Determination & Making Up

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Fergal was growing restless. It was tiring to him to have to be injured this long. The man had been wrestling nonstop for sixteen years..I mean he was bound to get injured like this sooner or later. It just happened to occur at such a crucial point in his career and his life. The fact that he got injured now and had to not only drop his NEWLY FORMED Universal Title, but he had to stop traveling as well. Which means Pam is all on her own. Of course, that didn't really matter, Pam was a big girl she could handle herself. But Fergal knew how delicate that poor little angel is, and seeing how on screen the company isn't capitalizing on how amazing she really is was driving him mad. There was an incident after RAW one night where they had this improvised segment on the WWE Network where the people who asked the questions actually grilled Pam when she wasn't the zippiest on the microphone. That severely pissed Fergal off, seeing his little baby get demolished and basically ganged up on was something that made his blood not only boil, but made him see red. He was more determined than ever to get back on the road and make sure that she was protected. He didn't care if she didn't need protecting, he was going to protect her and there was not a damn thing anybody could do about it. He slaved at the gym and physical therapy, busted his ass way more than before..It was almost like he was just a machine with no heart or feelings. He ignored all kind of pain that he was feeling. Fergal's face showed the pain he was feeling, but his voice never complained, he never once had to take a break, as a matter of fact..He was always told to slow down, he was told that a break was needed. And every single time they told him to take one? He got a little angry about it. He felt that breaks were a waste of time and momentum. Nobody knew what was driving him, Fergal was fighting for his career here, he was fighting to get back to doing something that was literally his entire life. Not only is wrestling his life, but Pam was involved with the RAW spotlight. And she was a part of wrestling, which doubles the importance of him getting back as quickly, but as healthy as possible. That was the problem, he had to be a hundred and ten percent before the WWE would allow him to make his triumphant return. Fergal was a very big name in the WWE now a days, the Demon King was someone whom the fans came to see in droves. If he were to come back and get injured right away again? It would be an actual disaster. Nothing worse could happen for him personally, and him in business sense. Fergal sent a picture of his scar on his shoulder from surgery to Pam with a simple little caption, 'Soon.' He was covered in sweat, the physical therapy for that day was especially intense. Fergal worked out and trained with a fire that no one could even try and put out. Even the guys who were there that were healthy were growing weary of him.

The other people watching him were getting increasingly self conscious of themselves. They figured that an injured man with one wing shouldn't be able to do the things that he was doing. Especially after his major shoulder surgery..But Fergal was no ordinary man. He was a man with a purpose. A man with determination..He not only wanted to prove that he was the best wrestler in the well, the rest of the world. But he needed to get back and make sure that the love of his life was protected. He knew that as soon as Fergal was back in the locker room nobody would ever pull some cheeky shit like that on Pam ever again. Fergal got a text back from Pam, but it somewhat shocked him to see what Pam had said to him..He really didn't need to know that this was going down..especially right now of all times..He couldn't even respond to it..

Pam sent a picture back to him alright. Except it wasn't a happy face, or a thumbs up. Or anything that she normally sends him. She sent him a picture of her legs. Except one was heavily bandaged just above the knee area with the caption, 'I may be joining you on that table soon.' Fergal felt his heart sink into the pit of his stomach. He felt all determination fade away into nothingness. How could she have gotten hurt like that..There was no way, she had to be playing a rib on her..She couldn't be hurt. Pam sat on the table in the trainers room before Monday Night RAW, it had been two weeks since Aaron came by and did what he did to her. Pam was on guard from everybody and everything. She missed Mercedes, that girl was truly her best friend and she let her slip away. She was growing increasingly distracted with life. Not only did she let Mercedes slip away, but she let Lexi, Leah, April, and Saraya slip right through her little fingers. Pam was truly on her own now. She had a feeling she could just simply text Leah or Lexi, but they were doing their own thing, with their own problems. Not wanting to burden anyone with her crap, she kept all of it to herself. And the injury part? Pam was wrestling at a Live Event against Dana Brooke, (Ashley) who went for a simple knee buster. But as she lifted Pam up off the ground and went to plant her back down..Pam ACTUALLY got her knee busted up, her muscle never really recovered from it and her leg was planted very very hard. It wasn't Ashley's fault, nor was it Pam's fault. It was just a freak accident that happens in the world of professional wrestling. Now come at me again saying wrestling is fake, cause it isn't. Anyways, the trainer that was assisting Pam began to massage the woman's knee gently, digging their fingers into her upper thigh and trying to weed out any pain and discomfort that she might be experiencing. Pam had a match that night, against Charlotte Flair of all people. She DEMANDED perfection from her opponents and by god she got it. That woman drew the best out in all of her competitors. It was no wonder why the company kept pinballing the Women's Title between her and Mercedes. Those two were incredible in the ring, if you put them in a twenty by twenty ring and rang a bell? Magic would happen, simply magic. "So am I gonna cry when she puts me in the Figure-Eight?" Pam asked the trainer who shrugged and advised her to avoid getting put in any kind of submission hold whatsoever. They didn't want to pull a muscle off the bone for no good reason..or any reason..

"You're the doc, doc." Pam hopped off the table gingerly and carefully walked out. She was dwelling on the fact that she no longer had friends on RAW anymore. Mercedes didn't want anything to do with her, Ashley and her had grown apart since the Four Horsewomen days of NXT..Leah, Lexi, and Rebecca were all on Smackdown Live. And Fergal was injured. Pam really was hurting more so in her heart that on her leg. As Pam walked down the hall, she was visibly struggling to get to where she needed to go, she needed to ice this leg down so she could push through her match with Ashley. As she needed the wall for leverage, her hand drug against it and she kept herself upright the whole way. Mercedes came around the corner behind her and was initially irritated by just seeing Pam. But..she soon saw that Pam was hurting, and hurting badly. Mercedes walked behind her for they had the same destination. Mercedes put her petty feelings aside, she walked up behind Pam and slid under her arm, now using herself to support Pam. Pam was scared at first to what the hell was happening, but she looked down and saw a pink head. "A-ah?" Pam mumbled quietly, Mercedes looked up, "Shh. I'm here..Okay? I'm here." Pam was speechless to be honest, she didn't expect anyone to help her. Nonetheless Mercedes...

Pam was trying to figure out why Mercedes of all people would take time out of her ridiculously busy day to stop and help her. But before she could come to a rational reason for why..They had arrived in the locker room. Pam was helped to a bench by Mercedes who had a concerned look on her face. "It was the knee buster the other night, wasn't it?" Pam nodded slowly, and whispered, "Y-Yea.." She didn't want to seem helpless so she tried to stand up, "I'm fine though, it's just sore as heck y'know?" Mercedes shook her head and placed a hand on Pam's upper chest. "Please just sit down honey. Okay?" Pam looked down a bit and sat back down. She knew it was way worse than just a little tweak to her knee. She looked back up at Mercedes, "Listen I'm really sorry..For everything. I wanna start doing better by everyone. Like everyone.." Mercedes nodded and was way too concerned with her physical health to actually care about some petty fight that they were having before. She nodded though, "Look I know what you did was not okay. But I shouldn't have just dropped by like some kind of idiot like that. I should have called, or texted, or sent a freakin' smoke signal.." Pam giggled at how flustered Mercedes was getting, "You're so cute when you're flustered." Mercedes giggled quietly and shook her head, "Oh shut up..But it is okay. You don't need to be sorry anymore okay..? I realize I was so wrong in what I did..Especially after our conversation a few weeks ago? Remember? The-" Pam cut her off immediately, she would cry if that was actually brought up again. "Yes yes..I..I remember.." She actually shivered lightly just at the thought of that conversation. Mercedes nodded slowly and whispered, "I'm sorry. Do you..forgive me? For being a complete and utter ass?" Mercedes puffed out her bottom lip and Pam smiled wider than she has in weeks. "Yea of course I freakin' forgive you. How can I say no to that face??" Mercedes now smiled and embraced Pam in a very warm, and much needed hug. "I love you Pammy." She nuzzled her head into Pam's shoulder, "And I love you more. Dork." They giggled and Mercedes pulled away, sitting on the bench next to her. "So does it like, hurt real bad? Or is it really stiff?" She was way too concerned with Pam's health to think of anything else, even the time. "Both actually. It hurts like heck right now and I'm going to get my butt kicked by Ashley later." Mercedes' eyes widened, "You have to wrestle Ashley like this?" Pam nodded, "You better tell her before you guys start, if you do she totally won't exploit it. She'll be cool and go for like, your arm or something. Ashley is rad like that." Pam nodded slowly.

"I really missed you." Mercedes said again, even though it was a fact, and it was obvious, she felt the need to say it again. Pam smiled softly and wrapped her arm around her smaller friend. "Well guess what Missy? I missed you too. Nothing is gonna go down and take you from me again. Got it?" She smiled a bit and Mercedes leaned into her. It was such a nice moment for two friends to actually get back on the same page yet again. Those few weeks for both of them was nothing but hell on earth. They hated coming to work for the awkward nature of the situation was cutting a hole right through Pam's heart. As well as Mercedes, even though she was the angry one in this situation, it still burned her soul to not be able to not have the ability to grab Pam and hug that goofy lady. But now all was well, they didn't wanna keep this going, this fighting over nonsense. These two were way better than that petty bullshit. "Never again?" Pam whispered, Mercedes looked up, "Never again butthead." She pulled away slowly and stood up, stretching when she did. Mercedes looked down at Pam who had so much relief showing on her body it was beautiful to see. "C'mere, lemme show you some stretches. It'll help you loosen up that leg a bit."

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