Nervous- Part 2 (Logan)

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"You should really apply to their college, I think you'd like it there."

"I will look into it," you promised your English teacher.

"Excellent. Now have a good rest of your day," she gave a wave as you pushed open the door into the smaller hallway of the high school.

You let out a breath of frustration and moved to step away from the door. You had enough time to step around the corner of the lockers by the door and then let out a gasp of surprise.

"Logan!" you gently smacked his arm. "Don't scare me like that!"

"I love that I don't even have to try," he smirked, stepping away from leaning on the lockers. "How has your morning been?"

You'd been friends with him for over a month now. After the first "date" you had decided to keep him strictly as a friend, throwing hints here and there. Logan respected it, but you could tell he had developed a major crush on you...not that you didn't have one on him. It was just confusing for you to have a relationship...mostly cause you never had had one. But it was okay; Logan was the best friend you'd ever had. The last month had been full of adventures and laughs and memories.

"Interesting," you shrugged. "Tried to get homework for the weekend and I got a lecture about college instead."

Logan winced, turning his nose up. "Yikes."

"Yeah," you moved past him down the hallway to leave the school. "Guess I'll have to get English work after the weekend."

"You have most of it," Logan walked next to you casually as you headed for the parking lot.


Logan didn't say much else as you headed for your car. As you neared it, you could see people hiding between cars, balloons tied to your car. You slowed your walk as you got close enough to read "PROM?" on your windshield.

"Logan, what the hell-"

"Say yes!" people shouted as tons of people stood from behind cars.

You felt panic begin to seep in from the phones and hoots from students. Turning to face Logan in confusion, you saw he'd pulled out a rose. He gave a sheepish smile.

"Will you go with me?"

Your jaw gaped open as more people came behind him, holding their phones and admiring the situation. Your face had to be beet red by now. You covered your face, feeling tears of anxiety and astonishment come. Logan embraced you, bringing your face into his chest where you lightly wept.

After a few seconds, you drew away from him, your face red and puffy. Logan held the rose between you and gave a skittish smile. You took it between your fore and thumb, smiling upwards at him.

"Of course I will!"


"Mom, my boobs aren't for this dress," you whined, standing in front of your mirror.

She came up, grabbing onto your dress. "You don't have it zipped up all the way, you goose."

You felt the dress go tighter, your form fitting perfectly to the dress. It was your favorite color and style, yet it outlined your figure innocently....or rather not if you were a teen going to your last prom. Your hair was styled in the way that looked the best, courtesy of your mother, and you wore slightly more make up than usual.

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