Choked Up

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The world seemed to be such a dark depressing place now a days. It always felt like it was burning, or it felt so cold almost as if it were a barren wasteland. There was no exception. Some days felt like you could just die from the pressure that the world decided to put on your heart and mind, other times however; it felt as if the world didn't care about you enough to even utter your name once. It reflected in the people, the people were the one's who decided to make the world burn. For people like Fergal and Pam, this was an awful realization. Fergal was the first to notice that things around him were changing. It started with NXT Takeover. With Pam not really seeing him in the audience, perhaps she just didn't actually know he was there..even though he did indeed tell her that he was going to go. It didn't matter at that point. Fergal was out now due to an injury he had nothing to do with. It wasn't even his fault, he felt awful about all of this. The whole future that he had thought of, as well as everyone around him also were hoping. The Demon King was destined to be one of the most dominant WWE Superstars ever, and his time was beginning, but just like that? It was gone. Pam was at home, she was getting ready to go to the Performance Center, she was asked to go by Paul and how could she say no to her boss. She sat on her couch, all alone, no Fergal, no Mercedes. Nobody was there with her. It was a lonely and painful feeling. This is exactly what Pam was afraid of with opening her heart like this. Her heart wept at the thoughts that were coursing through her mind right now. She fought back the urge to have an anxiety attack right now, she just wanted to call Fergal and get his cute little Irish butt over to her place. Or she wanted to give Mercedes a quick buzz and request that her best friend please for the love of god save her from herself..But what did Pam do? Nothing. Nothing at all. This was a recurring theme with her right now, she knew why Mercedes didn't call or anything, she was busy being screened by doctors as well as WWE uppers to make sure that her future wasn't totally boned due to this minor injury.

But she knew Fergal, when not at rehab, was just at home, doing nothing but thinking..and biting his time. She felt frustration enter her heart as she grabbed her phone and texted Fergal, 'I know you don't want to talk to me or anything right now. But I love you. I hope you feel okay and text me whenever you want to talk. Xoxo' After she reread her message, it literally brought tears to her eyes, she looked over at the other side of her couch, remembering those good days when Fergal and her used to fool around on it, cuddle on it..Cry together on it. The thoughts of the past were finally catching up with her, memories were beginning to bury her in ways she didn't even know she could be. It was the worst feeling in the world to know that people like Lexi, and Matt, and even as new as Shinsuke were no longer regulars in her life. It literally broke her heart into a million little pieces. She remembered all the fun times that NXT brought her and now she was in limbo in between main roster, and NXT. She hung her head low before her phone buzzed lightly, she was getting a call. Not now, please for the love of god not anymore to do about work. It was Lexi. What the hell kind of odds are those. She answered and sniffled quietly, "H-Hey girl. What's going on? Is everything okay?" Pam immediately went into concerned friend mode. She was growing used to the fact that nobody spoke to her unless they needed something. Might as well avoid the annoying, 'Hi whats up? Oh you need something.' Not wanting to get her intentions twisted or turned, "Hey sweetheart. Are you gonna be at the Performance Center?"

Lexi's question was somewhat a weird one, Pam paused and thought a moment, "Yea, I will be there tonight.. Why what's going on? Is this like some kind of weird intervention type deal..?" Pam giggled and Lexi did the same. "Uh no. I just am gonna be there too. And I was wondering if I should bring extra tissues so when I cry when I see you again. I kind of sort of definitely miss you a butt load.." Lexi looked down and quieted her already small voice down a little bit, Pam smiled and blushed a bit, it was so cute that Lexi just missed her buddy, "Aw shucks Lex, I miss the crap outta you too sweet pea. I'll head over now, sound good? Get your cute little butt over there." Lexi giggled and hid the fact that she was a hot minute from crying, "Little butt? Girl..Okay I'll see you there!!" Lexi made a kissy noise in the phone and smiled, Pam did the same and then hung up. Pam's mode was starting to take a turn, from wanting to fall to her knees and just sob like an infant, to being actually excited to go somewhere and do something. She got all of her gym stuff together, slid into some comfortable clothes and then left her apartment. Pam was normally a happy go getter type person, if there was something she wanted she got it due to hard work and dedication. Right now she wasn't feeling herself anymore. She had systematically lost her best friend, and her man was on hiatus from the rest of the world. She understood how hard it would be for Fergal to NOT be wrestling for..god only knows how long he was going to be gone for. She drove down to the Performance Center and parked her car, she noticed that the clouds began to get a little darker than they were before she left. It was just typical, having a bad day? Queue the rain and thunder. She shook her head as she walked over to the side of her car to get her bag from it. But just as she was going over to do it, she heard a tiny little cute voice yell, "Pammie!!" She spun quickly and did her best impression of a Five Second Pose. She saw that Lexi was LITERALLY running through the parking lot at her. "Lexi!!" Pam gingerly ran to her and when the two met, Lexi lept up and wrapped her legs around Pam's waist, hugging her tightly.

This was possibly Pam's happiest moment in weeks. Throughout all the bullshit, all of the pressure closing in all around her, things she didn't want to address were catching up to her..But this tiny woman loved her oh so much and missed her. It was heartwarming and just quite frankly adorable as fuck. Pam spun around lightly as she held onto Lexi's little body. "I missed you so much Pammie Poo.." Lexi whispered and pulled her head back, only to re-bury it into Pam's shoulder. "Smackdown is okay..I just have nobody there. All anyone ever mentions is how they need to compete with RAW, do they not realize it is the same company? Internal stuff doesn't help anyone..I have like. Nobody there..Becky is too busy b-being the poster child..Nattie is coaching all the other girls..I have me, j-just me.." Pam listened carefully and felt super shitty as soon as she stopped talking about how rough Smackdown was all alone like this. Lexi was a shut in for the most part, she didn't usually need people to make her feel happy or okay, but sometimes a little pat on the back and a 'Everything is gonna be okay' wouldn't actually hurt whatsoever. Pam whispered back, "Well I'm here now. Okay?" Just being herself, Pam made Lexi feel all that much better. Knowing that she had someone in her corner all the time, just not perhaps there with her made her feel better. Slowly Lexi descended from Pam's body. "Sorry.." Pam shook her head, "Don't be sorry. I honestly needed that today. C'mon, let's go knockout this workout, eh?" She smiled lightly and Lexi nodded in agreement. The two grabbed their gym bags and walked towards the doors. The rain began to fall at a incredible rate, this storm came out of nowhere.

Well now that life decided to make Pam and Lexi soaked as shit, they walked inside and tried to get themselves dried off just a little bit. The air conditioner actually made them so cold shivers began to be prevalent. "Hhholy crap it's cold in here." Lexi visibly was shaking, Pam nudged her and they both snapped out of only focusing on the cold. As they battled their own shakes and shivers, the Performance Center looked kind of weird at this moment. It was quiet, there was nobody actually there. Even the person who was supposed to greet you as soon as you walked in was gone. The check in girl was gone too. What the hell was going on right now. Was this some kind of weird ass Twilight Zone bullshit where they were the last two people left in the world? No. That's just stupid. There's no way that could even be something that could be remotely possible. The two carefully walked around the big building, looking around for any person, and life whatsoever. Is it possible that the Performance Center was supposed to be closed today and they kind of just came in? That would be hilariously typical if that were to happen to be honest, the kind of few weeks Pam has been having, she really wouldn't expect something to go right for her. This was no exception, she definitely made sure that she didn't lose sight of Lexi, who knows..Freaking ghosts might be in here, and if she were alone with ghosts? That would be the absolute worst case scenario. "Where is everybody.." Pam whispered to Lexi who appeared to be equally as confused, "U-Um..I have nno idea.." She was still struggling to get warm after the cold rain, in addition to the cold air made her..cold. Shocker, right? Pam had doubts about this, maybe they should turn back, "Hey..Uh should we go? Maybe they're closed? Or something I don't know.." Pam tried to reassure herself as to justifying why there was in fact no people here whatsoever. "No no, let's..let's keep l-looking.." Lexi was curious, her detective mode was on right now, and she wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on here.

As they walked into the recreation room and hit the light on, there was a giant banner, spanning across the whole wall in front of them both, it read, 'CONGRATULATIONS' and every single person they were looking for popped up, and Lexi with them shouted, "SURPRISE!!" Pam jumped and squealed quietly. Her eyes slammed shut in fear at the loud noise, and she actually shook in that same fear. Lexi walked over and rubbed her arm, "Hey hey hey..No Pam oh my goodness, it just is a your eyes..look who's here!" Pam took a minute and she had to be bold, she opened her eyes and obviously saw Lexi, but there was also Shinsuke, Matt, Gionna, Rami, Fergal, Mercedes, Rebecca, Leah and Ashley. As well as everyone from the NXT locker room was there too. What the hell was this. She looked more and saw Paul there who approached her and embraced Pam in a quick hug, "Congratulations Pam..This is your surprise 'Main Roster Call' party." Pam looked up at him and her eyes widened, "'re getting the big bump up. You deserve it." Paul pulled away and within seconds Mercedes and Fergal approached her and embraced Pam in a hug who now began to cry the happiest tears she ever has cried. Mercedes being herself, cried of course. Fergal had to be the glue to hold them both together. "Don't both you idiots go cryin' on me." He had to hug them with one arm, due to his other arm being in a sling. Pam has never felt happiness like this. Not only is this her advancing in her career, but she was surrounded by those she loved more than life itself. Lexi and Leah joined in on the group hug as the all embraced their friend.Pam whimpered as quietly as she could, they just hugged her tighter and tighter. "I love you guys.." She finally got those tender words out.

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