A Little Hike (Nikolai)

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"Why are you making me do this again?" you demanded, glaring at Nikolai in the driver's seat.

"I told you: we're just going on a little hike that will give us some quality time together."

"Doesn't sound like my usual Nikolai," you crossed your arms.

He gave you an even glance and then turned, getting out of the vehicle with a swift flurry of wind. You sighed, fixed your jacket and then exited the Jeep too. At the back of the car, Nikolai was pulling out a small CamelBak filled with water for you and himself.

"You're carrying that up there."

"I figured," Nikolai smirked. "You can carry this then."

As he handed you the heavy basket of picnic food, you shot him another wild glare. "Damn you!"

"Come now," he gripped your hand once he'd shut and locked the Jeep. "We want to be there in time for the sunset."

You struggled to hold onto the basket for the first quarter of a mile up the butte. It got worse when the trail started winding and going upwards steeply. Nikolai even had let go of your hand in order to catch himself a few times on dimming rocks.

"Babe, please can you take this?" you pouted, stumbling to catch yourself.

Nikolai looked back at you and then up to the top of the tree-splattered hill. He sighed, reached for the basket and then hurled it up the land in front of him. It landed smoothly and evenly on a flat rock. Offering a hand down to you, Nikolai smiled.

"Thank you," you heaved yourself up onto the same rock as the basket.

"We're almost to the top," Nikolai was looking, "and it's almost sunset."

You followed his gaze and nodded. "Alright."

With stronger, more determined, steps than before you began up the butte again. You slipped the basket over your forearm, ignoring the tap of it against your hip. Nikolai was following close behind you.

Within no time, the two of you reached the top, flat and vast, of the butte. Nikolai found a cool grassy patch that you plopped down onto with a grunt of exhaustion. You broke into a snack bag in the basket.

"We still have to go down, you know," Nikolai cocked an eyebrow and watched you.

"That's why I'm trying to make this thing as light as I can," you offered him a granola bar. "Want to help?"

Nikolai smirked as he took the bar and turned towards where other people were settling in for the unique sunset. You examined the land before you, showing off a small town in the distance and miles upon miles of green trees.

There was a river off to the left, its rippling water reflective off the sunlight. This made the water glow like a mirror in the tiny valley it breathed in. The trees were dark one one side and light on the other, some completely illuminated stood out the most. A few flocks of geese flew around aimlessly as if they were just showing off for the humans on the butte.

"What do you think?"

"It's beautiful up here," you whispered. "I haven't been up here in years."

"How many exactly?" Nikolai pondered.

"Since I met you," you gazed warmly in his direction. "My phone landed on your head when I dropped it taking a picture, remember?"

"Clearly," Nikolai rubbed his head as if the pain were still there.

You let out a chortle, causing Nikolai to grin. Then the two of you were silent. You watched the sky get dimmer and dimmer in preparation for the setting of the sun while Nikolai prepared the sandwiches you both loved so much.

"This is really good," you mumbled over the sandwich he'd handed you moments later.

"As alaways," he replied with a full mouth of food as well.

You both smiled without showing teeth and then took another bite. You then watched as multiple people settled to watch the setting sun- which had blown a red color over the entire landscape.

"You know, it's moments like these that get me," Nikolai whispered.


"What do you want to do after this, Y/N?"

"Go home," you replied evenly.

"I mean with your life...after we're done."

"Oh," you narrowed your eyes. "Who says we'll ever be done?"

"Not everything lasts forever."

"True. I don't know what I'll do. You?"

Nikolai had turned, shifting to grab more of something from the basket. "I want to spend my life with someone I love."

You looked down and then back at the sunset.

"I want that someone to be you," Nikolai's hands bumped yours.

You looked to where he held a black box in his palm and widened your gaze.

"Will you let me be in your life, Y/N, as more than your boyfriend and best friend but as a husband? Will you marry me?"

"Yes," you didn't hesitate. "Yes, please."

Nikolai smiled, his squinting eyes twinkling with a happiness you'd never seen before. You allowed him to put a ring on that special finger and then you tackled him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You gazed into his eyes and then kissed him.

"I love you," he cupped your cheeks.

"And I love you," you kissed him once more, pulling away. 

The night ended with the two of you gazing at the sunset, fingers clasped as one hand.


Short, cliché and unedited! Sorry!

More updates soon! Thank you so much for all the reads, votes and comments...keep up the amazing activity everyone! :)


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