Up And Down

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The next day saw Fergal wake up super early, he had what some wrestlers refer to as, 'a pay-per-view' hangover. Typically if a pay-per-view takes so much out of a competitor and they put their heart and soul into something.. They wake up the next day and feel physically and emotionally drained. Fergal was experiencing that and then some. He knew that the brief stint with Alexis was going to die out fast, for they wanted to build Alexis as a dominant heel who wasn't really a heel. She was going to fill that role of the anti everybody, and you'd cheer her, or boo her depending on her opponent. Case in point, during this feud with Mercedes? They'd cheer her due to the fact that the secret is out that Mercedes is a scumbag. But if she were to feud with Pam? They'd probably.. Cheer Pam. Although before Pam's injury and even after.. The fans have booed her. And booed her HARD. Fergal sat up in bed, he looked around and realized his dream about sleeping right soundly next to Pam, was just that; a dream. And he sighed. Hating the fact that there were so many big moments in his WWE career that went unappreciated. By unappreciated, Fergal knew that people appreciated him and appreciated his effort. But Pam was hardly there for his big moments. And that seriously sucked ass when the person who you loved more than life itself could not be there to share the excitement. Fergal grabbed his phone and saw the time. It was six forty five in the morning. How and why is he even awake right now. He put his feet on the ground and heard.. Knocking? Why is someone else even UP at this time; nonetheless knocking on his door.. Fergal had a pair of fluffy comfortable slippers that he absolutely adored and he slid his cold feet into them. Rubbing the sleepies out of his eyes, he opened the door and it was clearly a friend. But he didn't know who. "Oh, do come in?" He kept rubbing his eyes. Fergal finally got a look at who it was and.. Matt? Why is he up from Florida.. Well Summerslam was just the night before. And his love did have a huge match.. But it was still a long trek for just one night. "I'm sorry to wake you up man. I am going crazy though." Matt's voice was trembly, something happened and it was clearly taking a big toll on him. Fergal shut the door and locked it, yawning quietly. "Okay bud. What's going on? Are you okay?" Matt sat down on one of two chairs that were in the dark hotel room and he rubbed his chin vigorously. "I don't know man. This has been buildin' for weeks. I know you don't wanna hear my complaining but I have no one else to go to that'll have some kind of advice."

    Fergal rubbed his eyes again, trying to wake up faster to he could possibly help Matt more than.. Not at all. Which is exactly almost what it would be if he couldn't wake the fuck up. "Tell me, what happened? What do you mean weeks?" Matt shook his head, "It's Lexi. She's just acting so weird with me and we're supposed to get married, y'know? I don't know why she's been so distant with me. It's like I'm a freakin' stranger to her. I've never seen anything like it, one day she's fine and lovey dovey. The next day I'm like a ghost. What the hell do I do?" Of course, the one topic Fergal really didn't wanna touch on all that much. Alexis. And more specifically Alexis' relationship status. Fergal shrugged, "Uh. Honestly? I don't think I've seen much of her being bothered at work. Aside from the usual crap that happens with management and all that jazz.." Fergal looked over at Matt and saw just a pained face, a truly pained face and he felt horrible. "Lemme ask you somethin'.." Matt quietly spoke and Fergal's ears perked up as he said it. "Go ahead mate. Ask anything you want." Fergal was trying to be an open book here.

    "Do you think Lexi has feelings for another guy?" Matt's question made Fergal's heart sink. He didn't know the answer to that, and the irony that was drenched over the question almost killed him. Fergal rubbed his chin and acted like he knew what he was thinking about just to kill time. "Well. Honestly no. I've known Lexi for a long time, I've seen her at her best as well as at her absolute worst. And I have never known her to be a person who would stick it out with a guy just to say they have one, or in this case; eye another man. I honestly think that if she did want to end things with you? She'd walk out. As much as I consider her a friend, I have had to parent her on some things, she's wicked young, well mid twenties isn't wicked young but. You get it. And that was one thing she's asked me before. She asked what the proper way to get out of a relationship when you no longer have feelings. And I told her to not waste time, don't waste theirs, don't waste your own. Just leave. She loves you Matt. Just remember things like that when you start to lose your shit." For some reason? It still stung Fergal on the insides to say that Alexis loved him. Not because he wanted her, but because those sixth grade feelings for Alexis hadn't fully subsided. Matt smiled a bit and nodded, "Yeah I guess you're right. Thanks a lot buddy.. Sorry if I woke you up, mate." Matt's apology was sincere and kind. He really did appreciate Fergal's help and Fergal could see it in his body language. Shaking his head slowly, "No problem, and I was honestly already awake. You have nothing to apologize for." Fergal spoke as his phone began to buzz. "That's probably the lady. I'll talk to you later Matt." Matt got up and hugged Fergal quickly, "Thanks again." Matt is such a nice person it was amazing the world hadn't ruined him yet. Matt left the room, and Fergal walked over to his phone. It wasn't Pam.. But Alexis. Holy fuck the timing.. "Hello?" Fergal answered the phone and Alexis sniffled loudly. "I can't get over it.." Alexis' tiny voice was riddled with sadness and worry. She was referring to her losing the previous night.. Losing her RAW Women's Title to a person whom she loathed with all of her being. "Hey.. Lexi.. It's okay.. You will get it back. I promise you that.." Fergal's voice was warm and trying to be as soft as possible. He heard another sniffle at the other end. "I didn't sleep for a minute last night. I've been up since.. Yesterday. Duh." Fergal laughed at Alexis' words since she was so upset, but still had that Alexis humor in her. "You should sleep lass. You're going to be dead tired tonight for RAW. Did you forget we work AGAIN tonight?" Fergal was trying to give her advice yet again. Sleep was exactly what she needed, calming down and getting much needed rest. "No. Screw sleep. That fake barney the dinosaur has MY title.. Every second she has it, it loses value.. All that work I put into it.." She sighed.

    Fergal had to try very hard NOT to laugh at Alexis' insult. It was so funny, but now was not the time to freak out over it. "Look.. Just relax. The fans love YOU. Not her. The company might be stupid when it comes to fans sometimes, but they can't ignore them all the time, y'know? Just be cool, get some sleep. When you wake up, I promise you'll feel better about literally everything. Trust me, I'm an old ass man. I've had my fair share of bad days and even worse nights. And the one thing that helps me is sleep. So try to get some of that. Okay lass?" Fergal was in parent mode yet again, but Alexis needed this, these calming words coupled with reassuring thoughts. She sighed yet again.. "You're right.. I'll see you at work tonight Fergie. Thank you.. Uh. Yeah.." She laughed quietly and so did Fergal, "It isn't a problem Lexi. Just get some rest and we'll call it even. See you later!" They both hung up and Fergal fell onto the bed.

    A few hours later, Fergal woke up again. He was so happy that he even took his own advice by going back to bed for a few hours. One of his slippers fell off of his foot and he got up and out of bed. He grabbed his phone and had a text from Pam. 'Good morning Prince! You did so well last night. Momma is proud! Hehe! Well I'm gonna be at therapy for a few hours this morning, I'll give you a call when I finish. I love you!' The text was followed by a cute little picture of Pam posing like a dork, nothing suggestive, that isn't how she did things. But it was adorable and precious. Fergal responded. 'Thank you kindly my Princess. I am so beat right now I could really use a Pammie massage. But hey, you be careful this morning. I love you too.' And he himself even took a selfie for her, making a stupid duck face to make her giggle. The remainder of Fergal's morning was fast and easy. He got to take his time and was not disturbed one minute during his routine. He needed to go to the gym before RAW, and he lumbered his slow ass to get ready and head there. Once he was in the gym parking lot, he got a phone call. "Hey baby. How did it go?" Fergal asked quietly as he sat in the cold car. Pam was out of breath. "I'm currently laying on the ground in a puddle of my own sweat. It went great." She laughed quietly, Fergal saw this opportunity and took it. "Last time you were in a puddle of your own sweat you were getting.. Oh never mind." He laughed and Pam giggled, "Hey! Oh goodness I missed your voice. I can't WAIT to see you. I'm gonna see you.." She got lost in thought, "Soon baby." Fergal finished the thought for her. Pam sighed very, very quietly. "Not soon enough. I really miss your cute little face." She huffed and could audibly be heard sitting up. "When are you goin' home, lass?" Fergal asked as he got out of the car. "Literally as soon as I can peel my butt off of the floor." Fergal nodded to himself, "Okay baby. I'm going to be at the gym in a minute, I'll give you a call later. Okay? I love you and drive safe." Fergal needed to workout, but he wanted to talk to her. "I will, you don't hurt yourself mister overachiever. I love you too. Bye baby." The phone hung up and Fergal proceeded with his workout. He was so lucky to have someone like Pam in his life.. Lesson to everybody! Get yourself a Pam. it was time for RAW, and Fergal knew it was going to be good, but he didn't know HOW good.. He was scheduled to have a main event match versus Leati, (Roman Reigns) and it was sure to be a hard hitting affair. As Fergal stretched before the match, he got a FaceTime request from Rebecca. He sighed and laughed before answering it. "What's up, Becks?" The bouncy Irishwoman smiled and Pam poked her head out from the side, "Hellurrr!" Pam has honestly never been happier, and that made Fergal feel.. So much more secure about everything in his life. Stability had finally arrive in it for him.

    "Oh, hey baby!" Fergal said and smiled. Rebecca cleared her throat, "So we were talkin' weddin' stuff and honestly I want you to have a big part in it, like maybe we can do a thing where you introduce both of us and kinda let everyone know.. I don't know. Stuff?" Rebecca laughed and Pam interrupted, "Like tell stories and memories, would you wanna do that baby boy?" How could Fergal deny that. That was such a cute request, Pam was literally adorable as fuck. "Well I would love to, Becks. That sounds quite lovely! It's gettin' close now. Do you have dresses and a theme for everyone? Shit.. I need a new suit." Rebecca nodded, "Yeah you just need a new one lad. It's okay. Pam promised she'd go get you fitted when she sees ya next." Someone knocked on his door and informed him his match was up, "I gotta go ladies. Have fun, Pam? I love you cutie." Pam smiled warmly, "I love you too babe. Good luck!" Good luck was spoke by both Rebecca and Pam at the same time, Fergal giggled, "Thank you ladies. Bye now!" He hung up and exhaled deeply, life was finally giving him something to be happy about.

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