Shut Up (Sandman Smut!)

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The following will contain SEXUAL CONTENT. I warned you!!!

To celebrate the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY with this book, I've decided to make a smexy scene with Sandman to fulfill all those wishes for well, um, THAT stuff. ;)

The only reason I'm doing Sandman is because he was really the first character I fell in love with. From there sprouted my stories (not on here) and then my fan-fictions on Wattpad. So really, you have Sandman to thank for my entire profile, book publishing thing I have on here. :)

Enjoy, you dirty rascals.



It was one of those special nights with your job where you'd eat dinner, chat with people and enjoy a night filled with drinks and dancing. Except this night you weren't as talkative as usual- not that you ever really were. You found yourself sitting off to the side listening to the conversations and watching people dance at the Grand Opening ball.

Until your bored e/c eyes crossed his deep ocean blue ones.

He was casting a rather secretive glance towards you, his muscular arms resting on a table with his other big-business friends. His red-brown-colored hair was neatly on top of his head, giving the look of someone important. Your eyes constantly wandered lower, even though you didn't urge them to.

"Y/N, can you tell us how that business deal went again?" someone called out towards your empty table and you jumped in your seat.

"M-Maybe another time," you whispered. "I'm, uh, not feeling well."

With that you sat up straighter and looked into your wine. The idea of resting your head on a pillow was almost unimaginable with the long day you'd been having. You wanted, no needed, a shoulder and foot rub. You also needed a stronger alcoholic drink to settle your bothersome thoughts.

"Something's on your mind," a hand subtly came to your knee.

You sighed. "You know me too well."

Sandman let out a low chuckle, gripping your hand as it rested on the table. "I'm ready to go whenever you are, sweetness."

Your heart fluttered. "Are you done with your friends?"

"Of course I am," he gazed at you with calm blue eyes. "You first, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah," you scooted back in your chair. "We best be off then."

Sandman laid his hand to your lower back, guiding you out of the building to head to your shared house. He drove, keeping a constant connection by holding hands with you.

"I got the door," you moved up the steps to the front door.

As you turned the silver key, you opened the door, revealing a dark house except for the small lamp on in the corner of the living room. You turned, opening your mouth to call back to Sandman.


You were suddenly shoved back against the closest wall, your lips engulfed by Sandman's skillful ones. His muscles easily propped you up against the wall, winding your legs around his waist.

"Sandman," you pulled away, breathing heavily.

His blue eyes were full of lust, an unusual shine to them in the dim lighting. You felt a chill sprint down your spine as he released you and silently begged you to follow him upstairs. You couldn't help but want to follow his calm form.

By the time you reached the bedroom, Sandman was in the middle of changing out of his clothes to pajamas. You walked towards him with loud feet, catching his attention.


"Shut up," you hissed, latching his lips to your own as you cupped his scruffy, perfect cheeks.

Sandman smirked as he felt your hands slide up his abs and link together over his shoulders. He gently brought you to the queen bed, his hand cradling your head and lower back.

It was moments later when you both were stripped. Your buds perked in fright to the cool air of the bedroom and goosebumps formed wherever Sandman's lips trailed to. His explored your entire body like never before, glancing up at you in a blissful innocence you knew wasn't innocent at all.

"You're so fucking amazing."

You let out a sigh as Sandman returned over you, his member close to the shadow cast between your legs. Your hands traced his collar bone, a perfect sight just like the rest of his body. Sandman stroked your hair and then brought his lips to yours, entering you slowly.

Sandman made movements to begin his tender dance he regularly showed you. You couldn't help but let the small bit of alcohol in your system do its job. Your head spun with its ingredients and the potion Sandman was also intoxicating you with.

His body heat rubbed against yours as he let out a grunt, proving he was so close. You were nearly there, your moans a melodic poem to his ears. Sandman only backed off when you hit your highest point, always making you his priority.

Sandman released second, his lips trailing to your collar bone as you let out another sound of approval. You panted, sweat beading your brow. Sandman looked the same, his flexed triceps forming little sparkles of salt.

You couldn't help but smile up to him in delight, your hands roaming his muscular arms- something you couldn't get enough of. Sandman returned the emotion, collapsing next to you with a satisfied sigh.

"Tell me to shut up."

"You can't start something and not finish it," you giggled, rolling into his sweaty side.

"I fully intended on finishing, trust me," Sandman spoke gruffly, his lips grazing your cheek.

You smiled, wrapping your arms around his waist. "I love you."

"I love you."

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