Forever Noble (Requested Ethan)

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The Olympus Mons was a beast, you'd give the designers that. It was especially badass when your Commander used it as he was currently. The whole team was stationed around the room, watching Reyes take out the other SDF ships with the Mons.

"Weapons away!" Salter announced as Ethan gave the all clear to fire at the ships.

You stood next to your best friend, looking between the controls and the targets. Ethan moved his head your direction, his optical unit unable to be read. You knew, however, that he was just checking up on you, making sure you were sound. It was an annoying habit of his, but you appreciated it as well.

As Reyes continued to fire the cannon, more SDF ships became aware it was no longer Salen Kotch whom was in control of the ship. They fired back in spurts and groups, targeting the strength of the weapon destroying the ships with one burst. The Mons rocked as the missile strikes destroyed other parts too, signaling the descent for Mars was more imminent than you'd thought.

"Weapons sour!" Salter spoke as the weapon was destroyed. "Hang fire, hang fire!"

"Ethan, status?"

"Remaining weapon systems are offline, Captain. We don't have enough firepower to destroy the shipyard."

"Hold course for the shipyard," Reyes commanded, turning to speak with Salter.


Your vision was spotty as you came to. Your sides ached as your forearm bled from a deep gash. Your helmet wasn't cracked, thankfully, but you felt as if your head might have been.

You propped yourself up to your hands and knees, letting out a guttural groan that made the blood at the corners of your vision increase. Your eyes scanned the decimated area around you, likely few survivors from the Mons crash also alive.


The concerned shout made you lift your head higher as Ethan came running to your attention. He crouched, helping you to your feet as you pushed off the ground. His right arm stabilized you as you wobbled back and forth in nausea.

"I'm fine," you breathed, looking at his optics aimed towards you. "We need to move."

Ethan helped you along as you struggled to find balance again. The two of you searched for anything to get you out of the wreckage and find the others, who'd been scattered between Jackals, the Retribution, and the Mons. No one from the Mons seemed to be alive.

"We need to find a scout ship," Ethan spoke, his voice as sturdy and metallic as ever.

"How in the hell are we going to do that?" you demanded.

"With a crazy partner and an even crazier idea."


"They seem like they're watching me," you looked at the frozen robots with a threatening glare.

"They're dumb," Ethan responded as he directed the scout ship towards the others' crash site. "Nothing like me."

You let out a chuckle. "You're not always the brightest either, Ethan."

"Hush now, Y/N," Ethan turned from the cockpit. "Don't hurt my feelings."

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