First Kiss (Gideon)

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Okay, okay. Everyone has been requesting this one, so here ya go! I apologize if it's short, but I couldn't think of anything REALLY good.

We've hit 1K! I'm so happy! YAY! :D



You'd known Gideon for a month now. The both of you had gone out a few times and hung out. Though you were starting to feel special feelings towards him, you didn't know for sure if he thought the same way about you.

His call to have you meet him at your door by seven told you everything you needed to know. Gideon was taking you out on another date, but mostly likely one similar to all the others, which went absolutely nowhere.

A few hours later, you were dressed for your date. You wore Whatever/The/Hell/You/Want and made your way to open your door. Your heart fluttered as you did so.

His deep blue eyes met yours with a smile. You felt like your knees were going to give away just by meeting his gentle gaze. His dirty blonde hair with black at the roots was styled in it's usual form. You let out a small sigh to his shirt, which showed off his muscular arms if he moved just right.

"Hello Y/N," his accented voice sang in your ears. "How are you today?"

"Great," you focused on not stammering.

The two of you left to dinner at an Olive Garden a few miles away from your home. You both spoke for hours, talking about mostly you, because Gideon was such a gentlemen, and laughing throughout the night.

"I had an awesome time tonight," you stepped out of Gideon's car a few hours later.

"We'll have to do it again soon," Gideon smiled and led you up to the door, clutching your hand tightly.

"A movie night at my place?" you asked, tilting your head with a smile.

"Perhaps," Gideon smiled even more and watched as you opened the door. "Y/N?"

"Yes?" you turned slightly.

The rush of his heated lips against your made your stomach drop. Gideon pressed you up against the frame of the front door and kissed you gently. You enjoyed the feeling of his muscular body against yours.

"Maybe this date will have to be sooner than we both think," Gideon whispered huskily when you both pulled away.

A heat rose to your cheeks and you smiled.

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