I'm Your Dorm-Mate! Part 2 (Soap)

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You'd known John...Soap...for eight months now. Both of you had the same classes, except for one, and often hung out a lot. Though you partially hated his constant joking and childish behavior, you felt yourself drawing closer to him- past the friendship way.

"Yes sir," Soap was saying as you entered your room from the last class of the day.

When Soap saw you, he smiled and finished the conversation. You set your bag on your bed and sat down, tilting your head in curiosity. Soap sat across from you nervously.

"Who was that?" you asked casually.

"My recruiting Sergeant," Soap was still acting nervous-like. "He wants me to come earlier than expected."

"When?" you were hurt by Soap's words.

"Within the next four days."

You frowned. "You'll be gone completely?"

"Yes," Soap nodded. "I'll train for at least two years."

You secretly hated that fact. "Well, this is interesting news."

Soap laughed to lighten the mood. "Sorry it's so sudden."

"It's exciting!" you tried to brighten up. "It really is!"

The announcement of dinner being served prevented Soap from replying. He smiled to you and got up, leaving you to take in his information all alone. You wanted to cry, you really did.

Deciding to not go to dinner, you went to take a shower. You stayed in for ten minutes, trying to use the hot water to relax. When you got out, you were still tense. You sighed in defeat and returned back to the room.

You ate some food from your stash under your bed and played on your phone, trying so hard to forget about what Soap had said. It was just so hard to think about him not being around you every day. You'd grown used to his annoying self and wanted so dearly to relive meeting him all over again.

Before you knew it, you'd rolled over and nodded off to sleep. The TV was playing at a low volume, giving you a comforting night light. You gripped a small pillow tightly.

Soap came in humming a song and you tensed, opening your eyes. His phone rang and he quickly answered it, trying not to "wake" you.


There was a voice on the other side of the phone and you heard Soap sit down on his bed. You listened quietly.

"Two days?" Soap almost seemed to groan. "Sir, I can only complete my finals in four. There's no possible way I can do two."

There was a muffled answer and you felt a tear stroll down you cheek, making you sniffle. You hoped Soap hadn't heard it and continued to cry silently.

"Thank you, sir," Soap whispered.

He hung up the phone and made the sounds of him getting ready for bed. You kept crying, trying so hard not to, but not being able to control yourself. Everything inside you broke when you realized Soap was really leaving.

Soap suddenly crawled into bed with you, wearing his sweats as his pajamas and nothing for a shirt. You tensed, trying to wipe the tears away. Soap already knew you were crying.

"Y/N," he wrapped an arm under your neck and the other around your side. "What's wrong?"

His sweet accented voice was music to your ears and it soothed you. You grabbed one of his hands. "I can't believe you're actually leaving."

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