Pitstop (Turner)

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Hey everyone! I promise I'm still alive. I was busy with a major show with my horse and been trying to settle since that, so I haven't been updating...whoopsssss! Good news though, I'm back.

I'm waiting with an empty basket for your requests so pour 'em all out. It's summer and I have nothing better to do (cause who needs socialization anyways) so hit me wit 'em! ;)

There is a NEW FANFICTION that'll be up veryyyy soon. I'm so incredibly excited for it! Since it was never guessed what COD game it's going to be based off of I will gladly reveal it to you all....


Eek, I'm so excited!

Anywho, please enjoy this modern cute/cliché little adventure between you and Turner! Also with it being summer break, that means I might have to update a few extra times here and there...we'll seeeee.



"Watch your step there, miss, it would be a shame to fall into the water."

You gradually took the captain's hand, stepping onto the fishing boat in anxiety. You quickly found a spot to sit down at and you did just that, rubbing your clothed arms in shudders.

"Ever been on a boat before?"

"No," you replied to the skipper earnestly. "My boyfriend wanted to go and I said I'd go with him."

He let out a chuckle and then nodded. "Right then, you can go in the quarters if you'd prefer it's much warmer and we have some food on board."

You didn't think food would help your queasiness, but you smiled politely and looked to your boyfriend getting on the boat. His muscles braced on the railing as he braced himself to a rock of the boat against the waves. His eyes were already on you and his lips turned up in a smile.

"You good, hon?"

"Yes," you forced a smile, but Turner could tell anyways.

He came over and gathered your gloved hands in his before whisking you away with him to the quarters of the boat. Down some steps and into a warm room with two tables, a couch and a kitchen, the quarters were rather cozy. You sat at the table and held onto Turner's hands.

He pecked your nose. "This trip won't take long because we all know what we're doing. Okay?"

"Okay," you murmured.

Turner gave a supportive smile and then kissed your lips once. You wished it could've lasted longer, but he soon pulled away to go join the three other guys to salmon fish. You sighed and eyed the couch.

Well, a nap wouldn't hurt.


"Y/N?" someone was lightly shaking you and you stirred, opening your eyes.

Turner gave a warm smile. "We're headed back to shore now."

"How was it?"

"Fun," Turner seemed hesitant. "I didn't lose a single fish and I met the limit."

That was Turner for you: perfect as just about everything.

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