to Hesh, who trembled with not only sadness but anger. You avoided their gazes as you sped off down the road.

This was for the best.


SUUPPPERR short, sorry! This is bad too, so I'm also sorry! BUT I've been updating a lot, so that's my excuse. :P

Next will come soon!


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