Love Turned To Hatred

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Visiting Alexis was refreshing and fun. Also heartwarming and sad as fuck. Both Fergal and Pam both could visibly see how badly the poor girl just wanted to get out of that disgustingly cold and lonely hospital. For her, Matt was coming back shortly, well at least hopefully he was going to. He said he would, and he was dedicated to his woman.. Doubt wasn't even an option at this point. Fergal and Pam were on their way to where this roller coaster ride began, they were on their way to the Performance Center. It's so insane to think about that just a few short years ago, they were showing off their talent in front of the entire NXT locker room, as well as the prospects and some veterans. And it was them, with each other.. All of this started with just their raw chemistry and two people, two friends of theirs noticed it. Without Alexis and Joe? Who knows if they would have even noticed how well they gelled together, or how much they actually could use each other in their lives. It's so scary to think about how if one thing in your life doesn't happen, even something as small as encouragement, your whole existence might be different. To my knowledge that is referred to as the butterfly effect. If one thing changes in your life, that can have dire consequences for your potential, limitless future. Fergal and Pam decided it would be smart to not stick around for too long at the Performance Center, they both wanted to push her to her limits, but also recognized the fact that she is still indeed recovering. "Just don't give me one of those tosses across the ring. I'll wind up doing six mid air cartwheels and landing on my head." Pam joked quietly, her fear of being dumped on her head while recovering from a concussion is a legitimate one. Anything can happen, but Fergal was honestly beyond a professional, he knows exactly how to train injured people and help them on the road to recovery. His full time job as a professional wrestler is going to be challenged, at least soon, by his physical therapist role for Pam and Alexis. He also has helped people like Rami, and Kevin recover from their injuries too. If he ever decided to hang the boots up; Fergal has a helluva gig working at the Performance Center. "Don't worry, I'm not Strowman. Even though I'm not finished with you yet." Fergal growled back quietly, his joke was a play on the fact that Braun Strowman's punchline is always, 'I'm not finished with you yet' after he's just slaughtered someone for like, ten minutes. Fergal kept driving carefully, after Pam's incident, she wasn't allowed to drive by herself, and she DEFINITELY wasn't allowed to go too many places alone either. Whether it be fear or not, Fergal refused to give life any chance, even a sliver of one, of that ever happening EVER again.

"Do you think Braun will kick my ass someday?" Fergal looked over at Pam, she looked back and shrugged, "I mean, the guy is big enough to kick the entire roster's ass by himself. I don't think many people stand a legit threat. Besides Brock, or Cena. Those guys are gorillas I swear." Pam's answer was true, but it was hilarious how she worded it, Fergal smiled softly and nodded, "Fair enough babe. Honestly I don't think I could believably take him and go over. He's a freak that guy, but the best part? Is the fans don't see how good of a person he is, I've had beers with the lad before and he's quite a good time honestly." Upon thinking of a bar, Fergal got a weird flash of what Mercedes had done to him that he STILL hasn't told Pam about yet. It was getting close, he had to tell her for nobody besides himself knew really of what went down that day. That disgusting, nervous, nauseous like feeling resettled itself back into his stomach and began to torment his mind of his nightmare in which Pam was pushing/okay with the two of them..

Pam saw his face flush a pale white tone, she put her hand on his forearm as the red light allowed her to try and get his attention, "Hey.. Fergal.. What happened babe. Talk to me. I see you, y'know.. My eyes do work." Pam was trying to pry into the mind of her man right now, she needed to see what he was thinking and it would be oh so much easier if she was just a psychic. Sigh, she wasn't, and super powers weren't exactly real.. I know right? I thought if I worked hard enough I could be just like Superman too. Doesn't work that way, she had to hope that Fergal was going to be open and honest with her and tell her exactly what was basically driving him to feel like shit. He shook his head, this was the best and most appropriate response he could muster, "Not now babe.. Just. Wait." Pam respected his wishes, she knew that he just needed time to get his brain in order and honestly Fergal knew damn well that this was going to end extremely ugly. Fergal tried to buy as much time as humanly possible, driving rather slowly and not rushing towards their destination. Sucky thing for him? They were too close and he didn't have enough time to get this sentence worked out in his mind. The sentence he was struggling with was the one that would start this explanation process, explaining what happened is easy, he just didn't know how to get the topic started, the theoretical avalanche has to start somewhere. But where? Where on earth can he begin this.. He thought he finally got the start figured out and he felt a little more confident in this, even though he knew this confession was going to send Pam into a bloodrage. As he parked the car in the Performance Center parking lot, Fergal grabbed his phone that was buzzing quietly. He was getting texts from April who was asking if Pam was okay as well as himself. He responded. 'PLEASE call Pam in fifteen minutes. Okay?" Sending the message he put his phone face down in his lap. Knowing Pam was going to be enraged after this, having April call her was surely a way to convince her that murder in fact is NOT a good idea. Fergal took in a deep breath, as he looked over at his beautiful woman who wore a confused, and innocent look on her face. It was such a shame that he was going to have to say this, it was even more of a shame that this shit happened in the first place, but nevertheless. It happened, and she was going to fucking marry him, so she has the right to know. And by the way, she has the right to know anyways, they are dating, therefore if something like what Mercedes did happens? Tell her.

Fergal looked over at the window next to him, and Pam was growing really anxious, "Baby what is it, you look like you're gonna faint.. I won't be mad, I promise. Just tell me what happened so we can either fix it and move on.. Or something cause honestly not only do I hate when you feel this way, I hate feeling like I don't know something that's just SUPER important.." Pam was trying her best to be diplomatic here, it was a nice gesture to see from her at this point in time. Fergal knew she would flip out, not only was she protective of her man.. But she's hispanic. Now hear me out people, don't get pissed at me for saying that, traditionally, Hispanic women are prone to be a pinch more defensive over their men and TYPICALLY have a shorter window to get angry in. Not saying all, just typically. And that typically DID in fact apply to Pam. He was worried about this, he was worried that due to the fact that both women are on the same fucking brand? This would end in a heated discussion, or a physical altercation. Fergal hadn't even told April, and she was more prone to violence than anyone Fergal has ever known in his life. Like ever. She surely will go after Mercedes in one way, or another. Then he has to worry about the locker room finding out about what she did.. Was he prepared to potentially ruin this woman's career?

Because she tried to sabotage his relationship and basically seduce him into having sex with her? Yes. His relationship with Pamela was above all else in his life, including his career, and anybody else's. Fergal took in a deep breath, "Remember when you told me to go get fresh air the other day? Of course you do, it was literally like four days ago, tops. Well I went down to the pub to have an icy one.. And I was sitting all alone like usual.. But then someone came in and tried to get my attention. I didn't give it, and then they tried to touch my leg and did. Cause, I wasn't looking at them, so I couldn't do my best defensive American football player impression and swat it away. But I didn't see.. And when I felt it I looked over to see who would do that.." Pam grinded her teeth together, the rage was practically pouring out of her eyes now. She knew damn well who it was already. "It was Mercedes wasn't it." Pam blurted out, she was no dumb girl, she knew exactly who would be ignorant and disrespectful enough to do that. Fergal nodded, "Yes. And. After I rejected her invitation to go to her hotel room. I had an anxiety attack outside. She did try to be nice enough to help me.. But I got away from her as fast as I fuckin' could.. I was so rattle and I couldn't tell you because of the Lexi thing.. I've been dying to tell you cause it's been tearing a hole in my heart for, I dunno days now." Fergal had no idea how long it has been, it wasn't that long though. But Pam felt her blood begin to boil, Fergal saw this physically happen by the veins in her hands and forearm began to bulge outward and her face got a little red. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.. But you were already having your own battle in the hospital I couldn't just.." Pam interrupted him by grabbing his hands very, very firmly.. "Look. I know why you didn't tell me. You don't need to apologize nor feel bad. I am appreciative of the fact that she tried to help you during your anxiety attack. I also want you to go get looked at for that. But also. I want to strangle her until her face is as purple as her horse hair." Fergal squeezed her hands back, "No. I can't have you beating anyone up Pam. You know you can't do that. At all. That can ruin your career. Bayley fighting Sasha backstage? For real? You know how bad that would look and how much damage you'd not only do to your character, but you as a person. Absolutely not. I will not let you do this." Pam began to feel her legs shaking, she was realizing that if Fergal was not trustworthy, he probably would have gone with her, fucked her, and then came back to her in the hospital. But luckily enough for Pam, Fergal probably literally ran away from her. And good on him for that one.

On queue, April called Pam and it took her a hot minute to answer. She did now and was furious with life. "Fergal can we just go? I don't wanna be here right now." Fergal nodded, beginning to drive to her apartment. "Hello." She spoke on the phone and April was put off by this standoffishness that was being shown. "Are you okay Pammie baby?" April was trying to pry, and she would succeed with ease. "Fucking Mercedes. She tried to get Fergal to have sex with her! She literally touched his leg, dude. I can't believe this.." April was floored and now shared some of that anger. "WHAT!?" Pam nodded to herself, "Yep. I literally never want to see her horse face ever again." April grinded her teeth together. "Can I stop by your house so we can talk? I wanna see you anyways. Phones suck major balls." Pam thought for a moment, batting her eyelashes. "Yea April. You can come by. Meet us there, okay?" "Okay Pammie. See you soon!" They both hung up and Fergal felt like a child caught between arguing parents. "How'd she.." Pam interrupted him, "She's just as pissed and irritated as I am Fergal. I'm sure Lex will be too when she finds out. You already know those two have real beef with one another.." This is getting ugly..

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