Mae Young Classic

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Pam and Fergal needed to get things sorted out and sorted out fast. If there was any chance ever of them being the way that they used to be.. Fergal had to understand Pam's thought process and nothing more. She did what she did because.. Well, she thought what she thought. It wasn't even hard for Fergal to understand now that he has had quite a long while to think about it. They were broken up, if Fergal felt the same way as Pam, and given the opportunity with the unknown? How can you fault the guy for acting on an impulse. You can't.  You can't at all fault someone for acting on an instinct when they honestly don't know what the next day will bring them.. And once Fergal came to that conclusion in his head it was very clear to him that he can't be mad anymore.. Pam was a nervous wreck right now, their entire ride back to the privacy of a hotel was tense and quiet, you could practically cut through it with a knife. Fergal was entirely over it honestly, he didn't hold anything against Pam due to his realization. He wanted more confirmation on the subject, and still had that sliver of doubt that he couldn't erase without hearing it from Pam directly. The talk of their own wedding had died down after what Pam did and that weighed heavily on the hugger. She hated where things had gone, and hated the fact that she was basically to blame. She fought her hardest not to look over at her man and smile, she wanted to so badly because over time? This is really all she wanted, she wanted to have Fergal again, she wanted this time to spend with him and she needed to tell him how she felt about everything. It took some time, but after they got back to the hotel it felt like business as usual. They got out, grabbed some things and went up to the room. The somber silence that befell them was kind of awkward, and even more tense than the car ride. Fergal plopped a seat on the recliner that was decently placed in this big ass room. And he did this primarily due to the fact that he didn't want Pam to get too close and try to sugar her way out of talking about this.. Fergal knew she didn't wanna do this. And how could she? This was going to be such a tense conversation and something out of a bad romance movie honestly. Pam sat down at the edge of the bed and huffed quietly, "Where do I even begin.." Pam tried to speak and that really is all she got out. Fergal took in air and held it; "Well start with why. I basically already know why. But I want to hear it from your mouth, in your voice. Not the voice in my head.." Fergal needed that confirmation I mentioned earlier, it was really a wondrous thing to behold. You can think something is truth all day long, but until you hear it from someone else and hear that basic confirmation? It is hard to believe it as truth and take it for what it is.

    That basically is what's happening here, the energy that was running through Pam was like a drug, she needed this adrenaline coursing through her veins in order to have the courage to speak up. "What had happened was I was in a dark place. I lost the one thing in my life that I thought I'd never lose. And I lost it for a stupid reason. I felt nothing.. Contemplated killing myself every single day. Without you in my life I felt like there was no reasoning for me. I went out drinking to drown myself in poison.. And that's when I saw Aaron, well to be honest he saw me. And approached me.. He tried to comfort me but.. But as long as I was sober I rejected his care. It was only until I was drunk beyond belief did I start listening to his bullshit. He convinced me that being with him would make me feel better.. I was lost, confused, hurt beyond belief.. I would have listened to someone telling me that the world was on fire at that point.."

    Fergal knew all of this was basically true. He knew his Pam, and he knew what she was capable of. "So I went with him, blown up out of my mind. I could barely walk.. It looked like the  poison worked it's awful magic on me. And honestly when.. When he had sex I didn't feel anything. I couldn't feel anything.." Pam rolled up her dress a little bit, "I'm not trying to seduce you, just look.." She pointed at a rather large.. Mark on her thigh. Fergal reached over and placed his hand over top of it.. His touch.. That high on her thigh.. Pam was melting and needed to compose herself. "I burned myself.. On 'accident' and I didn't even notice it until I bumped into it three times while I was showering. So sex was another feeling-less act. It also took like two liters of alcohol to make me listen to him in any way." She was trying to convince a man who needed no convincing.. Fergal knew that Aaron was the ex boyfriend for a reason. Lesson of the day kiddos; your exes are exes for reasons. Keep them that way. "I already knew literally all of this." Fergal said quietly as he drug his hand off of her thigh, allowing his fingers to basically tickle her on the way back. Pam was a little shocked, "How did you know that? I haven't told anyone.." Fergal shrugged at her words, "Well I know you. I don't need to have been there, or have been told otherwise to know what happened to you. I know how you are as a person, you wouldn't have just gone to a bar to fuck guys." Fergal's words were true, and they honestly freaked Pam out just a little bit. She didn't know that she was that predictable. She figured that Fergal was told about Pam's little deed.. But it turned out that she was engaged to Sherlock freakin' Holmes and he was just a master of deduction. "I see. And.. You aren't.. You aren't mad at me anymore?" Pam asked, she pulled down on her dress lightly and blushed more, the feeling of his warm, soft hand on her thigh made her squeal in her head. Fergal shook his head, "I just want things to go back to the way they used to be, before all of this crazy fucking shit. I can't deal with it anymore. I can't deal with going to bed knowing how depressed you are. You didn't self harm, did you?" Fergal asked quietly and got a little worried about the situation, if Pam was thinking about suicide.. What would stop her from cutting herself, or doing something worse.. Pam stared at him for a moment. "That burn was not an accident." Fergal nodded and moved in front of her, "Let me see it again. Please." He pleaded with his woman and she obliged him, moving her dress up again, exposing a rather bad burn. Fergal leaned his face down and softly kissed the woman's burn. Her very soft legs were being caressed by his hands, he gave the mark one more kiss before lifting his head. "No more of this.. No more burning yourself. No more of any of this.. You got it?" Fergal demanded. Pam nodded, "Y-yes sir." Fergal smiled.

    Pam didn't need to go into some kind of sir kink, but Fergal was definitely into it. "Sir now? Is that where we've gotten to?" he winked playfully and Pam bit down on her bottom lip gently. "For you? I'd be into almost anything.. Just don't ask to do anything to my butt like that. I need that just the way it is." Fergal laughed at her words, for they were incredibly silly. He stood and Pam jumped up to her feet, wrapping her arms around him quickly. "I fucking missed you. I fucking missed you so much you don't even know Fergal." Pam started to.. Cry? Was she seriously crying right now? This is all she dreamed about for a while now.. Even at their best friends wedding all she could think about is how much better it would be if he was with her during all of it, enjoying every little moment that occurred. And honestly? There were a lot of those cutesy moments that Pam had to silently cry over.. She had to envy.. She looked down.

    Fergal's soul felt full again, it felt incredible to have his woman back in his arms. "I do know how much you missed me. Because honestly I missed you just as much if not more. Just because I'm quiet does NOT mean that I don't feel things, and that I don't understand what loss feels like. I way more than qualify for that role.. I don't like it. I never want to experience it again. No more tragedies. Okay life? Leave us the fuck alone." Fergal pleaded with an unknown force that obviously wasn't real, he was just being a silly goober. Pam squeezed him tighter, it was hilarious that they were both in Florida and they couldn't.. Go home. Home was in New Jersey and that JUST dawned on her. "All of our stuff is gone, isn't it?" Pam asked quietly. And Fergal nodded, "Aye. It all is up there, I had April set things up, so let's hope our home is as cute as hers is. But.. Today is the finals of the Mae Young Classic.. Did you want to come with me to watch it at Full Sail?" Pam pulled her head back and nodded, "I'm already ready! Let's go!" Fergal smiled and laughed, she really was ready to get this party started. He got into a little nicer of clothes and off they went. What was a better way to heal those burnt wounds than some professional wrestling? The ONE thing that brought them together in the first place.. Fergal and Pam made their way to the arena and got inside. Getting to their seats that were set for the Superstars, they met up with Rebecca and Ashley. The four people would watch the show with each other. Just like the old days. "Hey! There's the happily married cuties! How are you guys? Isn't your honeymoon this weekend?" Pam asked and smiled wide at her friends. Ashley smiled, "Yeah! It totally is. And thank you Pam, for everything. I never got the chance to do it at our wedding. But, thank you for helping and just, being there." Ashley smiled at Pam and Rebecca wrapped her arm around her tall ass wife. "Yeah, definitely thank you sweetheart." Pam took a little bow and the show began. Fergal sat next to Pam as Shayna made her entrance to a ton of boos. Pam whispered into Fergal's ear, "She is going to be an incredible heel. Mark my words." Fergal leaned down and kissed Pam's cheek gently, whispering back into her ear, "Oh I know. That's a bad woman right there.  Please don't wrestle her. I need you alive." Pam laughed at Fergal's request. "You underestimate the power of the hugger!" They both giggled at Pam's little joke. Kaori (Kairi Sane) made her entrance now and the crowd popped pretty large for her. As they were properly introduced by Lilian Garcia, they popped louder for Kaori than they did before. The match began, and Fergal and Pam were both attached to each other by the hip. They hung on every move these women put on in front of them. It was a magical journey for Women's Wrestling. Finally getting more mainstream publicity like the men, the men got two tournaments. It was only fitting that the Women got one that was arguably more entertaining.

    As the long match drew to its conclusion, Fergal whispered, "I think Kaori has this in the bag.. " Pam leaned up, "Shayna is about to pull this off!" They both of course picked different people to win, and they honestly were having such a good time.. This was such a far cry from where they came from. It started out bad.. Very bad. This day, of course is what I'm referring to. Pam didn't know that happiness would be an emotion she was allowed to feel anymore. But Fergal proved her wrong yet again, and again and again. Hopefully tonight was a sign of things to come.. Kaori hit her signature, amazing looking elbow drop from the top rope and pinned Shayna.. One.. Two.. Three! Kaori was the winner of the first Mae Young Classic tournament! Fergal looked over at Pam and laughed, "Aha! I told you babe!" Pam whispered in his ear after he was done gloating like a butthead. "What do I owe you, sir?" Fergal looked down at her, locking his eyes with her deep brown ones. "Well... I'll just have to think of something.. I love you." Fergal responded and Pam shivered at how adorable he was, such a strange reaction, but it was a reaction nonetheless. "I love you too.. More even.. More more more!" He leaned down and kissed her to stop her insane rambling.

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