Different Grip (Hesh)

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"Twenty two, twenty three...." your arms were burning, but you knew your body could hold to continue. "Twenty four...."

It was your first day going hardcore on the bench press. The total weight you were lifting was one hundred pounds. Your highest ever had been eighty.

Sweat was starting to form on your forehead as you reached thirty. Stopping the weightlifting to care for your shaking arms, you sat up on the bench. The water bottle that had once been full was now drank halfway from your workout.

"Dude, seriously that chick is pumping iron!" you heard a muscular guy talking to two of his friends.

"She can hear us you know," another one said.

You waited for the third one to say something, but instead only felt eyes on you. Glancing over to the corner where the pull-down machine was located, you saw one of them looking at you. He wasn't impressed, but wasn't thinking you were weak either- you could tell in his gaze.

"I'm going to go help her," the man that had been looking at you spoke quietly.

You widened your eyes and then took another swig of water. His footsteps were coming closer and closer to where you sat. Your heart started pounding.

"I noticed you needed some help," the man stood, his hands resting on the bar of the weights.

"With what?" you were confused.

"The way you hold your hands when you lift," he made it sound like it was obvious. "Lie back down here and I'll show you an easier way."

The man had muscles, but nothing too extreme like some men had at the gym. His eyes were icy, but not blue. The green of them was more of a pine and for some reason that made you feel comfortable. His hair was short and a light brown.

"If you hold your hands a little farther apart," the man's cool hands grabbed yours and pulled them apart slightly, "you'll have a better grip and be able to lift more comfortably."

You tried to avoid eye contact, but couldn't help yourself as he was looking into your eyes. His hands were sending shocks throughout your body and you tried to control yourself from shivering.

"Try it," he said.

He kept his hands under the bar as you lifted it up and did one press. Your muscles almost gave away and the man supported the weight, lifting it with you to take away some of the weight.

"It's harder," you pouted, looking up at the man smirking.

"That's because your muscles aren't used to the way you're holding it. Trust me, it'll build more muscle."

"Who are you?" you raised an eyebrow.

"My name is David Walker, but most people call me Hesh," the man kept his hands on the bar and looked at you curiously. "Who are you?"

"Y/N," you stated. "Y/N, Y/L/N."

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