Do You Still Accept Me? (Yuri Smut!)

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It was a betrayal unseen yet so predictable. It wasn't appreciated so soon after Soap's death and you didn't know how you could forgive him- if ever.

You didn't know how you ended up in the bed with him. You didn't even remember entering the room or having him follow you. Everything was so entirely groggy and fogged up.

"We shouldn't be doing this," you whispered against his lips, smooth to the touch yet rough to the kiss.

"But we are."

His voice was hoarse as he pulled away from you and removed his hands from the base of your neck. You felt his fingers brush themselves down very softly to your shoulders where they slipped under the straps of your bra.


He said nothing as he slid the straps down and unclipped the front of the clothing item. No sooner was his bare chest pressed against yours in a tight hug. You sighed against his muscular shoulder, his skin twitching underneath the heat of it.

As your pants were already off, you felt his member rub against your thigh as you shifted further up his legs. He was sitting on his knees with the last half of his legs tucked under him. You straddled his position, your sex so inevitably close to his, and gripped either side of his shoulders.

You felt him enter you, slowly and gently compared to usual. At the same time, he felt so unusual. He felt like a stranger you didn't even know. Or maybe one you'd thought had been known.

"Y/N," he paused, sensing your hesitation to want to do anything with him at all.

In displeasure, and maybe a bit of haste, you sunk down onto him. Yuri let out a slight choking sound, surprised by your sudden movements to get the sex over with. It was painful for both of you, because even though you were to this point, you weren't half as wet as you needed to be.

How could you be?

Moving upwards and then downwards, you felt Yuri's hips slowly begin to do the same. He breathed out and trailed a sloppy kiss through the valley of your chest, saliva coating the pores of your skin. You let out a small moan when he gripped your hips and drove them even closer to his. Yuri sighed against you as you hugged his head and dug your fingers into his scalp.

You rolled your hips faster and harder as Yuri bucked himself upwards. The wetness had appeared from you and the friction had yet to dissipate only because it was the right friction. A friction that made your gut clench up into a tiny knot and your throat release the melodramatic moans from your lips.

You wanted him to think this was a good time. Not that it ever could be. Never again.

Yuri pumped himself up into your harshly, coming close to his high. You pretended to fake yours, increasing your moans and audible breaths. His lips suctioned onto your throat to feel the vibrations of your sounds.

Then you felt his thighs squirm and his movements slow as he pushed his seed deep into your depths. You released his shoulders and moved off of him in attempt to quickly exit the area. His grip around you tightened tenfold.

"Let me go, Yuri."

"I need to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk to you," you snapped and tried to push yourself away in disgust.

Yuri rolled back on the bed, taking you with him. You wiggled as far as you could in his hold and glared at his dreamy face. His eyebrows drew together as he narrowed his crystalline blue eyes.

"I love you, Y/N, more than you could possibly ever know. My past doesn't change that and it shouldn't for you."

You were silent as you swallowed. He continued.

"I'm not the same man I was with Makarov anymore and I never will be again."

"Our pasts can haunt us..."

"You don't think I haven't been haunted by my actions?" Yuri hissed and then took a sharp breath in. "Look, my past with him doesn't have any affiliation with Soap's death. If you need a place to place your blame, then put it there. That's what I'm here for. For you and your troubles. Your sorrows. Pin them all on me if you want. It won't change my feelings for you, Y/N."

You hated yourself so much at the moment. You despised the man holding you captive in his arms because he had once affiliated with your biggest enemy. On the other hand, he was right.

"Now, if you'll allow me, I'd like to make you come for real this time."

You gasped and moved back to his smirking gaze. "How did you-"

"I know you, Y/N."

You bit your lower lip.

"Allow me?"

You only nodded once and then shifted closer to him. Yuri captured your lips against his and slowly pulled away.

"Do you still accept me?"

"Yes, you're entirely right," you whispered. "And I shouldn't bury you in all my negativity."

Yuri gave a slight frown. "Oh but you should."


"It turns me on."

You let out a chuckle as the Russian lifted one of your legs over his sides and began to fuck you until- you so very hoped- you made his back bleed with finger marks.

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