Reunion (Requested Logan)

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It had been nearly two years since you met Logan. You liked to call it "meeting" rather than "finding" him, though you'd saved his life. Logan knew that too, often doing small things to remind you of it.

You'd found Logan stuck inside of a hole, almost dead. He never told you why he ended up there, but you knew it had something to do with his past, which seemed dark and unfriendly. You never questioned it, Logan's bettering state of mind often decreasing if he spoke of it too much. You wanted to protect him and never spoke of it unless he brought it up.

Logan had been in a coma for a month after you'd found him. Though you had never met him, you stayed with him in the hospital, telling the doctors and nurses that you knew him. It was a long time for you.

When Logan awoke he remembered a lot more than most people would have. He was hard to connect with, but you pushed on trying to make him remember what he'd lost. It was a battle, but you fell in love with him during it, making it impossible for you to part with him by the time he was fully healed. Cold-hearted Logan had fallen in love with you too.

"This isn't going to be good," Logan, who you sat by now, grumbled.

"He's your brother isn't he?" you asked, running your hand through the hair of the little boy next to you. "You shouldn't be worried."

"He thinks I'm dead," Logan glanced to you. "How will this go well at at all?

"Hey," you touched Logan's hand gently, "we're here for you no matter what."

Logan looked into your e/c eyes and smiled a little. When his gaze moved to his son next to you, his smile widened. You squeezed his hand and kissed him on the cheek.

"Logan?" a voice other than yours questioned.

"Hesh," Logan turned to face his brother.

"I can't believe you're alive!" the man walked closer.

There was an awkward silence and then the two brothers hugged. You couldn't help but smile to the small family reunion, your son next to you waving and letting out a "hi" to Hesh. Hesh caught this friendliness and released Logan.

"And who's this cute fella?"

"Y/c/n," your son smiled.

Logan came back next to you then, wrapping a muscular arm around your waist. His small smile made you smile. You watched Hesh talk your son before he stood up and offered a hand to you.

"You are?"

"Y/N,"  you shook Hesh's hand. "I'm Logan's wife."

"And the one who saved him. I really respect you, Y/N," Hesh released your hand. "I've been searching for my brother for years."

"Well, you've found me," Logan concluded. "Do you want to go with us to lunch? We can 'catch' up."

Hesh smiled to the idea of joining his brother's family for lunch. With a nod, Hesh joined you for lunch.

And it was the most you saw Logan smile ever since you met him.


I didn't write this well, but it was requested and I'm still trying to get the hang of this.

I hope you liked it!


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