Almost Lost (Requested Ghost)

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Simon Riley had been your best friend for as long as you could remember. You could always go through the list of things you'd both endured while knowing each other...break-ups, dances, college, jobs, and even medical situations.

Currently you'd entered a state of depression in which you missed him so much. You didn't do anything and didn't stop thinking of him...ever. This had led your small group of friends to begin to worry about you. Since you rarely spoke, you didn't bother explaining to them what was happening to you.

More often than anything, you wrote to Simon. Since he'd gone off to the military, there had been little communication between the both of you. It drove you mad without having his perverted jokes or pep-talk. You told yourself you weren't in love with him and you accepted it because you'd just been friends forever.

Sitting down at your desk to open up your laptop, you opened the video chat Simon had promised he'd used with you before he left. You pressed the button to try and connect to his chat, but the connection failed. You tried this a few more times, giving up the fifth time with a loud groan.

At last, you opened up your email and started a new message:

Hi Si-Ri,

I've been worried about, really worried. You haven't spoken to me for almost a year now and I hope you're still alive. I also hope to see you soon because I miss you more than anything in the world right now. Please reply to this, I'm losing hope again.

Don't die,


You added the last inside joke to try and lighten up your own feelings. Oh how much you wished Simon was here to beat you at video games and make you his famous pancakes, in which he spelled out your name with the secret batter. You wanted to be able to let him drive you to the park and play Frisbee, where he'd laugh every time you messed up terribly. The last thing you wanted was to have Simon carry your-sleeping-self all the way up the three flights of stairs to your apartment and tuck you into bed after a late-night movie. Those were the moments you loved the most.

A knock on your door drew you from your thoughts. Getting up, you walked to the door and unlocked it.

"Amanda, I swear I'm just-"

"Who's Amanda?" a masculine voice stopped your sentence.

"Simon?" you asked.

"Who else would it be?" the man in front of you was, in fact, your British-accented best friend.

You jumped into his arms. His arms wrapped around your frame and held you up in a tight embrace. Tears welled in your eyes from excitement and relief. Simon squeezed you tight, seeming to have the same feelings.

"You haven't been responding to my messages," you sniffled and shut the door with your foot as Simon walked forwards, "and I thought you were dead."

"Dead?" Simon put you down on the couch, sitting next to you. "Oh no, I've been training for the past ten months and out on short patrols the last two. I get to be home for a month."

"And you still couldn't message me at all?" you demanded.

Simon looked guilty. "Look, I'm not saying you're less important, but I had focus on my training. I don't want to get killed out there."

You somewhat got what he was saying. If he was distracted, then his life was in danger. Now you started to feel bad, like you could have gotten him killed.

"Of course, I've thought about you over the year," Simon smiled. "What have you been up to?"

You couldn't look away from his beautiful eyes, an icy blue with flecks of green. Before it became too awkward, you cleared your throat and answered his question.

"My life has been based mostly on whether or not you were alive. You scared the hell out of me, Simon," you were starting to get angry.

"I apologize for that, love," Simon sighed. "It won't happen after this, I promise."

You raised an eyebrow. "How can I trust you'll stay true to that promise?"

"I'll send you at least one email everyday," Simon was starting to interest you a little. "And maybe a phone call if possible."

"Keep talking," you crossed your arms.

"I don't know what else there is to do that's in my control, Y/N," Simon frowned a little.

You wanted to kiss him suddenly, but stopped yourself by looking away from his lips. Simon seemed to see this and grabbed your chin, startling you with a gasp.

"You haven't been eating well I see," Simon was close to you, his face worried.

"Because of you," you said sharply.

"Are you so different because of me?" Simon cocked his head. "Do I need to change you?"

"You can't change me," you pulled back a little. "You've already hurt me bad enough. I don't even know if I want you to stay here with me."

Before you could put out another angry comment, Simon's lips smashed to yours. You couldn't help but sigh into the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck. Simon cradled your body as you fell into his small trance of love. When Simon pulled away, you didn't want it to stop.

"You still want me to leave?" his voice was thick.

"N-No," you stammered.

The both of you cuddled under a blanket and ate pizza for the night while watching funny movies. With his muscular arms wrapped around you as you sat between his legs on the couch, you didn't think life could be better.

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