Clean to Dirty (Hesh Smut!)

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"I don't like what the new job is doing to you, Hesh," you spoke firmly, watching him come apart in front of you at the kitchen sink.

You couldn't tell if it was depression or an actual sickness, but he looked absolutely miserable. He had been acting off too. Quick to anger, short patience, never wanting to make love.

All because of a damn job.

"I miss you," you whispered, running your hand along the smooth countertop. "Even when you're here, it doesn't feel like it."

Hesh was silent as your hand traced up his braced tricep and latched onto the side of his neck. You scooted closer, using your other hand to make him look at you.

"Don't you miss me? To any degree?"

"I do," he finally sighed. "I just get so caught up in the things going on there, I don't focus at all here. I'm sorry."

You gave a small smile and leaned up to kiss his cheek in gratitude. Hesh skillfully turned his head so that your lips met instead. His hands moved from the edges of the sink to your waist, lifting you up onto the counter.

Your legs spread wider as he drew his groin closer to your inner thighs. His hands cupped your jaw and made you lean back so that your head was against a cupboard. Your eyes opened as he then pulled away.

"I truly am sorry, Y/N. I love you and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize what we have. It's just-"

"Hush," you shushed him and stroked his cheek. "Nothing can jeopardize us."

"I love you," he repeated softly.

"And I love you," you cupped his jaw and pecked each side of his cheeks.

You moved to get off the counter, knowing that Hesh would move on to the weekend household chores the two of you split. His muscles braced harder and you gaped your jaw, looking at his hungry gaze in confusion.

"Not yet," he practically read your mind.

You couldn't help but smirk.

Hesh's gentle green gaze never left yours as he unbuttoned your jeans and started sliding them down. You lifted your hips so that he could tear them all the way off, along with your undies, and throw them to the tile. Your hands grazed down his abs to the hem of his t-shirt and tugged upwards.

You let out a small moan when Hesh sucked on the sensitive skin on your collarbone, your wrists curling around his shoulders in pleasure. Hesh smirked against your skin, stripping down his pants as well.


You hummed against his lips, always ready for him, and felt his hard cock slide into your wetness with ease. Your body had missed him dearly and, now that he was in you, it was obvious his had been without you too long.

"Fuck," you grunted as Hesh scooted your hips closer and tightened his hips.

His thrusts started up sooner than you were expecting, causing your head to fall back against the cupboards once more. Your back arched as you hugged his head to your clothed chest. Hesh cocked his head to suck on your jaw as he skillfully pounded into you.

"This is going to be quick," Hesh grunted, his hips never slowing once.

You cupped his face and pressed your lips together so hard, your noses slammed into each other. Hesh smirked and braced himself on the counter with one hand in order to allow the other to grasp the nape of your neck. He squeezed and pulled you closer to him, making you whimper in blind pleasure.

His penis throbbed inside you, a stranger very much so welcomed. You moaned so loudly that you were sure neighbors would come knocking at any second. Hesh wasn't exactly quiet either with his loud groans.

"Fuck, you feel so good," his voice was hoarse as you felt yourself tighten around him.

You practically screamed when Hesh made you teeter at the edge of the counter. The new angle hit back into your depths, the drumming a cause of the orgasm that came quickly. You shivered and saw stars on the backs of your eyelids as the high arrived. You clawed at Hesh's shoulders in blindness, letting out breathless gasps.

"Keep going," you shouted, feeling his cock twitch inside as you rode out your orgasm.

Hesh drew away from your throat, gripping your hips harshly. He pounded three times harder than ever before and then the blast occurred. You gasped into his shoulder, feeling his warmth shoot through you and then start to drip down with gravity.

His hips slowed until he stilled, his penis still lowering itself from the intoxicating situation. Hesh slowly pulled out of you, the motion making a smooching sound to the remaining wetness the sex had produced. The liquids from you and him dripped down the edge of the counter and down on the lower cupboard doors.

"Damn you," you whispered, pecking his lips.

"What? Was it not enjoyable?"

"It's just that...I just cleaned the kitchen."

Hesh looked down at the quickly-drying fluids and smirked. "Oh well. What else did you clean today?"

You crossed your arms. "Why?"

"So we can get those places dirty too."

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