Gold Bracelets (Soap)

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"I say we go into VS," your friend argued. "I need a new sports bra."

"But I want some extra lotions from the Fragrance Store!" your other friend replied.

"Guys, we have a ton of time," you shoved yourself between them. "We can most likely make both stores with ease."

"Where do you want to go Y/N?"

You shrugged. "I wanted to check out the jewelry store for a bracelet."

"Why don't we do that first?" one friend looked to the other and they both nodded in silent agreement.

So that's what you and your two friends did. All three of you walked towards the smaller part of the shopping mall where only few stores took up large amounts of space. The jewelry store was one of the biggest in town with enough jewelry to almost buy the entire state.

"Look at the rings!"

You laughed as both of your friends darted for the shining display of rings. The shine of nearby bracelets caught your attention at the same time, guiding you into a trance of diamonds, gold and silver.

"Can I help you with anything?" a formally dressed lady beamed at you.

"No, not yet."

"Let me know."

You picked up a bracelet that had a wire-like security piece on it. "Hmm."

"That looks good on you."

In shock, you looked over to where a man about your age was smirking in your direction. With shorter hair on the sides of his head, there was a strip right along the top that could be consider as a short Mohawk. The man also had blue eyes, a Scottish accent accompanying the handsome features.

"Thank you." Your gaze moved to where he was leaning against the counter with a display case of engagement rings, fit muscles flexing to his weight. "Picking something out for the lucky lady?"

"Returning something for an unlucky one, actually."

"Oh," you frowned. "I'm sorry."

"Doesn't matter now," the man breathed, looking away briefly.

"Maybe to brighten your mood you could help me find the best of these," you motioned to the bracelets, "for me."

The man glanced in your direction as if you were crazy and then he sighed, smiling halfway into that sigh. Getting away from the counter, he walked over, reaching to the tallest shelf that you couldn't quite reach and pulled off a gold bracelet with silver, blue and red diamonds arranged in a special pattern.

"The gold accents your eyes," the man gently slipped the bracelet onto your wrist as you breathlessly stared up into his eyes. "The silver and blue go with every outfit on this earth for a woman. The red just accents it all to make it a perfect match," he glanced down to your wrist in his larger palm, "and fit."

"Well I guess I found my bracelet then didn't I?"

The man smirked and released my wrist, taking the bracelet off to set it back on the shelf.

"What's your name?"

"John," the man paused as if to say more however nothing came out.

His eyes suddenly narrowed, lowly glancing towards the door you couldn't see. With worry, you tapped his shoulder.

"Everything alright John?"

"Yes," he smiled back at you. "Are those your friends?"

You looked to where the two were waiting at the door, hanging out on their phones. "Yeah."

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