One Article at a Time (Requested Yuri)

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It was a game he enjoyed playing. 

You, on the other hand, only enjoyed it when you won. You got to see your sexy boyfriend of two years slowly strip before your eyes and milk in the very sight of him every time.

Yuri almost always won, however.


You continued to stir the mix of the night's dinner in the kitchen as Yuri arrived from work; your thoughts of the game quickly dissipated as well. You couldn't help but smile as the man rounded the corner with a grin on his hardened face.


"What is it?"

"Open it and find out," Yuri set the paper bag on the table and you set the metal bowl on the counter.

Reaching in the bag, you pulled out a small bouquet of flowers. Taped on the yellow-colored plants' stems was a gift card to your favorite coffee shop.

"Oh Yuri!"

His lips came to your neck. "Need it?"


You always enjoyed the surprises Yuri brought home on random days. He treated you special, correctly, in your opinion. You always returned the acts from his heart with ones from your own, even if he was against it.

"What's the special occasion?" you wondered, returning back to the kitchen to mix.

"Nothing too important," Yuri sighed, slouching down onto one of the table's chairs.

You glanced in his direction. "Hard day?"

"Busy, not hard."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's what I get for slacking."

"You've been slacking?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Only because I've been thinking of you."

You gushed at his words, turning into a deep red color. "Yuri..."

"Tell me, are you hot?"

"A little."

"This house is on fire to me," Yuri whispered, closing his eyes. "This weekend I'm going to fix the air conditioner so the heat doesn't kill us."

"I'll help."

The corner of Yuri's lip cocked upwards. "Okay."

"Now go take a shower," you commanded, turning away. "You're going to ruin the smell of dinner."

"Fine," Yuri pouted, standing up and heading for the back part of the one story house.

"Such a baby," you muttered, giggling.

"Hey babe?"

You groaned playfully. "What?"

"Where did you move the towels?"

"They're right where they've always been."

"Why don't I see any then?"

You sighed and wiped your hands, heading down the hallway to the bathroom. "They're right here-"

"No they aren't," Yuri crossed his arms, showing an empty cabinet.

"Use mine in the bedroom then," you shook your head.

Yuri followed to you to pick it up. Turning, you glared at him. He grinned as he shut the door behind the two of you.

"What's up your sleeve?"

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