A Cold Beer

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Fergal sat on his couch, in an awkward cold sweat, his body had fully reacted to the dream he just had.. But why? Why was this a dream that his mind managed to conjure up. Did he somehow see what Pam was willing to endure for them or was this all just some kind of twisted nightmare that was so far from the truth, things were not even recognizable. He panted, struggling to regain the life force of breath into his lungs.. Trying to remember some kind of patterned breathing that hopefully would be able to calm him down. It didn't. He looked around, dazed and confused, he was literally dizzy right now, to say he was shook from that nightmare would be a gross understatement. Why the fuck did his mind manage to push him to a place where he was having sex with another woman? And why the hell did Pam seemingly KNOW and not care about it!? It was making his head spin, and Fergal grabbed his cell phone, seeing he had three texts from Rebecca and two from Shinsuke, he couldn't handle all of this right now. He scrolled through his contacts till he got to R. But when he did, the only name he saw that would be able to control his madness was.. Rami. Oh Rami, you sweet carefree boy. Fergal called him and tried to get up, experiencing vertigo was the worst time to ever try and stand, for anyone who's had it you know exactly what I mean. For anyone who has not? Vertigo is like the worst case of, your whole fucking world is turning upside down every two seconds. He stumbled and collapsed back down onto his couch, Fergal shut his eyes, he could have sworn that he saw the furniture in his house moving all around him. His stomach felt like it was being squeezed to dry like a wet towel, it was the worst he's felt in months. He needed to re-open his eyes, each time they closed he saw that image from his dream.. His own face seemingly so pleased with what was happening and that everything happening around him was normal.. Pam being neglected, Fergal cheating on her CLEARLY.. What the hell does that all mean it just, it just didn't make a lick of sense. "Hello?" Rami FINALLY answered after Fergal almost internally exploded six times, "Rami, buddy. Please tell me you can stop by and save me. I need you, mate." Rami immediately got concerned with his friend, it wasn't like Fergal to blatantly ask for help, no admit that he needs anybody. The only time he ever said that was to Pam so obviously he was in deep shit. "Yea man, I can be there really quickly. Are you okay? Did something happen??" Fergal could hear rustling on the other end of the phone, clearly Rami was getting ready to walk out of his hotel room. He didn't live in Florida, he hated the heat and extremely muggy and disgusting days that ensued living in the sunshine state. "Just. Hurry up, I think somethin's wrong with my head.." Rami was now really worried..

"Wrong with your head? What do you mean? A concussion? What happened??" Rami was super trying to be that friend right now but Fergal would not bite over the phone like this, "I'll tell you when you get here, I'll leave my door unlocked so just, just come in whenever you get here buddy. I'll let you drive, be safe." Fergal was being super distant and almost a bit awkward, it was weird for him to treat Rami like this, and it really freaked Rami out. "O-okay buddy. Be safe yourself, don't do anything you'll regret.." Rami's mind was leading him to think Fergal was going to try something that his body wouldn't be able to recover from, something.. Permanent. Rami got in his car and bolted as fast as he could, legally of course. Rami wasn't going to break the law like some kind of asshole now. Fergal unlocked his front door and fell right back down on the recliner, his world hadn't exactly stopped spinning yet and he could feel his throat tightening up on him.

This was kind of scary for Fergal, the man who typically had his emotions and things that he thought firmly under his control seemingly lost all control of himself and had a nightmare that went to some kind of hellish realm where he fucked other girls over on Pam. Fergal didn't even care about who it was, the who wasn't important. It was why. Why would he have a dream about having sex with another girl, and it basically being normalized by Pam in it.. Fergal got more and more frightened with himself the more he thought about it.. The concept of something like that was scary, it was just dangerous. Would.. Would Fergal really cheat on Pam? Would he break the trust he has broken his back to earn? Would some other woman really be able to convince him that doing such a thing would benefit him.. It was so confusing to Fergal and he wasn't too keen on this thought process. And.. Pink hair. This was starting to concern him, primarily due to the fact that he hadn't spoken to her in actual weeks now. She congratulated them on the engagement, but for some reason distanced herself from both Fergal and Pam, and all of a sudden in Fergal's dream he's having sex with her? Fergal was beginning to think this was some kind of vision of Pam's psyche, he was thinking that Pam really thought like this and this is what she most feared. Fergal cheating on her was bad enough, and I mean BAD. ENOUGH. But with HER? That would be absolute worst case scenario.. Fergal thought now that Pam's fear of infidelity had gotten so bad that it was beginning to take over his own subconscious. Pam had so much fear inside of her that Fergal was going to do something like that all the time, that maybe, just maybe it was finally beginning to affect him. He prided himself on not letting it get to him, and honestly he never would cheat on her.. But Fergal was thinking now that he wasn't the right one for her, which, he thought he was for months now. But holy shit is he rattled from that dream, it isn't every time you try to sleep where you dream about your future wife with a child (or dog) and you go upstairs to LITERALLY SEEING YOURSELF HAVING SEX WITH ANOTHER WOMAN. Fergal was anxiously waiting for Rami, he needed to be talked off of the cliff, not literally. Almost on queue, Rami opened the door, "Ferg? Buddy? Where you at?" He walked inside and closed the door behind him, locking it just to be safe. "Fergal?" Rami spoke again and Fergal raised an arm up off of the couch to get his attention. Rami saw it and walked promptly over to him. "Fergal, buddy what the hell happened to you? You look like you're about to die." Rami sat down on the couch and looked over at his clearly emotionally beat up friend. "Well I wish I was at this point. I don't know why my brain is doing this to me man. I just don't know what I did so wrong.." Rami shook his head, "Talk to me, what happened.. Did something happen between you and Pamela?"

Shit got real when Rami said Pamela, typically everyone said Pam, or Pammie. Even Bayley if they wanted to be real cheeky. Fergal shook his head, "Nah man, she didn't actually do anything wrong.. This is my own beast, that somehow I managed to fucking crush my own brain over. I just.." Fergal shook his head and hung his head down low.. He was so confused and frazzled right now it was almost frightening to see him like this. Rami sighed softly, "It's okay buddy, I'm here to help, talk to me. What happened. Was it a dream? Those damn things can be so nasty and real sometimes it almost makes you think it was reality.." Rami was trying to be comforting but also get to the point as fast as he could, he really wanted to help his friend out at a time like this. "Well. I think me and Pam are startin' to have the same fear. But the fucked up thing is that the fear? It always involves me.. Only me, never her.. I just don't get it man I don't.."

Rami looked at his friend with a confused look on his face, he was trying to figure out what happened and what he meant before he even asked. But it didn't take long before Fergal spoke again. "I did have a dream, I did. But this was no dream, it was actually more like my own personal hell that I couldn't escape from." Fergal spoke softly, trying to not break down right in front of Rami. Rami nodded though, slowly of course.. "Go on.. What happened? Don't say it if it's gonna freak you out anymore, don't worry about it I'm not here to judge, nor am I gonna tell anyone what you tell me.. Swear." Fergal nodded in acknowledgement, "Well thank you, I would prefer that you didn't tell anyone about this. I had a dream it was some kind of weird future shit, where me and Pam were obviously married and possibly with a child, I couldn't tell.. I was blocked from seeing it. But the thing that doesn't add up to me is when I went upstairs, cause.. I heard some kind of yelling and banging around.. I.." Fergal looked down and shook his head, he felt the tears now, weakness was setting into his knees as confusion reestablished its grip on his tender mind. Rami nodded slowly, "Take it easy man, I literally see your legs shaking, nothing happened. Okay? I promise things are gonna be okay, just talk it out with me and we'll see what we can do.." Rami was the master at making people feel better when you were down and out, the gutter was a place Rami has been quite a few times and he knew exactly how to get out of it. "I opened the door and.. I was.. In bed. With someone who had pink hair.. And we were.." Fergal squeezed his eyes shut, he didn't even wanna say it, Rami squirmed his way over to his friend and patted his back, "Shhh don't even say it, I know what you mean buddy. Look, you need to believe me on this. This is JUST a fear, you do NOT wanna have sex with her, or anyone other than Pam. You know that, for some reason your brain is being over run with this fear, I don't know if it's Pam who has this fear and you just can't come to grips with why she does, or what.. But right now I need you to relax, I need you to realize you're a good guy, like a really good guy. Pam is lucky you aren't like, bi or anything. She'd have competition." The small joke actually made Fergal chuckle quietly, "I'm totally kidding, kind of. But really man, you're great, she's great, you guys are the best pairing of two human beings I've ever seen in my entire life. There have never been two people more meant for each other than you guys are. You know that she loves you right? Her insecurities are only cause she doesn't wanna lose you. Ever. No matter how frustrated she gets at you or anyone else, at the end of the day? She loves you and nobody else. And you love her as well of course." Rami's words, although simple, were necessary. Fergal was considering.. Ending himself before Rami came, before his friend came, Fergal was considering ending his life over something he really did nothing wrong in. But.. Thank fucking god Rami came when he did.

"Honestly man I consider getting away from everything and removing myself.. A lot. I don't know even what started me on that.. But I do. I often think about it.. And.. I needed this. Thank you, so much buddy." Fergal was a man, a manly man. But sometimes even manly men cry, and sometimes even the manliest of men need to be told that everything is going to be okay. Even if they feel like a little bitch about things. "Hey it's no problem buddy. That's what I'm here for, you want me to stay? Or do you need some time by yourself." Fergal snapped immediately. "No no, you stay put. I'll go grab a few cold ones and we'll watch wrestling. You don't mind, do you?" Rami shook his head, "Go grab'em, I already got a Pay-Per-View in mind.." Fergal smiled and stood for the first time, comfortably, since he woke up. Fergal grabbed two beers and walked back, sitting next to his friend and handing him the beer. "Royal Rumble two thousand and one? Dude, good choice.." They both popped their beers and held them up, "To the future, and no more bullshit freaking out." Fergal said, "To the future, and no more bullshit freaking out, indeed." Rami responded as they clanged beer cans and laughed quietly.

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