Fix This

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This was unexpected. Pam was supposed to be in Florida..Why the hell was she here right now. Fergal looked up again after he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't imagining her being right there in front of him, but after rubbing? There she stood. Pam was flooded with emotions, from happy, to sad, to aroused. She didn't know how to feel right now. Seeing him made her feel all these kinds of different emotions just struck her as really, really..odd. Fergal on the other hand still felt his frustration and bitterness over the entire problem. He didn't wanna see her just yet, he was still cooling down from all of it. Did Mercedes put this together? Did she really manage to get Pam to fly out here on a whim like this? Why the hell would she do something like that..It made all the sense in the world after a few milliseconds of him thinking about it, but it didn't really make him all that happy to be honest. Fergal really wasn't ready to face this issue head on. He hated dealing with super sensitive problems right away. Letting the fire die down just a little was how he handled anger and resentment. For he definitely was angry at Pam, almost nothing she could say would actually make him forgive her for it. He would clearly get over it eventually, but forgive? A moment like that is literally once in a career on the level of importance..And she missed it for him. The thought still made his blood boil and feel nothing but pain in his heart and mind, he couldn't figure out why she did it, or better yet, didn't do anything..Pam was overwhelmed with all of this, all the while they waited, it only took a few seconds for everything to be thought about and all of these complex emotions to flood through their bodies. Mercedes sat on the bench close to Fergal and waited, and waited, and freaking waited for someone to speak, for someone to make the first move in breaking this thick ice. Honestly? The ice was so thick here that this crap could sink a boat. Something needed to be said or done in order to make the healing process quicken just a little bit.

Mercedes, being..Mercedes; tried to break the ice for them. She nudged Fergal's side and said again, "Ask..her..yourself..Ferg.." This was all that she could think of to basically push him into her and get this whole stupid mess sorted out. Fergal and Pam were collectively two of her closest friends in the whole world. Next to Rebecca and Ashley, these two are her best friends ever. She wanted nothing more than for this to get resolved with as little bitterness and pain as possible. But to her freaking amazement, nothing was done. Pam stood there, almost like a deer in headlights, staring at Mercedes and Fergal. Her eyes fired at a rapid pace back and forth between them both. Was she thinking something dumb? No way, she wasn't that kind of girl, she wouldn't waste brainpower on thinking of something like that. Pam was actually thinking of how cute Fergal looked, just him in general made her stomach flutter almost out of her body as a whole. She wasn't angry at him for pushing her away, she totally understood why he was doing it. But all she wanted to do was just sit in his lap and curl up into a little ball of Pam and stay there forever. She didn't have the courage to do it though, she thought that he was so upset that he'd reject her and just walk away. Treating Fergal like he was some kind of animal who would get frightened if she got too close; this was Pam's thought process about the entire deal here. Mercedes waited again and again for someone to speak, or to move other than breathe. And when nothing even happened when she opened the door for both of them? She felt her patience level rapidly disintegrate..

Mercedes felt her blood begin to boil over, she tried her best to remain calm about this whole thing, to try and be the voice of reason who remained calm and collected. But now was it, her patience was gone. Her best friends who happen to love each other very much refused to work this out due to fear, or just trying to piss her off..Well it worked. "Look, I don't really care what the hell happened really between you two, but I am sick and damn tired of it. Look at you two, you guys love each other to death and you freaking refuse to even look at one another without grinding your teeth together. Listen to me;" Mercedes rose to her feet as Fergal and Pam both stared at her in stunned disbelief, this was exactly what Mercedes NEVER did.."You two need to freaking speak to each other and sort this out, whatever the hell happened..Right now. Cause at this point, I CAN'T do anything to fix this broken carousel of ridiculousness. I love you guys, both" She placed a hand on Fergal's shoulder for a mere moment, to show she really wasn't angry at him, or Pam, "But you guys are driving me up the walls right now. I have other things in my life that I NEED to worry about, I don't wanna add my best friends, my favorite couple hating each other over something that WORDS can solve.." Mercedes felt her eyes well up with water, but she closed them tight to resist the urge. Fergal and Pam watched her in just utter shock, they knew she was right, she was absolutely right about the whole thing. "I'm going to go finish getting ready for work tonight. WHEN I come back..If I don't hear any kind of happiness coming from you two, or if by some awful miracle you're still upset at each other, I will kill you both." Fergal and Pam both fought the urge to giggle a little, Mercedes mad was so full of passion and energy, that they almost couldn't take her seriously..But, they did. Mercedes began to make her way towards the door, where she looked Pam over and she felt her eyebrows dip to the side, instantly Pam knew what to do. She wrapped her arms tightly around Mercedes' body in a much needed hug, and Mercedes did the exact same. This was the breaking point for Fergal and Pam. Seeing someone who cared about both of them so much..Literally torn apart from this felt like a married couple getting a divorce with an only child to watch the train wreck happen. "Please sort this out.." Mercedes whispered into Pam's ear. That broke Pam's little heart at this point, she whispered back, "I promise, sweetheart." Mercedes broke the hug and sniffled before quickly leaving the room, shutting the door promptly behind her.

That whole..encounter took an unexpected turn. Neither Fergal or Pam knew what to feel about it, they both just wanted this quarrel to end. And end immediately. A thought dawned on Fergal that put the fear of god into him; if Lexi knew about this whole thing like Mercedes does? Oh lord, that would be the end of the world, Lexi would be so angry with him for holding onto this for so long, and she would also be enraged at Pam for forgetting about her man like that. "C'mere and sit, please.." Fergal had to speak first, Pam was too frightened by him to do it. After he did; Pam slowly approached him and sat down on the little bench where Mercedes had just been. It was an awkward moment for both of them, the tension was unbelievably thick and the steps towards fixing this seemed like giant leaps at this point. Pam looked over at Fergal who sat there, with his elbows dug into his knees deep..She knew him better than anyone at this point, seeing the amount of built up tension and pressure in his face, and how tight his shoulders looked..He was so stressed out she wasn't sure if he would lash out on her at a moment's notice. "Mercedes is right..Since you are here..Why don't you tell me why I didn't hear from you that night.."

Of course that would be the first thing that he asked her. She had a week to try and justify the fact that she had friends over and that she legitimately lost track of time. She marked out as a fan for him when he debuted, and won. But for some reason she just..forgot to call. Or text. "To be honest with you, babe..I just..I got distracted by Matt and Gionna. They had insisted on coming over to try and make me feel better about being away from you. It worked, a-a little too well.." Pam's voice cracked and she was filled with an unexplainable nervous energy. Fergal noticed it, for he knew her better than anyone ever has. So when it came to her being petrified, he knew when it happened, and he figured out quickly exactly why it was happening..Attempting to get her to just relax, Fergal scooted closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, they were so tense, and uptight. He pulled her a little closer and in that moment, Pam leaned her head into his chest quickly to hide her fear of him. Fergal felt awful, what the hell had happened to this poor woman in the past to make her so frightened of fighting..What happened to make her think that he would do something to actually hurt her..His mind raced, but he remained okay with everything. Controlling his heart was something he mastered a long time ago. "Shh, relax Pamela..I'm right here. Okay? Ain't goin' nowhere anytime soon. Breathe..through your cute nose, and out your cute mouth.." He tried to get her to smile a little and realize that he was actually calm about it. The real reason that he got over it immediately was when he felt her heartbeat, it was pounding almost out of her chest at this point and that was entirely not okay. Even though he was mad at her, seeing her petrified like a battered wife was something that he didn't expect from someone who was so independent and so strong. Pam giggled once at his comment as she attempted to calm her breathing down, working on that heart rate.

"I'm so sorry I didn't call Ferg..I don't know why I'm such an awful person..b-but I can make it up to you..I-I promise I can..Please don't go..Just..just let me make it up to you, okay? Please? Can you do that for me? I-I know I can do better and I know what I didn't do was so wrong and I am so..SO sorry I ruined your huge night.." Pam's hand was now squeezing his thicker thigh in an effort to get her composure back to her. Fergal didn't like her fear, why didn't Mercedes tell him that she was frightened of fighting, these two went way back..Literally to their try out matches in NXT, it was against each other. He had no idea that a fight would put her on the; flinching at every action, and shivering, level of fear. "You don't need to do anythin' to make me feel better. Nothing more than where you are right now, Pam. You're here with me. Now, that to me? Is all that matters." It stung a little to admit defeat about his little problem with her. But at the end of the day? This was the woman he loved more than life itself..Quite literally too. He softly ran his finger up and down her arm as her grip on his thigh loosened just a little more and she began to feel herself relaxing more. Her shoulders dropped down a bit, and she raised her head up, fear still was entirely in her eyes as she locked her brown tiny eyes onto Fergal's deep, powerful eyes. It was a moment that seemed to last for an eternity, but in that eternity, they both realized what was important to them, more than anything else, each other. Pam leaned up and planted a sad, weak little kiss on his lips, "I love y-you." He responded with getting off the bench and resting his head in her lap. Pam thought this was the cutest thing he's ever done in the history of..ever. He looked up for a moment to respond, "I love you too, Pam.." his head dropped back down into her lap. The door creaked open just a tad, Mercedes peaked into the locker room as quiet as she possibly could; as soon as she locked eyes with Pam who had the happiest look on her face, Mercedes gave her a smile and nodded her head before slowly closing the door. 

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