Bad Dreams (Requested Alex Mason)

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He wiggled next to you. It was slight, perhaps just a midnight anyone else. To you it meant the beginning of another attack and another long night of comforting. You sat up, preparing for the groans and screams to come after.

They came less frequently now. Ever since David came along, Alex had grown more focused on home life and more determined to go through the steps to erase his past from his mind. You had supported him every step of the way, hopeful that one day Mason would be the man he had once been--whom Woods had described once.

He awoke with the typical gasp, the trembling body, his forehead sweaty. His dark eyes flashed around until they landed on you, where they instantly relaxed. You were ready for his collapse into your chest, his sobs soaking into your breasts.

"It-It was an-another dream."

"I know," you whispered, stroking his hair. "I'm here. Nothing in that dream will be here."

Alex shook against you for another two minutes until his sobs quieted. You imagined the thoughts going through his head. The wonder of why a dream had attacked, of why you constantly stayed and took care of him even though there were better men out there. You wanted to tell him you stayed because you loved him. You understood him to a point no one else ever could. According to Woods, there was something about you that naturally soothed Mason as well. In anger fits, a calm look or touch from you would cool the fire burning in Alex.

"I'm so sorry I do this to you."

"Don't be," you murmured, releasing him as he sat upright.

"You shouldn't have to babysit me," Mason grumbled.

"No," you stroked the slightly outgrown hair from his forehead, "and I'm not. I'm being your wife and taking care of you."

"But what do I do in return?" he whispered in his rough voice. "Threaten? Make yours and David's lives miserable?"

"No, honey," you cupped his cheek. "You complete this family and are the best father any son could ask for."

"What about a husband?"

You paused so quickly that you hoped he wouldn't have noticed. "You-"

"I need to take better care of you, Y/N," he cupped your jaw, eyes regretful and hurt. "These last few months have had me at my worst."

You held onto his hand and closed your eyes as he dipped in for a surprisingly gentle kiss. His scruff played against your skin and he held onto your side while deepening the kiss. You draped your hands along his shoulders, gently pushing him back.

"You need to sleep."

Mason opened his mouth to argue, but the thunder of small feet made him look towards the cracked-open door. Young, four-year-old David came into view, his hands around his favorite blanket.

"I had bad dream."

"Oh baby," you opened your arms for him to clamber onto the bed and hug you. "Whatever it was, you're safe and strong enough to fend the dream off."

David looked to his father for similar comfort. "Like dad?"

"Exactly like him," you squeezed his cheek.

Alex reached out and ruffled the head of hair on top of your son's head. David let out a small laugh and then hugged his emotionless father. You gave Alex a warm smile at his attempt to comfort David.

"Come now," you started to get out of bed. "I'll tuck you into bed."

David slid off the tall bed, walking after you. Alex got up to follow as well, his footsteps heavy, yet silent in the hallway. Upon reaching the simple room, David dove into his short bed and cuddled into his blanket.

"Get some sleep David," you tucked the covers around his small form, pecking his cheek with a loving kiss.

Alex came to kiss his son's forehead as well, showing a side to him you had yet to see. You backed towards the door, Mason shuffling after you. In a motherly sense, you watched David shut his eyes and breathe deeply- a sign he was asleep.

"Now it's your turn," you gave Alex a gentle pull towards the bedroom. "You need your beauty sleep."

"No," he swept you up into his arms, making you let out a quiet squeal of surprise, "you need your beauty sleep."

"I'm already beautiful," you poked his nose playfully as he tucked you into bed.

Alex wiggled in beside you, his muscular arms enveloping you in a protective cocoon. You rolled to face him, tracing the stress lines of his face. Alex let out a sigh as he closed his eyes, stroking your lower back in swirly patterns- something that always made you pass out.

You felt your hand go limp against his chest and then you, for the first time in a long time, fell asleep before he did. It was the best sleep you'd gotten in five years.


Hey everyone! It's the 4th anniversary of this book today and I wanted to celebrate it with an extra update!! I'm just absolutely amazed and so incredibly astounded at how much recognition this book has gotten over the years. I've always been nervous to share my writing with others and opening up this book has helped me get over that fear and satisfy you in the process. I absolutely love it! So I thank each and every one of you who has read, voted, and even commented on a piece of this book from the bottom of my heart. I love and appreciate the support ❤️

To introduce more upsetting news...I'm finding this book becoming very, very long. With over 100 parts, I've decided to set the limit to 150. After that part, I will be stopping the updates on this book and closing oneshots once and for all. It kills me to do it, but I'm finding myself losing the determination to update this book consistently. I hope you can understand.

Chin up though readers...there are still 30 parts to update and I can promise you all of them are going to be going out with a bang. Request all you want and remind me if you haven't seen your request yet in this book. I want to try to get as many characters as possible in this final leg, so give me ideas on unseen characters so far if you have any ;)

I love you all so much, you have no freaking idea!

And, don't worry, I will still be writing Call of Duty. The stories will just be more focused on individual games. *cough* I will reveal the books to be made soon.

Thank you.


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