Let's Go All The Way

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"How does this feel..?" Fergal was asked and then he was forced to lift his arm up and raise it very high. This was his last routine check before he got the all clear to go back inside the ring. The wrestling world was on fire, they were all talking about creative direction, complaining about who was being used properly and how often. From Colby being in almost every title match since his return, to Mercedes being champ and crushing Ashley and ending her pay-per-view streak. Everyone everywhere was buzzing. They were finally building Rebecca versus Lexi properly and it was refreshing, Rebecca was the vigilant and powerful challenger for her title, and Lexi was the cowardly snake who slid away at first sign of protest. Sadly, RAW didn't get the memo to use their Superstars properly, people like Kevin Steen, who literally bursted on the scene and took the world by storm..All but fizzled out due to poor writing and bad creative direction. They almost messed up Mercedes' momentum with her feud with Ashley, but last minute they decided to run with her instead. Luckily, that was decent writing, Ashley still looked powerful, getting a decisive victory against Savelina, something that nobody has done recently..At least not THAT dominating. So the women were getting the better treatment currently and that was obvious, especially on RAW. Fergal was worried, worried he'd come back and nobody would care, or they would bury him in the vain effort of avoiding his 'injury prone' self. Luckily, Pam was his go to when it came to insecurity, and she was amazing at keeping his mind in the right area. Right now, Pam was battling an illness and she couldn't be with him for the first time at his checkup. She was pissed, laying on the couch with a high fever and knowing she had to travel the NEXT day was going to be a living hell. But Pam was determined, she knew the ultimate goal was Wrestlemania. There was nothing else she wanted to do more than to just have a match at the grandest stage of them all. Wrestling's Superbowl was close, only a few months away and she still had no clear direction. Hoping that something would change soon, that is the only real way that she was able to calm herself down..Sometimes it worked, sometimes..well, not so much. Fergal put his arm down and the doctor smiled at him big, "Well guess what? You, my good sir are all cleared and ready to go. I expect you to avoid..nothing. You can do anything you want." Fergal beamed a smile, nodding his head, "I'll be sure to land exactly like I did last time, doc."

Pam was worried about herself at the moment, she knew that Fergal was going to get cleared today, she just knew there was no way unless he got injured again that he would be put back on the shelf. But that didn't stop her from worrying about him, right now she was just so concerned with where she was going as a talent. What was the ultimate goal for Bayley? She had no idea what was coming for her, the only thing she knew was that Fergal was going to be there with her throughout whatever the future held for her. That in fact did make her feel quite a lot better, but at the end of the day, she is still sick and she is still not okay with traveling tomorrow. Fergal on the other hand was on his way back to her, he stopped at the drugstore to grab Pam some aspirin and ginger ale. He felt bad that she just was starting to get some momentum and her health takes a crap on her. The worst thing for a wrestler is being sick, physical injuries are almost a constant so it almost doesn't bother half of the other wrestlers anymore. But being sick? That is just the worst luck you could have in this field of work. Fergal knew that, so he tried his best to pamper his little angel the best he possibly could, all he wanted was her to smile again..

The longer he took, the more Pam was alone with her thoughts, she hated that to be honest due to the fact that most of the time her thoughts were solely based around her own failures. And that was a fate far worse than death at this point. She wondered if he was doing okay, she hated not being at work due to illness, she couldn't see her friends, other co workers, the WWE logo even made her all giddy and feel happiness..But for now she was bound to this couch, and she was clearly hating that. The miserable little look on her face, the phlegm building up in her throat made breathing rather difficult. If she coughed it sounded like an eighty seven year old woman hacking up a lung, it was just a bad day for little Pam. Fergal pulled into the driveway and parked the car, he knew that he was going to have to tone his happiness down a tad due to the fact that yes, Pam is ridiculously sick right now and she was not going to really be the happiest camper in the club, he knew to tread lightly with his little butthead. But opening the door, he walked in to see Pam sleeping on the couch, curled up in an adorable little ball with the blanket on the floor. Fergal walked up to the sleeping beauty and grabbed the blanket, draping it over her and quietly walking into the kitchen. He set everything down and put the soda in the fridge. The aspirin was set on the counter and he walked back out just as quietly as he walked in. Fergal sat down on the floor right behind her and placed his hand gently on Pam's hip, he leaned his head on the cushion and closed his eyes very, very slowly. Pam's little body twitched from time to time and it only made Fergal feel worse for her, he hated the fact that she was so sick and he could do literally nothing to help her out. The fact that illness is such a hard thing for him to sit back and watch unfold. He slowly fell into a quiet, gentle slumber, his hand draped across her little hip, it was nice at the moment, even if Pam felt like shit. The apartment was warm, the weather was quiet outside..he had her all to himself. The only drawback here was that she was so goddamn sick it was borderline hospital time. But Pam was slowly showing signs of improvement and showing that she was eventually going to get better as soon as she had enough time to do so. The two slept for a few hours honestly before any kind of movement happened, and when it did? Pam woke up and instantly began to laugh at what just happened to her.

Pam had no idea that Fergal was there, nor did she know that he would fall asleep so close to her, especially due to the fact that the man was still sitting up, just on the floor with the cushion of the couch being used as a pillow at the moment. She laughed however, due to the fact that Fergal's hand managed to slip off of her hip and run as slow as possible right over her butt. It woke her up, cause well, I mean her butt was being touched while she slept. Fergal woke up to a giggly Pam and he was confused, "Did I do something funny?" Pam smirked playfully and nodded, "Even when you're sleeping Ferg, you still try to grab a piece of dis bootay." She began to laugh again and Fergal began to blush, he didn't obviously intend for that to happen, but if it made Pam laugh, that adorable contagious little laugh, he was more than willing to be the thing that she laughed at. "I do say that your butt is mighty fine, but I promise that wasn't..exactly my intention. I mean hey if you don't mind.." Fergal reached up and grabbed her butt again, squeezing and chuckling, "Well well well." She blushed and giggled at him yet again, "Yea?" Fergal smiled a bit, still trying to make her feel good and smile more, "Isn't this just the finest butt in the whole wide entire freakin' world." Pam blushed a bit, smiling now..Fergal's goal was achieved. "NO, yours is..you has the bestest butt in the whole world baby boy. Now get up here and snuggle me.."

Fergal was fine with that, he climbed up on the couch and wrapped his arms around her to pull her in much closer than she was before, Pam was feeling bad, she could possibly get him sick and then she'd feel like literal shit. But that worry couldn't have come, there was no way that she was going to get him sick there just..was no way. Fergal had an amazing immune system, even through times of stress the guy never ever got sick. But Pam? Ppsh, if the wind blew too hard, or if it drizzled out rain she got sick for a month. For now however, it was time to rest. It was time to let the mind ease a bit and calm down. The fact that these two had been going so hard for so long was bound to lead to stress and feelings of being sick, self doubt, injuries etc..Stress is the silent killer, it can cause anything from headaches, to stomach pain, to skin rashes, heart issues everything and then more can be dated back to stress. Thus, it was very important to them both to have some time occasionally, sometimes they wished it was more frequently, to just unwind and relax, enjoying the life they have built for themselves, and by themselves. After they fell asleep, it felt like a mere two seconds before they woke up the next day, the morning was here and they both knew that meant only one thing; traveling. Fergal noticed that Pam managed to squirm her way and be literally laying on top of him, luckily, Pam was not a large person otherwise it would be..bad for Fergal. He rubbed up and down her sides, trying to not let his mind think like that, "Baby..wake up.." He whispered softly, hoping that she would just wake up on her own. Sadly, she didn't. Fergal squeezed her sides and spoke again, "Baby? You gotta open those eyes up.." Pam luckily for him, woke up after this and instantly noticed she was on top of him.."Oh..Hi baby boy..I..um. I'm on top of you." Fergal nodded as best as he could, "Yes, yes you are." Pam blushed and smiled, "Wouldn't be the first time." She slid off of him downward and eventually off of the couch entirely. The flirtatious relationship these two had was incredible, it could go from a sexual joke, with a SHIT ton of tension, to relaxing and heartwarming words. There was nothing these two couldn't achieve between themselves. Sadly they both had to get ready and finish up packing. They knew this was going to be hard, Fergal knew it due to Pam's illness, and Pam knew it for the exact same thing, and then more stress on top of that. Work was going to now be a constant battle for television time and getting segments that last longer than five minutes, or on the pre-show of a pay-per-view. Pam thought of herself just..a little bit higher than that at this stage in her rather young, and very promising career.

After they got all packed, Fergal sighed, "Lemme put everything in the car, I don't want you liftin' anything up too much. Save your energy and strength for work babe.." Pam was so appreciative of him, he would do anything in his power to make sure she was okay and that was just the gift that keeps on giving. "Thank you sweetheart.." Fergal nodded with a smile, and got both bags, "I'll lock the door." After they both got out, Pam locked the door and Fergal loaded the car. It was going to be a long road until normality was restored with them, and at work in general. For both of them were on the road to making a huge splash in the wrestling world. Fergal for returning from his injury bigger, badder, and better than ever before. And for Pam it was to finally prove that she belongs in main events, she belongs headlining pay-per-view events. Pam was out to prove that the hugger belonged and she was here to stay. Nobody was telling either of them no, or they can't do it. They were going to do it, it was the only option they had, failure was no consideration. Pam slowly drifted off to sleep an hour into the car ride, Fergal grabbed her hand,  for he knew that there was no road that he couldn't get passed as long as he had the love of his life right next to him..Nothing could stop him.

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