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The room grew.. Silent. You practically could hear a pin hit the floor right now.. Did Pam really just say that? Fergal was standing right next to her, Pam used the cold wall to lean on, and keep herself upright. Her bare skin, namely her upper thigh/butt was against the wall and it was.. Colder than she really wanted to acknowledge, she began to shiver. Fergal was mentally destroyed right now, obviously the FUTURE is where the children and marriage and all the fruits of a happy and healthy relationship lie, but now..? Pam was in the prime of her career, and so was he. She can't be pregnant.. No way. There had to be some kind of mistake. Pam wrapped her own arms around her belly, holding her bare self as she continued to shiver. "Fergal.." Pam's voice broke, she looked over at him and noticed she needed to try and calm him down, he was taking the fall almost instantaneously. She could visibly see his face become more and more pale as the seconds rapidly peeled onward. Fergal felt his mouth dry up, he hadn't swallowed in minutes now. He tried to clear his throat but he felt it expanding rapidly. "Are.. A-are you okay?" Pam kept staring at her frightened man, he had to feel horrible right now, he probably was taking responsibility for all of this, there was no other reason for him looking like he was going to pass out, she tried to reach over for him, poor Pam.. She probably looked so pathetic right now, still half freaking naked, leaning against a wall with a damn near fainting boyfriend. "Pam.. What are we going to do here.. Are you absolutely positive you missed it?" She nodded, "It is the second week of February now.." Fergal close his eyes tight, he had to somehow accept the fact that this was about to be his reality, this was going to be what happens now. "I don't know.. There are things we can do to like, be really really sure." Fergal finally had enough strength to lift his head up and look over at Pam, she had fear embedded in her eyes so deep he could even see her soul shivering. Fergal had to man the fuck up, he walked over to her slowly, still feeling woozy; he gently wrapped his arm around the barely clothed woman and held her close.. Pam shivered into his arms and buried her face into the crook of his neck. "Fergal, I'm so scared.. I'm so so scared right now. I can't have a baby right now, I can't.. I'm not ready, we're not ready.." Fergal rubbed her bare back gently, "Shh.." He was doing his best to calm the poor woman down.

Pam's mind was racing faster than she could comprehend. Hope was an illusion, all that she knew was fading.. There was a big black cloud of doubt that was all she could process. All she has accomplished, all that she has won.. And yet she still finds a way to ruin everything. That's where her mind was at, in reality, Fergal and Pam COULD NOT have been safer with sex. Always having a condom involved, the only thing that could have possibly happened more was birth control. And since condoms are like, what, 99.99% effective? How the hell can you plan to have a .01% failure rate? They might as well play the freaking lottery and win that shit too. "It's gonna be okay. We'll figure this out. Okay? I promise.." He ran his hands up and down her back, "Please try to breathe, you are going to have a head full of gray hair by tomorrow morning." Pam actually.. Giggled, Fergal always knew how to make her smile. They needed to calm down, Pam was busy right now being comforted by her man to really care about whatever else was going on, as well as what time it really even was, she had no clue if it was nine, or midnight. "Can I sit? I think I'm gonna fall over if I don't.." Fergal nodded and lead the weak woman over to the bench where they both sit. It just dawned on him that he was still in his ring gear, amplifying his feelings.

The arousal feeling was mutual actually, Pam felt just as in that mood during all of this due to the circumstances as he was. How could you not? Your boyfriend/girlfriend is almost freaking naked, damn near laying on top of you and you can't be a bit in the mood? Lies. You will be. Ten times out of ten. As they sat down, Pam continued to shiver under his touch, "Are we really going to be okay? I mean, if.. If i just so happen to be.. P-pregnant, are you gonna stay with me?" Fergal actually got offended by this, he really couldn't believe that Pam just asked that question, but then again she was probably just scared and needed his reassuring words of wisdom. He pulled her closer to him, "Hey.. Don't ever think like that, honest to god Pamela I would rather die than have you not in my life. There is nothing that can go in between us, we promised each other something, didn't we?" Pam nodded, Fergal put a hand under her chin and lifted it up so she was looking at him directly, her eyes glossy with tears. "We did." Fergal nodded at her words, "Yes. Yes we did. Nothing can stop us as long as we are together." Pam smiled a bit now, Fergal took the chance, he leaned in and grabbed a kiss from her, the intense kiss was held by both of them for a long few moments. Pam had to breathe, and Fergal did too. "Even all the while.. Looking scared and like there won't be a tomorrow, you're still the most beautiful woman in the world.." Pam looked down at herself, "I'm almost naked Fergal.." Pam blushed, she had forgotten about that all together. For some reason there were more important issues at stake than being properly clothed. She nodded at his suggestive eyes, "You like it, don't you?" Fergal smirked slyly, "Well I'm not complaining.." He reached down and placed a hand on her thigh, rising up her body and softly brushing over her breast, "And I don't think you are.." He held one of her breasts as best he could in his hand, Pam didn't exactly have small boobs, so caressing one took careful planning so he didn't look like some kind of idiot. Pam shivered under his touch, this was the kind of forwardness that she CRAVED from him for so long. This is what she wanted.. "G-goodness me.. Would you look at what you found.." She bit down on her bottom lip, "I found an amazing woman.. With the most flawless body ever." She squirmed under his touch, he was firing on all cylinders right now, maybe Fergal felt like there was the best time right under his feet. He continued to massage her breast, swapping to her other one.. Remembering her telling him that this was her.. Triggering one, the sensitive one. "Holy moly Fergal.. W-what is your plan here? We can't do this in the locker room.. You know that, right?" Fergal shrugged, trying to keep her intensity there as well as his own right on par.

"Well there's nothing stopping us, no cameras in here.. Lock on the door, what's stopping us right here, right now?" Fergal was lathering her up in the best way possible, but he decided against it at the last second. "I'm sorry baby girl, I don't really know what came over me. I really love you." His words confused her, "No don't be sorry for anything sweetheart, I really really liked it.. I promise." Pam was more than happy to have him pamper her like this, she was far overjoyed to have him pay attention to her in the way that she didn't get a lot of. Or at least from the right person, the internet loved to obsess and slobber all over her and it was appalling/disgusting. Fergal looked down at her and smiled, admiring her body, "Let's get dressed and go to the hotel. We really need to think about this and figure out what do we do.." Fergal stood up slowly and Pam did too, she wanted to get some sexual tension pushed on her behalf, hopefully she was going to get him to feel the same way that he made her feel just a few moments ago. She jumped up on him, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Fergal was a bit shocked..

He was a bit shocked to see Pam act like this, when it came to being forward, Pam was the exact last person that would be forward. But he placed his hands on her hips and held her, she wanted him to go.. Lower. "No.." She reached a bit back and pushed his hand down, sliding it down to her butt. Fergal blushed and felt a bit flustered as he supported Pam's full weight by holding her butt. "Hey there. I think you're getting excited.. I can feel it.." Fergal couldn't exactly hide it, he was indeed getting excited for this right now, Pam was making him feel a certain way that he just made her feel in an equally as.. Arousing type of way. "Y-Yea you are sweetheart.." She lifted herself up a bit, biting down on her bottom lip, "See anything you like?" Pam teased, trying to keep the very, very dark and scary mood from earlier at a bare minimum. "I see a whole lot that I like, can I have some of it?" Pam felt Fergal begin to walk, walk very slowly, almost to the point where she didn't even notice him moving. He walked over to the wall and pressed her back against it very gently, "I-I think I can spare some goods for a moment for you.." She blushed, offering herself to him, sex never happened with them, it never ever happened. But when it did? It was always so special.. Now they weren't exactly going to have sex right now, but they were definitely going to have a damn good time. He leaned his head down and kissed right on her collar bone. Nibbling down on Pam's skin, caused her body to flutter almost away, she let out a silent moan, that slowly gravitated away from the silent part and more to a louder, more sensual one. Fergal kissed down her neck and nibbled at the skin of her breasts now, "D-Do you have a condom?" Pam needed it, she needed him. "Well, always, they're always in my bag.." Pam let out several more moans in a rapid fire like way, she felt herself get more.. Ready for him. "Please get it.." Pam whispered as quietly as she possibly could, she felt incredible right now, like she was floating on a cloud with her man and there was not a damn thing that the world could do to bring them down. Fergal looked up at her, "Alright babe." He gripped her butt tightly once more, causing her to get pushed over the edge with being turned on and then set her down. He lumbered over to his gym bag and grabbed one of his condoms before returning over to her. "Do I need to do anything to you?" Pam shook her head, "Oh my goodness no. I'm ready.." Pam bit down on her bottom lip, sex was a passionate tool when it was used properly, when it had meaning.. It was one of the most powerful things you could do. Pam let herself be taken right then and there, she needed him, and he needed her. This needed to happen.. And it needed to happen now.

The passionate love making came to an end, Fergal felt incredible, the burn in his abs was just due to sex. Sex muscles were so all over your body, you never knew how much of them you used until you, well used them. "That was.. A-amazing baby.." Pam laid draped on the bench, she had been sore before, but way more now.. Fergal lay on the floor. "That was.." They just had rebound sex, when a damn near tragic event happens, it was only natural for the one you love to comfort you, and when tensions.. Emotions.. Thoughts run rampant? Things happen, for them? Sex is what they needed to soothe some stress and feel a little more like things were gonna really be okay. "We'll be alright. I promise you Pamela." Panting took place in between each and every breath he took, "I love you Fergal." "I love you too baby. Let's get outta here. I'm tired.." Pam sat up and looked down at him, "I am too.. And yes, we really are going to be okay.." She reached down and grabbed his hand, looking so deep into his very, very dark brown eyes, the same eyes she fell in love with so long ago, "No matter what.." He whispered, "No matter what, princess.."

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