Sand on the Skin (David Mason Smut!)

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You told yourself it was just a party. Friends had wanted to go, so you agreed to go along and be the "mom" of the night. It wasn't like you to participate in alcoholic activities and the night wasn't supposed to be anything more than you keeping track of your friends and dragging Mason along with you for the show.

How long that lasted...

"Damn, that guy is sooo checking you out Y/N!"

You twirled around, drunker than you'd ever been in your life, and spotted the tall figure eyeing you from the bar not too far away. The beach party had been set up specifically for college grads, but he sure didn't look like one.

"Go over thereee," your friend prodded and then gripped onto their date once more.

You swayed away from the upbeat music, eyes glittering with interest as you came up to the stranger. As you got closer, you realized he wasn't a stranger at all, but your boyfriend who had been sour all night at wanting to come.


"What are you doing Y/N?" he didn't sound drunk and you moved closer.

"I'm having fun."

Mason looked towards the crowd and then out towards a darker, secluded part of the beach. You followed his gaze and then smirked. In a flowing movement, you reached for his hand and started walking towards the spot.

Mason followed behind you, but slowly and cautiously. You knew what was going to happy, poor Mason did not.

"What are you doing?" he sounded like he was being choked out as you stripped off your loose top.

"Stripping in order to swim," you smirked and then tore off your shorts. "Want to join?"

Mason was quiet for a moment and then took off his shorts. You let out an abnormal giggle and trotted for the warmer ocean water. The waves clawed at your ankles as you waded in to your waist. Turning around halfway, you glanced to see Mason making his way into the water.

He kept his distance, respecting the fact that both of your were completely skinny dipping. You, however, edged closer with interest. You wanted something to do and it definitely involved his lips on yours.

"Baby, I'm horny."

"You're drunk."

"That too," you murmured as you draped your arms over his muscular shoulders. "Want to?"

"I suppose I haven't done anything in a place like this."

"Hm," you pecked his lips in eagerness.

Mason drifted closer in the water, enveloping your waist in his bear-sized hold. You gripped his shoulders, feeling his manhood rub against your inner thigh. You wanted the familiarness of him inside you and soon.

"Mason," you hummed as he left open-mouthed kisses down your throats and back up to your jaw.

You wrapped your legs around his waist, drawing your pelvis even closer to his. Mason let out a grunt, the vibration against your upper throat, and drew his chest against yours in a gulp of water.

The ocean waves naturally pushed you back towards the shore, Mason's legs swaying that way with each pass. You went slack against him, feeling his hard member fall against your clit. You rolled your hips in want.

"Easy now," Mason whispered against your lips.

You let out a hum of laughter as he backed onto the shore, gently falling down onto his back in the damp sand. You pushed into his shoulders, feeling his sandy hands grip your ass to bring you down onto his ready member. The blossoming pain that follow made you whimper in pleasure.

"Fuck, this friction," Mason groaned, using your hips as leverage to lift you back up.

You copied the pressure of his hands, making the ride easier, and tilted your head back with a moan into the sky. Mason reached around your back, winding his hand through your hair, and tugged. You let out a gasp as that change in position moved your pelvis forwards, granting him more access to your depths.

"David," you breathed, feeling him pick up the pace and firmness of the thrusts.

His breath became quicker in accordance to the rapid rise and fall of his chest. As an ocean wave wove your tangled bodies, you slammed down harder onto his penis. You moaned so much that your throat hurt.

You hoped no one else heard the two of you.

Beneath you, you could feel Mason's legs twitch and quiver. You felt the knot in your stomach grow tighter with anxiety of wanting release. The muscles in your vagina shuddered and screeched in pleasure, the wetness on Mason's groin not just from sea water.

You stopped the persistent bouncing and went to grinding with a roll. The simple change in movement made Mason release your hair and moan out in release. You could feel the warmth of his ejaculation seep into you and you slowed the movements to ride out his high.

"What about you?" Mason demanded when you moved to slide off of him.

"That's what will be the after party at home," you gave a wink and pecked his lips once more.

As you stood, Mason's liquid dripped down your legs. You made your way up the beach towards the cove where the pile of clothes had been left.

You reached the pile, leaning over to pick up your own clothing, when someone came up from behind to pin you. Against the rocky wall, you let out a pained grunt and glared upwards at Mason.


"I say we have two after parties. One now, one later."

You smirked as Mason slammed you harder against the rocky privacy screen and proceeded to finish you off with nothing but the flick of his tongue and wiggle of fingers.

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