Lunch For Three

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Hours at the Performance Center seemed to roll on by as if they were seconds. The superstars and Divas that worked there and trained there didn't care that their entire days and lives were consumed with professional wrestling. After all, they were employed by the largest wrestling company on the planet. Lunch time rolled around all too soon for Fergal who grew increasingly nervous about the whole social interaction aspect of going with Pam AND Leah. Although he was close friends with Leah, and Best friends with Pam, it never occurred to him that he would be able to get invited to lunch with them. Why was he so nervous, he really had no idea on this earth why this made his nerves shake so much. They were just friends, he had no feeling for either of them and it was insane that it would still cause him to be shaky a mere moments before he walked out of the door and to the outside world. Finally Fergal got the courage to walk out and he saw Pam and Leah were both waiting for him to go, they both turned their heads and smiled at him, "FINALLY" Both of them spouted out loudly before laughing, this being put on the spot stuff was totally new to Fergal, sure he had friends all over the world. But most of them were guys and most of them didn't really enjoy doing things like this. He blushed a light shade of pink and smiled back, "I know, I know..I should be the one labeled Diva, yea?" Fergal's words were met with a light giggle from just Pam this time, she blushed once she realized that Leah did not join her in the laughing train. She cleared her throat and looked down slowly, "So, you ready to finally eat? I'm bout to pass the hell out out here and you're in there makin' sure your hair is glued on just right." Leah giggled now at the confrontation of Fergal who nodded quickly as they all walked down the sidewalk towards this cute little local place that Pam and Leah always went to with each other. Fergal was one of the top guys in NXT, no the WWE as a whole. He had an image to maintain and people thought very highly of him. This put a lot of unnecessary pressure on his back and almost forced him to be on the balls of his feet at all time, never looking foolish.

He was almost certain that he looked like a bloody idiot right now, he was so embarrassed at this whole thing, only because he was so unbelievably nervous about it. Pam walked closer to Fergal than Leah, for some reason these two were just inseparable from each other and it was the strangest thing. An unspoken bond is the best way to describe how they thought and felt about each other. Seeing Pam gravitate towards Fergal made Leah smile on the inside, being Pam's best friend, she often knew how she acted towards those that she thought were cute, or perhaps even had developing feelings for. And Pam had all writing on the wall sort of speak, it was almost blatant that the two had some kind of feeling for each other. But neither of them acted like they did and didn't show any sign of actually having that go down that way. They finally arrived at the local place after a rather quiet walk and Fergal, being the gentleman that he was, opened the door for both of them and took a little bow, "Thanks Ferg." "Yea thank you Fergie." Leah walked in, followed by Pam close behind. Fergal then walked inside of the establishment and looked around, he hadn't even been aware that this place existed to be honest. There was no mention of it on Grubhub and that's primarily where Fergal placed most of his orders for food and found out about it all. "Pleasure is all mine." They all walked to a booth and sat down, naturally Fergal sat down with Pam as Leah was on a side all to herself. She didn't mind. Actually, she was one of those eaters who needed a lot of space, otherwise she would be all up on everyone else's space.

Sighing quietly, Pam looked down at the menu, and then looked back up at Leah, "The usual?" Leah nodded slowly to her then they both collectively looked over at Fergal who was still analyzing the menu as best as he could. Seeing a place like this made him super happy, mainly due to the organic nature of all the foods that it offered, but also because he was with two of the closest people to him in the whole entire world. "Uhhh is the chicken salad any good here?" Pam gasped loudly and nudged him, "I always get that!!" Leah literally rolled her eyes, the two were like a new, gross teenage couple who both just realized they both like juice boxes of the same flavor. She did smile though, for Pam seemed super giggly when she was around Fergal. Almost seemed like she was trying to impress the young Irishman. "You do? So I assume it's amazin', yea?" Fergal looked over at Pam and locked eyes with her, it was the strangest thing in the whole world, he couldn't seem to unlock them from hers. It wasn't like he was complaining, but seconds rolled on as Pam fought back the blush, as well as fought some words out, "Yea! You'll love it. They do this amazing thing with the shredded cheese where it's like, drenched, but not drenched oh gosh I'm hungry." Pam giggled and Leah smiled a bit more now, she was literally third wheeling this right now, but she was more than okay with it. Fergal was a great guy, and Pam was a great girl. How could she possibly get upset over anything that was possibly going on. Fergal rested his menu on the table slowly before he turned to Leah who was seemingly just watching a movie play out right before her eyes. She shrugged and raised her little eyebrows up into the air. "Get what'cha want Ferg. Ain't no difference to me so long as we can order soon. Pam's fixin' to pass out here in a few minutes." Pam felt a little embarrassed by her friends remark, but it was a playful one, so she played along. "Yea, and trust me, you don't want that to go down. I pinkie swear I am not cute when I'm sleeping." Fergal smiled lightly at her and chuckled a bit, the conversations between the three of them today, of all days, were hard to come by. He had a bright idea of bringing up work, perhaps this would be able to make conversation flow out just a little bit easier than before. "Which one of the prospect kids ya like the most?" He looked over at Leah who was thinking about the question now, it wasn't an easy one. For there were tons and tons of developing youngsters who were dying to be in the spotlight.

Leah finally answered, "Hmm..I'm big on Liv. Y'know, Gionna? She's wicked sweet and talented, also has such an amazing eye for the business at such a young little age. Her pizza obsession is so damn funny. I know ya both are on Twitter a ton." Both Fergal and Pam respectively nodded at her before giggling, Gionna was obsessed with pizza, and Jordans. But that was okay. Hey, who could blame her, the food was delicious, and the shoes were awesome to wear and look at. Pam smiled a little bit before exhaling as she herself was thinking on who she was high on. It was a tie to her between Nia and Peyton. "Well I like Peyton to be honest. Girl is hilarious and a freakin' master in the ring. Plus, have you seen those legs? Last person I've seen be able to spin kick like that was AJ.." It was at that moment where Pam looked down, AJ Lee was one of her closest friends and biggest supporters throughout her entire career up to this point. And it broke her heart to know that her and the WWE left on somewhat nasty terms, especially with her now ex husband, CM Punk. It was something that few in the WWE liked to bring up, the only times in which they did was when they screwed her out of her longest reigning Divas Title run, giving it to Nikki almost immediately upon AJ's departure from the company. "So, if I had to pick any of the younglings? I'd say I'd pick Peyton. She's not even really all that new to wrestling."

Fergal himself didn't really have an answer to his own question. He tried though, his thoughts all lie with Pam, whom to him was still a new wrestler for she did fiddle with the Indies a little, but he mainly just wanted to give her a boost of confidence when it came to all of this wrestling talk. Wrestling was Pam's entire life, it was well documented through the magic that the WWE Network offered. Breaking Ground showcased Pam's love for wrestling, as well as her out of the ring relationship with Leah, dubbed, 'Baymella'. Fergal looked down as he thought, he couldn't put a finger on whom he would say is his favorite new guy in NXT. "I like Apollo a lot, guy's wicked kind and generous, plus he knows exactly what he's doin', but if you made me pick a youngster? Uh, probably have to go with..Alexis. She's got that fire and chip on her shoulder since turnin' on the fans and I think that's wicked admirable for a talent to take their entire makeup, and shift it into the polar opposite direction at the drop of a dime like that." Pam listened and agreed with Fergal, Alexis was a great young girl who had so much unrivaled potential in WWE, she wasn't the biggest competitor to ever step inside of the ring, but her words, 'Small but fierce'. The waitress came by and took their orders all respectively. After the lady walked away Fergal looked over at Pam who just seemed to be so at peace with everything to do with her life. It was a funny kind of feeling he got when he looked over at her, they way her jaw line seemingly sculpted her perfect little fact was that of intention, as opposed to genetic accident. Leah kicked at Fergal's foot for he was looking a little too obviously at this point. This almost confirmed her suspicion that he did indeed have feelings for little Pam over there. Did she know? Probably not, Pam was pretty oblivious when it came to emotions like that after her recent ex and her split rather unceremoniously, plus work was so busy for her, how could she possibly have time to think about dating again? Time went by as the three friends discussed things like, politics, which Fergal knew nothing about mainly due to the fact that he just didn't give a damn. He did know that he didn't like Trump very much. Which was good. Partially due to the fact that he was not exactly the best guy to be so over by the people of America. And Pam thought it was just adorable that he didn't know much. Then they talked about workouts, Fergal was a very lean and cut man, he had abs that lasted for days and took pride in his body. Pam loved to talk about working out and anything that came with it, same with Leah. All three of them were really gym rats in their own mind.

The food came out promptly twenty minutes after they placed their orders and all three of their eyes widened with amazement at just how large the portion size was. Of course, Pam's stomach rumbled one last time before she snagged a fork and began to dig in. Fergal and Leah both carefully analyzed their food for there was a specific way that they wanted to eat it, trying to ensure that nothing fell off of the plate, they were very careful with how they proceeded. Pam on the other hand, she ate so damn fast that there was no way that anything would get a chance to even fall off the dish. "Someone was mighty hungry, weren't ya little lass?" Fergal smiled over at Pam who immediately blushed as he spoke. It was kind of funny for him to call her lass, must be an adorable little Irish thing they did over there. As they finished up eating a lot quicker than they expected, all three of them leaned back and exhaled deeply, with Pam placing a hand on her belly and puffing it out on purpose. It was difficult for her, she was super tiny but she did try and make a funny about the situation. "Well. Looks like I've got a food baby goin' on right now." Leah giggled loudly, "Yea, I do too. Damn thing's gonna be here a while." Fergal was just amazed with how adorable Pam was. Sadly they had to go back to the Performance Center for the rest of the day.  

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