Baby Duties (Requested Salen Kotch)

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Y/B/N = your baby's name 

"Don't worry, Y/N. I'm sure they will be fine!" 

"He hasn't watched Y/B/N by himself yet," you frowned. "What if something bad happens and Salen doesn't know how to deal with it?" 

Your friend made a chuckling noise. "Put more faith in him." 

"He hasn't gained that much." 

There was a heavy silence in the car. 

"He hasn't been around?" 

"No," you snapped. "He's always out with his duties and rarely ever visits our home. It's like we aren't even raising a child together...or trying to. I'm a single mom at this point."

"Maybe him taking care of Y/B/N will make him want to be around more often?" 

"Or leave as quickly as possible," you muttered. 


Back at the house:

The screen reflected against Kotch's dark eyes as he studied the layout of another business to trick into selling themselves. Infrastructure was weak, as were the general set up of offices. It wouldn't be hard to manipulate the CEO into letting him take over. 

From across the room, there was a gurgling noise. Kotch glanced up from the tablet to see Y/B/N using their arms to stand up. He had only been watching the child for a half hour and the thing was being a nuisance. 

Kotch knew he hadn't meant to get Y/N pregnant, but luck was entirely against him. He loved Y/N dearly and wished he wasn't so busy so that he could show his love, but again...odds. The child had made an excuse for them to manage a house, though Kotch was rarely ever there to help out. Was he guilty? No...never for anything. Was he alone? Sometimes he felt as if. 

It seemed like he was just a visiting uncle from time to time. 

"What are you doing, you little devil?" Kotch set the tablet aside and crossed the room within three steps. 

Y/B/N gazed up at Kotch, their straight face turning into a beaming smile. They released the bars of the room's gate and then headed for the floor. Kotch, quick in his reflexes, cushioned the fall by supporting the child's arms. 

"You are an annoying little thing." 

The child let out a gargled giggle and then started crawling for a stuffed animal splayed out in the middle of the room. Upon reaching the giraffe, Y/B/N threw a plastic ball beneath it in Kotch's direction. Kotch rolled the ball back in an annoyed manner. 

Seeing the joy of a new game, the child rolled the ball back once more. Kotch rolled his eyes, shoving his hair from out of his face, and then rolled the ball in return. 

They played this game for at least five minutes. 

Then the kid wanted something else. Something that made them cry in an ear-aching sound. 

"What do you want?" Kotch demanded, awkwardly holding the crying child against him. "I don't speak baby!" 

Then Kotch could smell the horrible duty of Diaper Duty. He let out a groan and then stormed to the child's room. Y/B/N grew silent as Kotch slowly changed the diaper, wiping up the smeared mess that made him want to gag. 

"What the hell?" he grumbled. "There are two types of these things?" 

The purplish one had moons and stars printed on them- likely a nighttime nappy if anything. Kotch went with the purple one and got it backwards the first time. Upon making up a second one, he gently used his thumb to make sure the sticky adhesive was going to stay. 

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