Tropical Pouting (Ghost Smut!)

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The waves were more soothing than the sway of the hammock underneath you. Your face was tickled by gentle breezes that made the sweet palm trees above you shimmy. You sucked in a breath, feeling sand against your fingertips as you draped one arm over the side.

There was a warm touch at your shin. It moved upwards, a single motion of longing. You may have thought it was a spider or tropical lizard if you didn't feel the breath of someone above you.

You shifted and opened one eye.

"Hi," Ghost murmured, his gorgeous blue eyes inches from your e/c ones.

"What?" you murmured in relaxation.

He raised an eyebrow, inviting your eyes into his with a seductive smirk. You closed your eyes to his look and shook your head with a huff.

"You should come back to the villa with me."

"No. You can go. I will be there in a bit."

You could feel Ghost's frown as he moved away. Opening an eye again, you watched him sulk off back towards one of the resort's private huts. His upper body was bare, rippling in the blazing sunlight with muscle and the beginning of sweat.

"What a baby," you giggled and then found balance to rock off the hammock.

You walked in Ghost's footsteps as you made your way to the villa. You knew what was going to happen once you did, but you still found yourself excited and surprised. The entire vacation had been absent of sex until just moments ago. It was clear Ghost wanted something, what was the unknown part that sparked your curiosity.

"Simonnnn," you called cheerfully as you entered the villa with your room key.

Shutting the door behind you, you looked around the darkened villa with no luck. Moving to the the bedroom, you found the man laying with his arms behind his head. His beautiful blue-green eyes were focused on the TV screen in front of him.

"Hey you," you walked over sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Oh never mind now."

You smirked and reached out, touching along his V-line. "But...Simon..."

His heated eyes turned to glare at you and your stroking stopped. You removed your hand out of slight confusion and nervousness. You loved the heat of his gaze, not the fury behind it.

"Are you okay?"


"Then what's the look for?"

"Trying to...control myself."


He gave another dark look and you closed your mouth in a gulp. You slowly crawled towards him and straddled his crotch. Beneath you, his body quivered with restraint. You cupped his shoulder and then turned off the TV, kicking the remote off the edge of the bed.

"You shouldn't control yourself."

"No?" his accent punched your burning gut.

You shook your head and leaned to put your lips by his ear. "In fact, I think you should let go of whatever you're holding back."

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