I Remember You (Requested Ghost)

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"You need to leave now!"

"But dad, what's going on?" you demanded. "Why do I need to leave?"

"They're after me and I need to make sure you are safe," he threw a suitcase at the bodyguard holding the door open for you.


"No time to explain," your father looked to the bodyguard. "Go!"

No sooner were you whisked away by the arm. You were locked in the car, forced to look back at your father through the back window. He was clearly upset by his decisions, but you knew your father wanted you safe.

"DAD!" you screeched as a man came from behind him- inside the mansion- and cut his throat.

You felt like puking to the scene and quickly turned away. Tears immediately streaked your face and you screamed out into the car.

"Pull over!"

"I have my orders!" the bodyguard argued. "I'm getting you to the airport."

"I'll do it myself then!"

With that, you manually unlocked the door from the backseat and shrugged open the passenger back one. You jumped out of the car, landing on your rump. The car screeched to a stop and you hurried to get up and run back towards home.

The soldier was looking down on your father and when you ran up, his eyes shifted dangerously to you. You stepped closer, opening your mouth to speak, but the stranger quickly drew a pistol on the approaching bodyguard.

The shot that echoed made you squeal and flinch with pain.

"Please, don't kill me," you whispered as the man came closer.

His head tilted, face covered by an all black face hoodie. You held up yours hands, closing your eyes as the man held up the pistol once more. What the hell had you been thinking?

Another shot sounded.

You swore you could feel it through your spine- the bullet- yet you stayed standing. Your eyes opened to see the stranger falling to the ground from a different man further back in the house. That one had more of a grey mask, a white paint spread over it to create a face, especially with the sunglasses that covered the man's eyes.

Without a second thought, you spun around and took off past the bleeding body of the bodyguard. You wove through alleys, hoping to throw off the people after you, for what felt like hours. Your heart and lungs weren't used to running, so it didn't take long for you to become winded and need a break.

You knew there was more than one man chasing you. One was the one with the grey mask, the others were dressed similar to the murderer of your father. You figured they were all on the same side, just that the man with the grey mask was a more trained to kill.

Before long, you ended up on the top floor of one of your father's buildings- a short business building with about six stories. You'd climbed up the side using the old fashioned alley ladder and then kicked the hinge to make sure they couldn't follow you as easily.

"Up there!"

You moved away from the edge as one of the men shot upwards. You could hear them racing up the other side of the building.

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