Some Spring Time (Pierson)

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The weather was so freakin' cold the guys were complaining their you-know-what was going to fall off. You didn't have such a problem, except for maybe the pain in your fingers when night struck. That's why you were the most-talked about person around camp once you found the hot springs.

You'd been milling around on a short patrol just outside of camp. Upon hearing water, you were immediately drawn to the secluded spot that boasted steaming water in the colder weather. You had felt the temperature with your fingers after taking off a glove, and almost cried out in relief.

Since then, a few guys had traveled over and soaked in the warmth of the spring. One rule that had been naturally followed by all the men was that no more than four could be in at a time. Another was the reassurance that no one could use the warmth as a place to relieve themselves. It was in order to keep it useable. A third was simply: don't look down, dude.

You decided to go for your first soak after camp had settled for the dusk with dinner. Everyone gave you your privacy, knowing the repercussions if they decided to spy on you. The first would be to face higher-ranked leaders and then yourself. The latter would be the end of them.

You sank into the water, completely relaxed by the warmth of the spring. Your eyes scanned the length of the scene in front of you. In the position of the spring, no one could sneak up from behind you. The only way to enter was from the way you faced, which meant no enemy or ally would go unnoticed.

The water slipped up to your shoulders as you sank lower, letting out a sigh. The sunset in the distance of the trees was an even more peaceful view for you. You only wished a war wasn't going on around you the whole time. Part of you thought, just for a second, that maybe there were peaceful moments in war. One was when you died and the other was currently.

There was a rustle in the bushes to the left of the entrance. You snapped up, reaching over for your rifle on the rocks in preparation. Through the tall brush you couldn't tell what the animal or person was. Then Pierson's head poked out and he came fully into view. Your heart calmed just a beat.

"Oh, Y/L/N...I didn't know you were out here," his voice was tense.

"I figured I'd be alone out here," you shrugged and moved back deeper into the water.

"I can leave you to yourself then," Pierson was blunt as he moved to leave.

"Have you tried it out yet?" you moved to the edge of the naturally-walled spring.

"No. That's why I'm here," Pierson narrowed his dark eyes. "I can do it later."

"Or you can join me," you tested the waters.

Pierson had held back for months ever since your first...personal encounter with him. It was clear from the start he'd developed feelings for you and you'd tried to ignore it. Then there was a kiss. Then a night alone.

Since that night, Pierson had barely spared a glance your way. You knew he was trying to stay focused and not get too attached, because it was dangerous to not be and to be. You had attempted to do the same, but in the situation at hand, you figured you'd let your walls down.

"I guess I'll have to," Pierson grumbled in reluctance.

You turned away from him, letting him strip so that his uniform wouldn't get soaked; allowing a wet uniform would mean it would freeze and so would the soldier wearing it. You imagined his body underneath the uniform, merely a blurry image nowadays. You forced yourself to quickly cut your thoughts off. Nothing needed to go there.

"Oh that's warm," his voice was relaxed as he sank into spring, the water bouncing in response.

You turned to face him, a small smile covering your lips. "Isn't it?"

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