Utopia (Requested AW)

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Prompt is: "What if it wasn't Gideon who refused to believe that Irons was evil during 'Utopia', what if it was Mitchell? How would that change the story line?"

So, I received this prompt request a few months ago (actually closer to a year, sadly) and have finally decided to crank it out. Before any of you get too confused or message me about how this isn't "right," I KNOW. Mitchell and Gideon's roles are SUPPOSED to be switched on this. I promise!

I'm leaving it at this (no part 2/3/4/any number) because, well, I'm just being lazy.

Enjoy lovelies! (School tomorrow, yay! -_-) I will try to update soon again and it will probably be a request.

Message me or comment if YOU have a REQUEST for a CHARACTER you love! ;)


PS. Not edited....again.


You watched as the elevator doors closed. The smirk you'd seen just seconds before that had given you invisible goosebumps. You didn't know why, yet those eyes had flickered in a unknown want of power. You'd never seen it before.

"How does it feel to be the hero of the world?"

On either side of you stood Mitchell and Gideon. Mitchell was like a brother to you, always there, always on your side even of he didn't think it was a good idea. Gideon, however, was a different story. You saw him as a Captain, yet some of the hidden looks he shot you were dangerously tantalizing. You could never deny you liked those special eyes trained in your direction.

"Don't let it get to your-"

Illona suddenly spoke into all of our comms. "Gideon, Mitchell, Y/N. I need to see you. Right now."

"Ilona?" Gideon touched his ear, lowering his gaze. "What is it?"

Ilona kept her voice low. "Meet me in maintenance room 6A. Don't bring anyone else."

Gideon glanced to the two of you. "Alright, we're moving." He faced you with a tilted head. "Let's find out what the hell she wants."

Mitchell led the way to where Ilona had said to meet up. You were silent, safely holding the weapon in your arms, as Gideon slowed his gait to walk next to you. A chill traveled up your spine as he lowered his voice to speak to you only.

"After this, I want to talk to you."


Gideon seemed taken aback. "Just mission supplies."

"It's not my job to coordinate those, Captain, you know that."

Gideon grumbled under his breath. "I just want to talk."

"Alright," you stopped, shoving his shoulder back. "We can talk, but if you try anything I will personally make sure you can never have children."

Gideon swallowed, his calm blue eyes showing off the smirk held firmly on his lips. "We'll see about that, but like I said, only a friend-to-friend conversation."

You narrowed your gaze, but turned to catch up to Mitchell. Gideon followed a little more slowly, his eyes on the back of your head in curiosity.

"This is it," Gideon stepped past you.

Gideon scanned his ID on the door and then entered the room. Ilona broke out around the corner, looking flustered. Her brown gaze moved between the three of us.

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