Welcome Back (Requested Logan)

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"So what are they like?" you asked again.

Logan took a nervous deep breath next to you at the picnic table. "I don't know. Haven't seen them in a long time."

You frowned, knowing it was partially you who'd been the cause of that. Logan had been torn up when you had met him.

It was six years ago:

You were a nurse for the military, but not just any military. Gabriel Rorke, the leader of the Federation, had assigned you to the job. You had worked with many men and women over the time staying there. The soldiers were another story, except Logan. He wasn't.

Logan had been wounded in combat when you met him. It was in the weeks of tending to him when you started being attracted to him. It wasn't long before you both escaped from Rorke.

You were married a year later, having two little boys named Noah and Alex a year after that. Logan and you lived a simple life, staying away from anything military or dangerous. It was only until a few months ago when you found out about the Ghosts.

"It's not your fault," Logan read your mind. "I chose this life because I love you and want to protect you."

You smiled and rubbed his neck gently. Logan clutched your hand and looked out to Noah and Alex, who were swinging on the swings.

"They're getting so big," Logan smiled at the two four year old boys.

"I know, before we'll know it they'll be off to college," you agreed.

Logan wrapped his arms around you and kissed your lips gently. If that was one thing you loved about Logan, it was that he was always so sweet and gentle. Except in bed, then he was a different person who you loved more than his regular self. He was too hot for you to handle sometimes.

"Logan?" a voice spoke from behind you.

"Hesh?" Logan released you and turned to face a brown-haired man.

You watched as Logan got up from the bench and walked to hug his brother. A smile formed on your lips and you tilted your head. Getting up, you stepped towards the two tearing men.

"This is my wife," Logan clutched your hand and led you forwards. "Y/N."

"Y/N," Hesh smiled and hugged you awkwardly. "So you're the one who saved my brother."

"He saved me too," you admitted.

"Keegan," Logan was looking past Hesh to a tall, muscular man with black hair and blue eyes.

"Logan," Keegan smiled and hugged your husband happily. "It's good to see you again brother. Who's this?"

"I'm Y/N," you stuck out a hand and Keegan shook it warmly. "Logan's wife."

"Mommy! Mommy!" Noah ran up to you and tugged on your shirt. "I found a cat-pillar."

The mood in the air turned soft like butter and all attention turned to the little boy next to you. You faced Noah with a gentle smile.

"It's a caterpillar honey. Why don't you go show it to your brother?"

"Okay," Noah turned with the little black and orange caterpillar in his hands.

You ran a hand through his hair as he ran over to Alex. Once you turned back to the group, you realized everyone was smiling.

"Twins," Hesh smiled and shook his head. "Who would've thought?"

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