The Promo

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The..heat from that exchange was still lingering around the entire locker room. Of course now it seemed all well. Mercedes and Saraya made up and life was apparently going to go back in a good way. Well, for everyone except Saraya who was left to suffer with nothing and no one. April has been since moved on to bigger and better things, and Colby was just a one night stand. There was so much drama and bullshit going on backstage it was amazing to think that in just twenty minutes Pam would have to go back out there to finish the show off. There was no way on this earth or any other planet ever that she would be able to entirely forget what the heck had just happened..No way. Especially due to the fact that she would have to stare right across the ring at Colby who would undoubtedly just slander her and insult her to no end. Legitimately making her feel like a pile of dog shit..Fergal and Pam were waiting now, the words that they used to such efficiency were all gone at this point, there wasn't a whole lot Fergal could do to make her not feel like crap. And Pam knew this, she just looked at him occasionally, admiring his rather perfectly sculpted face, blushing and smiling on the inside at it. "What is it? What's got you all smiley.." Fergal asked, a rather curious pitch hitting his voice. Pam finally let out a little giggle and shrugged, "Oh really are a handsome dude.." She giggled and Fergal nonchalantly brushed the side of his shoulder. "I mean.." He looked over at Pam again, who was now blushing at his own goofy nature. "You are though babe, don't try and be all coy with me." She smirked playfully and bit down on the inside of her cheek gently. "Well I used to think you were the one who brought good looks to this relationship..But hey. I'm glad to help out." Fergal was being coy, and Pam knew it..She loved his little attitude though, sometimes of course. Other times she just wanted to punch him in the butt for not being serious, or romantic. But at the end of the day, Pam loved the hell out of this man, there wasn't a whole lot he could do to change that fact, and there was honestly nothing that she wouldn't do, or sacrifice for him and their relationship. Just..looking at him reminded her how lucky she was to have him.

Pam got the text from Paul immediately after beginning to feel good about herself that she was going to be going out there to finish the show up. She was..not too keen on that to be honest, she just wanted to sit in the locker room and enjoy time with her man. Nothing too complicated and nothing too hard to get. But work was work, she had to do it and there was no getting around it. She got up and so did Fergal, he gave her one final kiss, "Good luck princess. You'll do great, and remember that this WILL pay off..I promise." She smiled and felt a little better, but remembering where the story was going definitely weighed on her mind and heart. "Thank you baby. I'll be back. Watch me on the TV though." He giggled and nodded, as she walked away Fergal gently swatted her butt as she walked, squealing and turning her head, Pam blushed. "I love you." "I love you too babe." Pam left reluctantly, and Fergal walked back over to the bench and sat right down. Fergal then grabbed his phone and looked through it quickly. He was already bored and nervous about Pam's show closing segment..So what was his idea? He loaded FaceTime and called Rebecca. This was his best idea for getting rid of some stress, besides..He definitely was still worried about the poor little Lass. I mean the traumatic bullshit that happened barely a week ago..Actually, less than a week. Goodness how time is trying to fly by for him. Nothing like the comfort of an old friend and also one of his closest in order to make him feel better about what crazy shit is about to go down right in front of him.

Rebecca certainly took her sweet ass time to answer him. Maybe this was a bad time..Fergal felt immediately guilty about wasting her time like this. For some reason he had a hard time believing that people actually liked his company, he felt as if there was no need for him to be there, or to be around other people. Maybe it was because was unable to help those close to his heart at times..But it felt awful, it felt like his chest was being ripped open and his insides were being carved out. It happened with Rebecca recently, the event that happened was horrid, and Fergal felt somewhat personally responsible for it happening. Even though in reality, he didn't do a damn thing to cause that. "Ello? Ferg?" Rebecca answered the FaceTime request and Fergal immediately was caught off guard. "Hey Becks..What's goin' on?" The two had major history, even to the point where it was almost considered a serious..thing. If you catch my drift. "Not much, just finished fightin' with this tin of pineapples. You've got no idea how embarrassing that really was for me.." She giggled and he did too. "A tin opener? Or the tin itself?" She shook her head, "I couldn't get the freakin' thing open! Took me like twenty freakin' minutes!" She laughed at herself now, completely feeling like a fool now. Fergal smiled, "Hey turn the telly on. Pam is gonna be on with Colby and she's mighty nervous.." Rebecca scurried, "Shoot that's tonight? Gosh I can't even keep track of the days anymore.." She turned it on just in time to see Pam cutting her promo. "So you see. I don't really care if Seth tries to attack me, I wish he would Cause, not only can I take him head on. But I know someone else who can do all that AND more." The crowd buzzed just a little bit, they knew what she was referring to, the occasional 'Ohhhh!!!' After she hurled the insult towards Colby was also making its way around the arena. And almost on queue, Colby's music hit and here he comes. Pam felt her heart sink..Colby was one of the best improved talkers in the business, before he was kind of bad. Like kind of REALLY bad, constantly making mistakes and getting things backwards..But since his return from injury Colby has ramped up the talking game to eleven. He got in the ring and it was a mixture of cheers and boos for the one time biggest heel in the company.

Colby took his time, he paced a bit and looked Pam up and down, "So you mean to tell me that, that YOU think you can take me in a fight." He waited for her to have an answer, this was one of the few times that the Superstars weren't given a script, they were told to go out there and prove why they deserve this much time as they were about to get. "Well. I have way more heart than-" Colby interrupted her, "Cause from where I'm standing, you couldn't fight a cold. You couldn't wrestle yourself out of a wet paper bag..What I'm getting at, is you aren't even CLOSE to being in my league so why the HELL would I even entertain the idea of kicking your ass?" That was a shot, of course it wasn't true, Pam was one of the best wrestlers in the company. The only thing that she lacked and her confidence was low on was her speaking. Her promos were always very vague, and they felt like they lacked a lot of heart to say the least. Pam's face was visibly red, her cheeks flared up and her eyes had that frightened look in them. Colby knew he struck a nerve, one that was going to make her feel absolutely horrible. Fergal and Rebecca grew silent, and their eyes dilated in frustration. They knew that Pam had no idea what to say next..Colby really caught her off guard. Pam felt like she was going to cry. She felt absolutely awful on the inside. All she could feel was this..bubbling anger, and resentment that she had been cooking up for months, and months and months....She lifted her head up, and was about to let her anger do the talking..

"You know something Seth.." Pam began to feel it, this warm..borderline burning feeling was consuming her from her feet up. Right through her calves, and knees..Her tummy..and eventually peaking in her heart. Fergal had a bad feeling about this.."Uh oh.." He whispered as Rebecca saw it too.."Oh no.." she whispered back. Pam opened her mouth again. "You probably are right. I probably am just a weak little thing that really doesn't deserve to share the ring with the mighty Seth Rollins..ah yes, the mighty Seth Rollins. Who for almost a year couldn't win a match without being helped by three to four people, the mighty Seth Rollins who only won his title by means of a bootleg little exploit in the WWE system. The mighty Seth Rollins who had to injure Finn Bálor in a weak, pathetic attempt to win the first EVER WWE Universal Championship. Oh let's check the facts here all powerful one. YOU. LOST. You lost to an injured man, you lost your little stake in the Authority after that. You see how Stephanie looks at you? God only knows how much she can't stand the sight of your goofy, smug little face. I know I can't. And soon enough, I won't have to look at you anymore..Someone is coming, someone much more powerful and unstoppable that you could EVER even imagine. Just wait Seth." The magic that was happening as she spoke could almost be felt, it was incredible to see Pam literally crack out of her shell. Fergal and Rebecca were in utter shock right now, they had no idea that their little cute Pam had this much anger inside of her. This dark side to Pam, the huggable little Pam. Good god. After Pam took a moment to catch her breath, the lights darkened and red lights now flickered. The teasing sound of Fergal's Demon song..Heartbeat, after slow heartbeat..And Colby feeding into it perfectly, "No. He is NOT here. He ISN'T!!" Colby was making himself seem as helpless as possible and the backward, distorted voice echoed throughout the thunderous arena. Fergal felt himself get goosebumps at the sound...They really missed him didn't they? Rebecca took this time to remind him, "Hey..Ferg. Remember this one lad. These are YOUR people. They want you.." She was so incredibly proud of her mentor, there was nothing good in life that Fergal didn't deserve. He was the hardest worker, as well as the nicest person. Fergal looked over at his phone now, shaking his head. "I can't believe they even remember my name.." After the teasing stopped, Colby was left in the ring alone, Pam had to run as fast as she could out of the ring and into the backstage area.

That was an absolutely incredible segment, with both Colby and Pam playing into the returning storm that is Fergal perfectly. Pam didn't bother waiting with the other people backstage, she instead ran right away from them, her heart was pounding from how she felt, the tightening of her heart was so..well, tight. Almost like a vice. Fergal opened the door to see Pam running, "Becks, I'll call you back." "Okay, good luck, and bye buddy." She hung up and Fergal slid his phone into his pocket. "Pam!" She stopped and turned around. Luckily she wasn't too far down the hall. Fergal scampered over to her and embraced her in a giant hug. "That was amazing baby girl. I'm so freaking proud of you." Pam had to breathe slowly, and at a nice pace. She looked up at him after a second or two, still trying to calm herself. "Y-yea?" He nodded, "Oh hell yea. Everybody in that arena was eating it up!!" Pam saw someone approaching Fergal from behind, she took a moment to actually try and make out who it was, the air caused her to blink quite a few times..He looked really familiar. A big, stocky older man. Wasn't Paul..There was no way, Paul was younger and more tan looking. Holy shit. That couldn't be the big guy in charge..could it?

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