Beautiful Voice (Requested Hesh)

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He always showed up for your first song. 

While the handsome man would stay towards the back of the local bar, he'd give complete attention on you and your singing. Nothing would distract him nor cause him to leave suddenly. 

When you sang your final song, he'd leave without a word to anyone. 

You didn't know whether to be disturbed or curious about the man. While he was handsome and seemed harmless, you knew looks could deceive. When leaving the bar backstage, you had started to keep a better eye out and make sure your pepper spray was readily available. 

Another night you sang, the man and a small group of his friends came in. You had only decided to melodize four songs. Tonight, you wanted to meet new people and get close enough to the man who'd watched you for multiple mini concerts. 

"You are such a great singer," an older lady complimented as you moved between tables with a drink in your hand. "Lovely and unique voice." 

"Thank you very much," you smiled sweetly and continued to where the quiet man was sipping a beer at his table. "Excuse me."

You wandered up to the table of men, smiling as they paused their conversation to look at you. While intimidating, the men didn't seem to mind an interruption.

"Do you guys come here often?"

"Once in a while," one of them spoke. "Hesh here always comes though."

Someone made a sound that made the quiet man blush. "Oh yes, he's in love with you."

"So what if he is?" you snapped, defending the man named Hesh. "You shouldn't judge him for it."

The table grew silent and serious, surprised by your outburst of defense. One of the men stood and tipped his beer to Hesh, his eyes speaking more words than you could decipher. The others slowly did the same. 

"Give you two some time then," the last one muttered as they filed out of the bar. 

You moved your gaze to look at the silent Hesh. He was watching the door with a mixture of nervousness and anger. You plopped down at the round table, next to him, and leaned on your hand. 

"Want to have a few drinks?"

Hesh moved his forested gaze to you. "They're on me."

You smiled and waved a waitress over to order a few mixed drinks. Hesh was still rather quiet, but he held an aura about him that told you he was talkative and friendly. You were determined to get that out of him. 

"So you come here often?" 

"I know you see me every time," Hesh drank from his glass, eyeing you with wiser orbs than you'd expected. "I know that you probably expect it."

"Why shouldn't I?" you grew defensive again. "You're a familiar face and I have to look to see if you are here."

"You shouldn't."

"No?" you drank your drink. "Why's that?"

"Because someday I may not show up." 

You let out a noisy sigh. "Look, this is not a good way to have a first conversation with someone. All you're seeming to give me is dismissal. If that's the case," you braced to get up, your rump leaving the seat, and Hesh quickly caught your wrist. 

"I'm sorry, honestly," Hesh breathed. "That was rude of me."

"Just a bit," you retorted.

"I just," he breathed upwards, fanning the hair by his forehead, "it's been a while to have a conversation like this."

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