Rain Clouds (1st Platoon)

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Hey y'all! Before we get this show on the road, I have TWO IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS:

1) The 100th part to this packed one shot book is coming up soon. With this, I've decided that 96-100 will be five updates of pure SMUT/LEMON/ETC! I need YOUR HELP on choosing five worthy characters ;) Leave a comment or message me on who you wanna have in the scene (maybe even specifics if you'd like). The five characters cannot be any of the other two I've already used (Logan and Sandman) and I won't post two for one character- at least this time. Vote soon because that 96th part is coming up VERY soon!! :)

2) I've officially started planning/writing out a NEW Call of Duty fan fiction! Any guesses of what it'll be now? ;)

Happy Sunday and I'll leave you with that :)



"I don't get why we need her alive, she probably can't even understand us!"

"Or if she can, you'd better keep your mouth shut!"

If it had been a different situation, you may have huffed and chortled. But considering you were tied with your hands behind your back, stuck in a tent that reeked of alcohol and forced to listen to the babbling of the two young American soldiers, you kept silent.

How had you been so stupid to get caught in the first place?

You remembered sneaking through an abandoned city, hearing the American group traveling through the roads. You avoided them swiftly, taking up shelter in a broken down and secure building. The next morning at first light, you continued with the plans to give to your German leader and packed up. But one of the jeeps assigned for a patrol rolled right up onto your vulnerable position.

The two men secured you- yes it took both of the inexperienced brats- and then took you back to their camp. This camp was where you'd been sitting for an entire twelve hours. Your legs were beginning to cramp and your thoughts were getting annoying with worry about what would not only happen to you, but those stolen papers.

"Sir," one of the two guards spoke more seriously and drew you away from your thoughts.

The tent flap opened for a half second, leaving you to glance out at the busy camp. You could see the wheel of a vehicle, the boots of the guards, the brightness of sunlight. Your skin whined in yearning of sunlight.

"What did you want with these plans?"

You didn't reply to the question, feeling the heat of the room increase in frustration. Without making it obvious, you stole a glance at the boots of the interrogator. They were dusty, worn from heavy use, and they looked ready to kick you in the face.

Give it your best shot, soldier.

"Why are you working with Germany?"

When you didn't reply, a harsh blow to your side made you yelp out in pain. The second soldier was a surprise, someone new, and you breathed out in annoyance.

"Answer the questions or I'll cut your tongue!"

Well that wouldn't help you much...

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