Relief (Requested Mitchell)

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Panic was seeping through you at all angles, heating your face and sweating your palms. You shook as you looked around the playground made of wood. By the lake, it was simple and bustling with activity...activity you'd thought was safe.

Your son had been playing on the wooden ladder towards the back, furthest from the lake. You'd had eyes on his blonde-headed self the whole time. To fix up sandwiches, you'd looked away...not longer than a minute.

And now he was nowhere to be seen.

Mitchell was back at the vehicle you'd brought to the outing, getting napkins at your request. He didn't see the panic or paleness of your face. Not until he got closer.

"Y/N?" his hand came to your cheek, thumbs sweeping the cheekbones. "What's the matter?"

"O-O-Our...he...gon-e," you breathed and then moved away from him. "I don't know where Will went!"

Mitchell peered at the playground and then dropped all emotions. You followed him towards the playground, playfully calling out your son's name; there was no reason to frighten other parents.

William liked to wander, but completely out of sight was uncommon. You knew Mitchell had enemies, with his past job and his dark history, but the two of you were always so careful. How could you have blown it?

"William Mitchell," Jack called out once through the unique play area, his voice deeper and more commanding.

You glanced around, tears welling in your eyes. "I'm so sorry Jack. I-I was trying to make a sandwich, but I didn't-"

"Hush," he faced you, his eyes soft yet determined. "This isn't your fault. He's around here somewhere."

"Will!" you called, cupping your hands around your mouth as the two of you split.

Mitchell went further down the shore and into the trees, promising to circle back, while you were to meet him in the middle with a closer sweep. The trees weren't too thick, so you figured it'd be easy to find the boy.

"Will!" you called. "William!"

The thought of losing your six year old son was horrifying. As a mother, you couldn't even imagine the pain to come later, upon releasing the news he was missing. All the family and media that would attack you with was already too much to bear.

He was your first and likely only child- it had been hard to get Mitchell to agree to having a child with the situation of moving all the time and avoiding persistent enemies. Upon having William, the two of you changed, Mitchell more so. Possibly losing Will now made you wonder how Mitchell would change. Would he blame you? Leave you?

Upon finishing your sweep and heading back to the lake's shore, you began to cry. Mitchell hadn't returned, leaving your overwhelming thoughts and feelings to attack your inner self. You found yourself sinking to your knees, vision going blurry and lower lip quivering.

Losing William was difficult to process, but losing him and Jack Mitchell would be beyond anything imaginable. Heartbreak was a subject you'd never had to experience and doing so was so frightening that you may have preferred other outlets.

"Y/N?" Mitchell questioned upon exiting the canopy of the trees. "What are you doing? What's wrong?"

His strong arms scooped you up, the force making you cry harder. You gripped his biceps, avoiding his gaze by looking down between you. His made you look at him.


"Are you going to leave me too? Because I couldn't keep track of our child?"

"No! Of course not!" he kissed me. "Never in a million years! It's not your fault and I would never blame you, my love."

You looked into his fiercely confident blue eyes and slowly nodded. "Okay. I think-"

"Mom? Dad?"

To the voice you scrambled out of Mitchell's arms, rounding on the child of grief and enveloping him into your shaky arms. You kissed the cheeks of the confused boy, the arms of Mitchell joining yours too.

"Where were you? Why did you leave? What were you doing?"

Will pushed away from both of you, crossing his arms like he was a thirty year old who didn't care for the clingy attitudes of his parents. You and Jack sat in a temporary daze.

"I went to the bathroom all on my own," Will announced. "I'm older now and can handle it."

"Of course you can," Mitchell murmured.

"Tell me where you are going next time," you scolded. "You gave your mother a heart attack!"

"Sorry," he looked upset you were wiping away tears and that Jack was still frustrated. "I just thought I...could do it myself."

"You can, you just need to tell us," Mitchell stood up, touching the boy's hair.

"Okay. Next time I will then!" Will announced, holding up a finger.

You couldn't help but smile as Will grabbed your hand.

"Hey mom, can we have those sandwiches now?"

"Yes Will," you shook your head, beginning to walk next to him.

On his other side, Mitchell tangled their hand together. Will let out a laugh when you both swung him like a swing every couple of steps.

"William, I love you," you kissed his cheek upon reaching the picnic table.

"And I love you," Mitchell kissed his other cheek.

"Okay okay!" he wiped his cheeks in loving annoyance.

You shared a look with Jack, his eyes swirling with the emotions of happiness and completion. Another part showed emotion you equally shared with him.



A wee bit short, but I found it kind of cute! Hope you enjoyed nonetheless!

How was everyone's week? Mine personally was shitty, but y'all don't wanna hear my ranting. So tell me about yours!! 😂

I'm begging you guys for six more followers!! 500 is my goal and I would scream. Please oh please follow me! I will follow you back! 😭😉

Till next Sunday readers!


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