Hornet's Nest (Requested Soap/Ghost)

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"Sir, the militia's closing in. Almost 200 of them, front and back."

Your e/c eyes traced the buildings for the sign of what Ghost was speaking about. Sure enough, you immediately caught glimpses of militia men heading your direction, all loaded with fully automatic rifles.

"We're gonna have to fight our way to the LZ," Soap replied. "Let's go!"

Your older brother, Ghost, hesitated and shot a glance to the beat up man behind all of you. His hazel eyes were narrowed in disgust.

"What about Rojas?"

The soothing voice you wanted to hear next sounded. "The streets'll take care of him"

Ghost, seemly satisfied, continued on after Soap. "Works for me."

You gripped your weapon tighter, allowing Ghost and Roach to take point. Soap paused behind the cover of a favela house. His blue eyes traced your form and a small smile lit up his features. You shouldered him as you passed and his hand skimmed your lower back in longing.

"Come on, Captain."

He let out a low groan and then followed you. You caught up to Ghost and Roach rather quickly, their gazes snapping to you and Soap; it wasn't like they didn't know the two of you were a thing. Ghost gingerly accepted it, but you could always tell it hit him with that brotherly instinct.

"Nikolai!" Soap spoke into his communication device as we wove through the buildings. "We're at the top level of the favela surrounded by militia! Bring the chopper to the market! Do you copy, over?"

"Ok my friend, I am on the way!" Nikolai's Russian accent was clear through the ear piece of all of you. 

As the group moved forwards, you could see the militia preparing to strike. Setting up rocket launchers wasn't exactly done in stealth either. Your heart pounded as it always did before entering a battle.

"Everyone get ready! Lock and load!" Soap commanded.

Ghost almost bounced in his steps. "Let's do this!"

That was one thing about both of the men you loved dearly. They would never shy away from a fight, whether they were going to return from it or not. The thought scared you, really. If you lost either one of them, your heart would shatter like a glass vase.

"Tangos at the ground level dead ahead."

Ghost drew you from your thoughts and you drew up your weapon to begin firing. The others were already doing so. Soap crouched on your right, his shoulder skimming your own, and Ghost was ahead just a few steps.

"We've gotta get to the helicopter - head through the gate to the market! Move!" Soap commanded as the great Captain he often was.

Bullets whizzed past your form, making shivers chill your spine as you dodged and ran along with the men.

Ghost spoke up once more as he reloaded. "Contact! Foot-mobiles on the rooftops, closing in from the south."

This continued for what seemed like many minutes. You stayed close to Soap, enjoying the sensitive feeling of warmth that washed over you as the two of you worked shoulder-to-shoulder. Ghost never exactly let you out of sight either. Sure he trusted Soap, but he never thought trust could be enough to protect you.

A few moments later, Soap spoke up from over the chaos. "There's Nikolai's Pave Low! Let's go! Nikolai, ETA 20 seconds! Be ready for immediate dust-off!

Nikolai sounded like he was struggling a bit. "That may not be fast enough! I see more militia closing in on the market!"

"Pick up the pace!" Soap told all of you.

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